11/11/2023 12:40 PM 

Jia Shi

Name: Jia Shi

Age: 19
Height: 5'1
Race: Human
Status: Emperor's concubine
With an arranged marriage well on its way, Jia managed to find love before it was too late. The couple wed without their family's knowledge. Only once their marriage had been consummated did Jia introduce her husband to her family. Unfortunately, things would not work out as she had hoped. 
Her family informed her that the Emperor had taken an interest in her. She was to be one of his concubines. Doing so would keep her family well taken care of. However, that meant her marriage would need to end before the emperor would find out. If he learned of her marriage he would never accept her or her family.
While many women would be happy to bed the emperor, Jia was miserable every day of her life. She had been shown what love felt like and now it was something she would never have again. The emperor did not love anyone. He was a selfish man who happily used women for his pleasure. Among the others, Jia became his favorite. She was considered a rare and exceptional beauty. Because of this, she was chosen to join the Emperor while he traveled. She was often a subject of conversation. Though everyone didn't seem to notice, or perhaps not care, how sad she really felt. 

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