11/11/2023 12:39 PM 


Name: ?
Nickname: Oracle
Race: Human/Fairy
Class: Oracle

Age: ?
Height: 5ft
Fairy Height: 6 inches
Likes: Flowers, nature, things that sparkle, flickering lights
​​​​Dislikes: The cold, loneliness, dampness, moss, slimey things
Born between human and fairy parents this young woman was gifted with the powers of a fairy while maintaining human form. It is said she is a human with the soul of a fairy.
Nearing adulthood she was chosen to become an oracle. She was kept out of sight from her family and town's people. Until one day someone managed to snatch her away. The powers she possessed they wanted for themselves. She became their precious slave before word spread about her.
A powerful witch cursed her, binding her to a crystal ball. There she stayed using her gifts and knowledge to help whoever the user was, which tended to be a master until they passed away or she was stolen from them.
Fairy dust manipulation -
User can create, generate, shape and manipulate fairy dust, which is usually generated by fairies or their dwelling places. Fairy dust is known to be magical and has various useful properties.
Magic sense -
Nature channeling -
An ability used by most Faeries that allows them to project and manipulate mystical, arcane energy. The ability can easily harm any human within close range. A Fae with this ability can channel nature through their body and project it in a concentrated and powerful blast of light which seems to manifest as magical energy or a kinetic force, throwing or repelling objects a considerable distance. This power has been displayed to contain mysterious supernatural effects, such as breaking illusion and reversing/removing spells. Nature channeling is also the core feature of Fae magic and can be used for a number of purposes other than offensive blasts.
Wing manifestation -
User has or is able to manifest wings that grow or are attached to the body allowing flight. They may also protect from rear attacks or detach and re-grow for quick getaways.

Aura perception -
The user can perceive auras, normally invisible fields of energy that surround every living thing, this can be used to sense emotions, health, power levels, or the targets moral alignment. They may also be able to sense auras surrounding inanimate objects under special circumstances.
Clairvoyance -
The user can gain a direct visual information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes and allows them to hear things at distances. User can sense/see/hear spiritual/psychic beings and other person's presence and perceive emotions, thoughts and memories of others. Some users can project themselves onto the spiritual world.
Prophetic speech
(mostly done unknowingly)


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