08/08/2013 10:05 PM 

Nisashi Hanzo: The Primera Espada

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Name: Nisashi Hanzo

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 250lb

Classification: Espada

Rank: Primera (One)

Origin: Unknown

Appearance: Dressed in a black samurai robe, unlike the other Espada, Hanzo carries his Zanpakto on his back and wears a bandanna over his iron-grey hair. His like-colored pupils and hard jaw make him appear to bbe quite evil indeed, not to mention his imposing presence. All in all, Hanzo looks like a ronin. His hole is located where his adam's apple would be and he has the number 1 tattooed on his left shoulder


Name: Kaosu

Shikai Activation Phrase: "Decimate... Kaosu!"

Zanpakto Appearance: A two foot long black blade, similar to a small claymore, wioth a red handle encrusted with black crystals of unknown origins.

Kaosu's Appearance: Kaosu's spiritual form is 6'9" tall, with dark skin, white fluffy hair and crimson pupils. He wears a white robe, with his claymore-like sword carried over his back.

Shikai Appearance: The blade splits into three, with the middle blade turning white and the back black remaining ebony with dark green energy pulsing through it. Hanzo uses all three in unison to unleash devastating attacks based upon Light, Darkness and Chaos.

Hikari no Ha
[Blade of Light]

This white sword can generate immense flashes of light able to blind most enemies, in addition to being able to move at lightspeed and capable or creating physical 'light' that moves so fast that the impact can cut through spiritual energy.

Kage no Ha
[Blade of Shadow]

This ebony blade can shroud the area in darkness as well as create tangible 'shadows' that taint the world around it, decaying what it touches and even causing those who come in contact with it to deal with an incomplete hollowfication process that often ends in death, depending on the victim's will.

Kaosu no Ha
[Blade of Chaos]

This sword glows with the green-black energy of 'Chaos' : The combination of both Light and Dark Spiritual Pressure, Chaos Energy can shatter other energies with it's immense power and even allow one to contact the intangible. The blade grows in power the more that death, confusion and destruction surround it.


Tsu Yashin Ha
[Three Ambitious Blades]

The blades combine again into one and Hanzo's feet, knees, pelvis, chest, shoulders, elbows, hands and jaw become coated in a black bone-like armor. He now sprouts the blades from the black bone armor, and can combine light, dark and chaos energy to double or triple his attack power and speed, adding new effects to his attacks due to the combination of such powers.

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07/22/2013 09:24 PM 

The Six Sacred Swords

Shikkusu Jiin Ken
The Six Sacred Swords

Long ago, there was a belief in Ancient Egypt that the Gods themselves had come to rule over them.They were, in actuality, a group of Sorcerers that had gained powers similar to the legends of the Egyptian Gods and traveled there after finding each other to take what seemed to be theirs.

Becoming Divine and Arcane Pharoahs, they quickly built Egypt into a thriving country. Their names were Ra, Osiris, Hathor(Sekhmet), Isis, Ma'at and Amun. They took names from the Egyptian religion based upon their powers. Ra was a Divine Sorcerer, and said to be the strongest of the six. Knowing the true name of an ancient power that he embodied, known only as the 'Power of the Phoenix'. Osiris, an Arcane Sorcerer and a deadly being indeed.Hathor was a Twilight Sorcerer, having two powers and being known as the only Neutral Pharaoh among them. Isis, a Divine Sorcerer who was known as the wisest of them. Ma'at was a Divine Sorcerer who had a strong sense of Justice. Amun was a Divine Creationist, a rare power that was similar to one of the Arcane Sorcerers who would eventually ruin the world. Together, they forged an Empire out of Egypt, each of them forging a 'Sacred Sword' out of their own powers as a scepter. 

But the others were jealous of Ra's power. They conspired to overthrow him and take his sword, said to have the same power as he did. Isis convinced Amun to create a venomous snake, and Osiris and Hathor led him into the trap that left him in critical condition.Ma'at was unknowing of this plot.

Isis told Ra to tell her of his power's name, so that she could heal him. Sensing their plot, Ra and Ma'at took up arms against them, causing a massive battle that ended with Ra using his true power to kill them all and take a large chunk of Egypt with them, leaving ruins behind which were said to house the Six Sacred Blades.

For over a thousand years the ruins remained untouched, now hidden in The Ancient Ruins. It was said that the true heir to Ra's power, his direct descendant, would one day uncover the six ancient weapons and use them to fulfill their destiny as the rightful Pharaoh of the land. These blades will not activate but for the rightful owner. They all seem to be now linked by Ra's true name, which was the secret to unleashing their full power. Each sword held it's own regenerating mana supply, able to recover after exhausting it's use without the user feeding their own energies into them.


