11/11/2023 12:45 PM 


Name: Mei-ling Giullis
Age: 21
Race: Human
​​​​Height: 5'1
Status: Widowed
​​​Occupation: Lady in waiting for Queen Cassandra
Powers: Nature Channeling, Chi Manipulation  (can make her powerless, if desired)

It was believed to be fate that brought Mei-ling to her beloved Elven husband. While it was not common for Elves to marry humans, Mei-ling lived among them after they were married. Life with her husband, although short lived, was wonderful. Mei-ling loved living among the Elves. At least his particular kind. They were loving of all things. It took time for them to adjust to her living with them but they came to accept her quickly.
After a few years of marriage, and having miscarried one child, they were soon to have another. But tragedy struck the small, happy family. The Elven island was attack by beasts. Her husband was one of the casualties from that day.
While Mei-ling was still welcomed among the Elves, she decided it would be better to rejoin her people. Through old connections, and Queen Cassandra's kindness, Mei-ling was able to become a lady in waiting. (Can change the lady in waiting part, if desired.)

11/11/2023 12:44 PM 

Serena Brimsey

Name: Princess Serena Brimsey
Age: 21
Height: 5'4
Race: Elementalist (Wind)

It wasn't known why Serena was born with the element of wind. It was a well kept secret. No one, aside from her parents, knew what she truly was. Anyone who found this out was immediately killed in order to keep the family secret and their royal position.

Their kingdom was small but prosperous due to their crops and livestock. They often traded with other kingdoms. But there came a time when Serena must marry for the sake of their kingdom. Her mother was unable to have more children which meant a suitor would be found for her. But Serena was stubborn. She was a strong willed, although spoiled, woman. She did not want to submit to a man for the sake of 'duty'. She wanted love, true love, which was a rare find for any royal or noble person.

11/11/2023 12:43 PM 


Name: Michiru Imada
Age: 19
Height: 5'1
Race: Human

After losing her family some years ago, Michiru found a new home near the palace, where she learned to grow flowers and make beautiful arrangements for the royal family. Her life was not extraordinary but she was content. Michiru was kind and made friends easily among those around her so it came as quite a surprise when everyone learned that she tried to assassinate the royal family, or so they believed. She was immediately sentenced to death but luck was on her side. She would not meet her fate for several more days, which gave her plenty of time to try and find freedom.

11/11/2023 12:43 PM 

Aya and Lanora

Name: Aya Bell / Lanora

Age: 16 / 26
​​​Height: 4'11 / 5'6
Race: Neko / Mage
Despite being a neko, Aya was not born or raised in captivity. Her servitude did not start until she was a child. Her village was raided due to orders from the enemy king. Amidst the chaos, Aya managed to escape. Her parents, among others, were lost in the raid. 
Thankfully, Aya didn't need to survive on her own for too much longer. An older man found her. He was kind and took her in as his own daughter. He was a traveling mage who held no loyalty to any kingdom. He simply enjoyed having little adventures on his own.
Aya met Lanora through her adoptive father. The woman was a close friend to the older man and became a sort of motherly figure to her. When the man passed due to his age and health, Lanora willingly took her in. She was then taught magic but only through use of special items.
Like with her father, the pair traveled the land. Occasionally they helped people along the way but Lanora was more interested in searching for ancient books and magical items.


11/11/2023 12:42 PM 


Name: Lily

Age: ?
Height: 5’
Race: Qilin or Mother Nature
Abilities: Air walking, blessing inducement, enhanced condition, esoteric flame manipulation, guardianship, luck bestowal, morality viewing, peace empowerment, serenity inducement, water walking, flight, shapeshifting

11/11/2023 12:41 PM 

Yumisa and Kinuko

Name: Yumisa Fukada

Age: 19
Height: 5’
Race: Human
Family: Kinuko Fukuda (cousin)
Yumisa was always close to her uncle and cousin. Mostly because her father and uncle were always close despite their differences. Her father lived outside of the village where he could plant rice fields. Her uncle had a bit better of a career by being a traveling artist. Rumor had it that he also tattooed certain people, for the right price. Kinuko also learned all of his skills but she never knew it until weeks after they were captured.
Both she and her cousin lost everything that day, including their parents. She learned how weak their village really was. Men who were slightly above average fighters with no military training, were able to slaughter nearly an entire population. Then one day they were attacked again. Yumisa was still young enough to foolishly believe they were being saved. She had to learn the hard way that wasn’t the case. They were held captive by someone she could decide if he was worse than the previous man. To her cousin, he appeared to treat her fairly. At first the same was said of Yumisa but over time she didn’t belong to just him. She was often used to satisfy the needs of his army, which was far too much for one woman. Her hopes for being rescued were long gone now. No man would want a woman who was used by not one man, but many.


Name: Kinuko Fukuda

Age: 18

Height: 5’2

Race: Human

Family: Yumisa Fukuda (cousin)


In these times it was not uncommon for there to be war. Powerful men fought for more territory, wealth, and power. Even those who were not above others took it among themselves to assert control over others. This was what happened to Kinuko’s village. A group of men attacked her village, killing many and taking any survivors they deemed worthy as prisoners. However, someone with more authority heard about this attack and took the opportunity to take everything for themselves. Kinuko and her cousin, Yumisa, were taken as prisoners only to become consorts to the army’s leader. Though Kinuko was a bit lucky. She was an artist who was also skilled in the art of tattooing. She was treated better than her cousin because of this.

