11/11/2023 12:43 PM 

Aya and Lanora

Name: Aya Bell / Lanora

Age: 16 / 26
​​​Height: 4'11 / 5'6
Race: Neko / Mage
Despite being a neko, Aya was not born or raised in captivity. Her servitude did not start until she was a child. Her village was raided due to orders from the enemy king. Amidst the chaos, Aya managed to escape. Her parents, among others, were lost in the raid. 
Thankfully, Aya didn't need to survive on her own for too much longer. An older man found her. He was kind and took her in as his own daughter. He was a traveling mage who held no loyalty to any kingdom. He simply enjoyed having little adventures on his own.
Aya met Lanora through her adoptive father. The woman was a close friend to the older man and became a sort of motherly figure to her. When the man passed due to his age and health, Lanora willingly took her in. She was then taught magic but only through use of special items.
Like with her father, the pair traveled the land. Occasionally they helped people along the way but Lanora was more interested in searching for ancient books and magical items.


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