San no Kagayaku Farukon Ken
The Gleaming Falcon Sword of Sun


Ra,Egyptian God of the Sun


The hilt was six inches long and golden, as was the fourteen inch blade. At the bottom of the hilt ラー was carved into the golden cap, meaning 'Rā' or 'Ra'.


The owner of this blade gained the power that the ancient Pharaohs claimed to belong to Ra, God of the Sun and the most powerful God of all. Able to control and manipulate heat with the golden blade, It both protected the user and their attire/weapons from any form of heat or cold. Able to generate fire of varying degrees and absorb heat and flame itself,this sword was feared for it's power. Those who knew the 'True Name' of Ra, the man who claimed to be a God could access it's full potential and even emit heat close to the sun's, in addition to nearly doubling the energy it could generate. It fed off of sunlight.


Shi no Yami Bereido
The Dark Blade of Death


Osiris, Egyptian God of the Dead


The hilt was seven inches long and obsidian in color,as was the sixteen inch blade. At the bottom of the hilt オシリス was carved in small kanji, meaning 'Oshirisu' or 'Osiris.


This blade held the power of 'Death' , able to infect that which it struck with plague and disease, also able to create venom of varying degrees or give what it slashed the icy burn of death, freezing the struck target to leave it immobile. Osiris was said to have used this sword to engulf his surrounding area with poison, a deadly technique which could be used if one can tap the full power of his sword, unlocked by knowing Ra's true name. Night and poison can recover this blade's energy.


Nakidori no Ginken
Silver Sword of The Songbird


Hathor/Sekhmet, Egyptian God of Music/Destruction


This hilt was four inches and silver, as was the twelve inch blade itself. On the bottom of the hilt ミット was carved in kanji, meaning 'Mitto' or 'Sekhmet'.


This blade hummed when activated, this small sound able to be 'detonated' to cause all the sound waves touch but for the user to explode in varying degrees depending on the volume of the sound made. What it cut could be shattered with sound waves with a single slash, only able to be used by one who knew Ra's true name.The sword's energies recovered from any noise besides it's own.


Jiin Majutsu no Ken
The Sword of Sacred Sorcery


Isis,Egyptian God of Magic


This sword's hilt and blade were ruby red, the former six inches and the latter fourteen. On the bottom of the hilt イシス was carved in kanji, meaning 'Ishisu' or 'Isis'.


This blade was able to heal anything from small wounds to life-threatening ones, also able to absorb heat and fire for later use and to recover energy to heal. Only one who knew Ra's true name could use any of this sword's abilities.


Segi no Shaku
The Scepter of Justice


Ma'at, Egyptian God of Justice


This blade was twelve inches long with a six inch hilt, both colored a light, sapphire blue. On the bottom of the hilt マアト was carved in kanji, meaning 'Māto' or 'Ma'at'. The sheath was a translucent sapphire said to be enchanted to be unaffected by energies such as mana.


This blade was able to emit an aura that changed the area for five feet around the user, which changed the speed of time inside of it so that what was faster moved slower, and vice-versa. Only able to generate this aura for thirty seconds out of every hour, if one knew Ra's true name they could extend this to a full minute.


Seimei no Ha
The Blade of Life


Amun, Egyptian God of Creation


The blade was sixteen inches long and silver, the hilt green and six inches long. On the bottom of the hilt アメン was carved in small kanji, meaning 'Amen' or 'Amun'.


This mighty sword had the ability to create different animal familiars to aid the user, and one who knew Ra's true name could create mythical creatures of biblical proportions. When swung, it could launch out this beast, forging it from mana inside of the sword. However, it cannot create any more than five creatures within a single given day. It feeds off of the animal spirits all around it.

07/17/2013 12:52 PM 


 Hanzo ha forgotten for a moment that she didn't know his  past. He decided to leave it that way for the moment.

   "I don't know. 'Make you whole' could mean a shitload of things" he shrugged, jumping into the darkness, the glowing tiger following behind him. Touching down, he noticed a torch-lit network of tunnels, looking to the map.

   "It looks like a map of the tunnel. It's like a maze..." he noted, trying to discern a path.

   "I'd just break through everything, but then the roof would-" he stopped abruptly as three men in cloaks came out from a tunnel.

   "Again...? " Hanzo asked as they removed their hoods to reveal tanned, hardened faces with tribal symbols tattooed on their cheeks.

   "!enola su evael ouY;tnaw uoy tahw uoy evig eW" one spoke.

   Hanzo raised a brow.

