11/11/2023 12:44 PM 

Serena Brimsey

Name: Princess Serena Brimsey
Age: 21
Height: 5'4
Race: Elementalist (Wind)

It wasn't known why Serena was born with the element of wind. It was a well kept secret. No one, aside from her parents, knew what she truly was. Anyone who found this out was immediately killed in order to keep the family secret and their royal position.

Their kingdom was small but prosperous due to their crops and livestock. They often traded with other kingdoms. But there came a time when Serena must marry for the sake of their kingdom. Her mother was unable to have more children which meant a suitor would be found for her. But Serena was stubborn. She was a strong willed, although spoiled, woman. She did not want to submit to a man for the sake of 'duty'. She wanted love, true love, which was a rare find for any royal or noble person.

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