11/11/2023 12:39 PM 

Laila Palmer

Name: Laila Haven Palmer
Nickname: Haven
Age: 16
Height: 5 feet
Race: Human

Times were hard not only for Haven, but for everyone in the country. The fight for territory made a good life nearly impossible. Though some people found a way to survive. Haven's father was a pig farmer, as well as the local drunk. Her mother did nothing but complain about their lack of money and extravagant lifestyle. Haven was certain her mother was partly to blame. On more than one occasion she caught her keeping money to herself rather than paying for the things they needed.

Because of this, mixed with her alcoholic father and good for nothing brother, Haven was forced to find work at the local tavern. It wasn't much but it helped to keep bread on the table. The work was honest, although dangerous at times. But people quickly learned that Haven was not some whore of a wench who would sleep with anyone that wanted to. She was a respectable girl who was trying to survive with her dignity in tact.

That would all change very quickly after her father announced he had found a suitor willing to take her hand in marriage. The money the man was willing to pay would be enough for her family to keep their home.

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