11/11/2023 12:40 PM 


Name: Iramaz

Age: 157
Race: Demonic Witch
Height: 5ft
Region: South
Occupation: Queen Cassandra's Personal Guard
Powers: Supernatural condition, apathy, semi immortality, demonic element manipulation, demonic force manipulation, invisibility, pain inducement, mental manipulation, needle projection, portal creation, dark magic, demon magic, prehensile tongue (before it was cut out)
Iramez was taken in by the Nageen family many years ago during a civil war. She was wounded during that time, having her tongue forcibly removed. This hindered her powers greatly as her voice was needed for many of her powerful spells.
She faithfully served the Nageena family for many years. Once Cassandra was married she was given a choice to come with her and serve as her personal body guard. Iramez agreed without hesitation. She was not too fond of the Nageena family to begin with.

11/11/2023 12:40 PM 

Jia Shi

Name: Jia Shi

Age: 19
Height: 5'1
Race: Human
Status: Emperor's concubine
With an arranged marriage well on its way, Jia managed to find love before it was too late. The couple wed without their family's knowledge. Only once their marriage had been consummated did Jia introduce her husband to her family. Unfortunately, things would not work out as she had hoped. 
Her family informed her that the Emperor had taken an interest in her. She was to be one of his concubines. Doing so would keep her family well taken care of. However, that meant her marriage would need to end before the emperor would find out. If he learned of her marriage he would never accept her or her family.
While many women would be happy to bed the emperor, Jia was miserable every day of her life. She had been shown what love felt like and now it was something she would never have again. The emperor did not love anyone. He was a selfish man who happily used women for his pleasure. Among the others, Jia became his favorite. She was considered a rare and exceptional beauty. Because of this, she was chosen to join the Emperor while he traveled. She was often a subject of conversation. Though everyone didn't seem to notice, or perhaps not care, how sad she really felt. 

11/11/2023 12:39 PM 


Name: ?
Nickname: Oracle
Race: Human/Fairy
Class: Oracle

Age: ?
Height: 5ft
Fairy Height: 6 inches
Likes: Flowers, nature, things that sparkle, flickering lights
​​​​Dislikes: The cold, loneliness, dampness, moss, slimey things
Born between human and fairy parents this young woman was gifted with the powers of a fairy while maintaining human form. It is said she is a human with the soul of a fairy.
Nearing adulthood she was chosen to become an oracle. She was kept out of sight from her family and town's people. Until one day someone managed to snatch her away. The powers she possessed they wanted for themselves. She became their precious slave before word spread about her.
A powerful witch cursed her, binding her to a crystal ball. There she stayed using her gifts and knowledge to help whoever the user was, which tended to be a master until they passed away or she was stolen from them.
Fairy dust manipulation -
User can create, generate, shape and manipulate fairy dust, which is usually generated by fairies or their dwelling places. Fairy dust is known to be magical and has various useful properties.
Magic sense -
Nature channeling -
An ability used by most Faeries that allows them to project and manipulate mystical, arcane energy. The ability can easily harm any human within close range. A Fae with this ability can channel nature through their body and project it in a concentrated and powerful blast of light which seems to manifest as magical energy or a kinetic force, throwing or repelling objects a considerable distance. This power has been displayed to contain mysterious supernatural effects, such as breaking illusion and reversing/removing spells. Nature channeling is also the core feature of Fae magic and can be used for a number of purposes other than offensive blasts.
Wing manifestation -
User has or is able to manifest wings that grow or are attached to the body allowing flight. They may also protect from rear attacks or detach and re-grow for quick getaways.

Aura perception -
The user can perceive auras, normally invisible fields of energy that surround every living thing, this can be used to sense emotions, health, power levels, or the targets moral alignment. They may also be able to sense auras surrounding inanimate objects under special circumstances.
Clairvoyance -
The user can gain a direct visual information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes and allows them to hear things at distances. User can sense/see/hear spiritual/psychic beings and other person's presence and perceive emotions, thoughts and memories of others. Some users can project themselves onto the spiritual world.
Prophetic speech
(mostly done unknowingly)


11/11/2023 12:39 PM 

Laila Palmer

Name: Laila Haven Palmer
Nickname: Haven
Age: 16
Height: 5 feet
Race: Human

Times were hard not only for Haven, but for everyone in the country. The fight for territory made a good life nearly impossible. Though some people found a way to survive. Haven's father was a pig farmer, as well as the local drunk. Her mother did nothing but complain about their lack of money and extravagant lifestyle. Haven was certain her mother was partly to blame. On more than one occasion she caught her keeping money to herself rather than paying for the things they needed.

Because of this, mixed with her alcoholic father and good for nothing brother, Haven was forced to find work at the local tavern. It wasn't much but it helped to keep bread on the table. The work was honest, although dangerous at times. But people quickly learned that Haven was not some whore of a wench who would sleep with anyone that wanted to. She was a respectable girl who was trying to survive with her dignity in tact.

That would all change very quickly after her father announced he had found a suitor willing to take her hand in marriage. The money the man was willing to pay would be enough for her family to keep their home.

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