11/11/2023 07:33 PM 

Skye Ryder

(Setting: Medieval/Feudal-Fantasy, Modern-Fantasy)

Name: Skye Gale Ryder
Age: ?
Height: 5'1
Race: Human
Orientation: Bisexual
Powers: Lunar manipulation, crystal manipulation

Long ago, when the world was still small and new, Skye was part of a family that everyone feared. Their numbers were great but their powers were greater. They were known as Ryders for their ability to tame and ride dragons. These giant creatures were used in their gain to world domination. The world burned and people suffered. Many lives were lost at the hands of the Ryders. But one day a group of people rose up against them. These people had their own unique abilities.   After many years of battling, the Ryder's numbers dwindled to almost nothing. However, that wouldn't be the end of Skye. Like some of her fellow comrades, a curse was placed upon her. She would no longer age or be able to die until she atoned for her sins.   To help encourage her to right the wrongs she committed, Skye was cursed to see into the spirit world. Every soul she murdered and that of others she could see and hear. Most were grotesque beings that would give her nightmares. Hence why she chose to wear the blindfold. 

11/11/2023 04:13 PM 


Name: Sakurai
Given name:
Age: 20
Height: 5'3
Status: Owned
Race: Aezai
Powers: Supernatural condition, weapon transformation, weapon calling, enhanced weaponry, enhanced combat/martial arts, enhanced swordsmanship, weapon summoning (only for a Master), weapon proficiency, weapon manipulation
Given powers: Fire manipulation, Chainsword


The Aezai is nothing more than a weaponized race used in any way their Master sees fit. Aezai are hand picked by their Master’s at any age. A ceremony is typically performed to solidify their bond. A collar and symbol appears on the Aezai’s body to signify that they are currently owned. Then the Master will give them a new name. Nothing can break this bond except the death of their Master or when the Master desires their release. A bond between a Master and their Aezai is strong. Aezai are fiercely loyal to their Master’s no matter if they are good or evil. Aezai become whatever their Master needs, whether that is a friend, lover, protector. Although Aezai can become lovers they are never used to carry children. To keep the race thriving they are often forced to breed with another of their kind. In this regard, they are treated like animals. When it comes to bearing children, they have no say in the matter as long as they have a Master.


Amano was happily owned and served as everything to her Master. She was his friend, lover, and protector. They traveled the world and did what they could to help others. That is until they were up against a force they couldn’t win. Her Master was taken and Amano couldn’t save him. She was given the orders to flee to prevent her from being captured too. Now she’s on a mission to find her Master and save him before it’s too late.

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