   "He's speaking backwards. You give us what we want, I'll leave you alone" he agreed with a nod as they led them through the tunnels.

   "They're probably luring us into a trap...but we'll see" Hanzo muttered to Nikki

From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-08-2013 2:18:08
Nikki caught a glimpse of his raised brow, knowing he was interested in what she said, as most people were. She looked over at the tiger and smiled some before her attention went back to Hanzo. "I am sorry to hear that..." She then moved over to the spot where the door was. "Is that so? What do you think this grail does?"


From: Hanzo [The She-Devil's Advocate�]
Date: 07-08-2013 1:55:32

   He raised a brow, curious as to where they were located but not thinking it the best idea to ask right now. While scoping the area, the tiger came up behind them with a cloaked body in his mouth, chewing on it. Hanzo looked back and grinned grimly.

   "Heh...Meeting both of you makes me glad I visited. I haven't felt this happy since before my crew was killed..." his tone grew darker as he finished,before he looked to his right at a small indent in the ground fifty yards away. He flitted there, pulling open what seemed to be a vault door.

   "This is how the sand-people get around. I guess they hold the grail" he assumed aloud as the tiger went to follow him;Hanzo waited for them.

   "My sensei taught me about their customs and habits. If they are hiding something, it has to be valuable. But they left a map..." he mulled over the thought as they neared.

From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-08-2013 1:43:59
She looked over his shoulder at the map and nodded before they started on their way, only to stop a moment later because of the group of cloaked men. She nodded and crossed her arms as she allowed him to do what he does. She was impressed with how quickly he cut them all down and then giggled at his comment. "Don;t you hate when they do that? its a waste really" She started following him again before she answered is question. "Its natural for me, I also have two other mouths" she said with s smirk.


From: Hanzo [The She-Devil's Advocate�]
Date: 07-08-2013 1:37:23
   Hanzo watched with morbid fascination until he died.

   "I might have to see how well that works later" he said while lighting a cigar and opening the map.

   "It says there's another ruin close by. Shouldn't be hard to find" he noted as they ascended to meet an army of cloaked thugs.

   "I guess we did give them time to rally their forces..."Hanzo announced with a shrug, drawing his swords. She showed him what she could do;now he would return the favor.

   "Wait one minute." he told her before vanishing and cutting through their ranks. Within seconds, he stood alone in a field of bodies, sheathing his swords and walking back over.

   "They all know who I am, and they send chumps. Figures" he spat, picking up his cigar as they walked to the next ruin.

   "So, do you have that eye naturally, or is it sorcery?"


From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-08-2013 1:29:30
She chuckled at his curiosity "I can do it to anyone" She then turned her attention to the man and the smiled "Nice knowing you" She then had him rip off his genitals and shoved them down this thraot so he choked on them. Nikki put her gloved off and rubbed her hands together "well that was fun"


From: Hanzo [The She-Devil's Advocate�]
Date: 07-08-2013 1:22:54

   Hanzo chuckled at her comments.

   "I'm liking you more and more as I see how you are" he said,smirking.

   "If I looked into your eye, could you do the same to me?" the reckless fool asked, curious.

   "Either way; Kill him, and we'll follow the map"

From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-08-2013 1:19:31
She looked over at Hanzo and then the man "Oh I can kill him...well I mean I can make him kill him is a very painful way... would you like that? Would you like me to have you rip your genitals off and then have you choke on them? Wouldn't that be a great way to go huh?"


From: Hanzo [The She-Devil's Advocate�]
Date: 07-08-2013 1:11:56
   Hanzo watched the man intently, scratching his chin.The man never spoke.

   "You must be pretty loyal.I'll remember that when I slaughter your people" he said with a smirk as the man grimaced.

   "Your people feared my master, The Arcane Swordsman. I killed him. Imagine what else I can do" he informed the man,who still didn't speak. Hanzo grabbed the map and walked back over.

   "If he doesn't wanna talk, Ill kill him. Or can you do it with your hand?" he asked Nikki

From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-08-2013 1:06:51
Nikki flashed a devilish grin on her face. "Oh of course I can make him talk" She then started causing the man to feel uncomfortable, burning hot and then made him feel like thousands of needles were piercing his skin, it was pure torture. "Wanna talk now? or do I have to do more"


From: Hanzo [The She-Devil's Advocate�]
Date: 07-03-2013 20:45:47
   Hanzo watched the man about to dodge her hand-and then he stopped. The pirate walked over curiously and poked the man in his bald head.

   "That's a neat little trick" he said with a smirk, then getting serious again.

   "Why do you guys keep showing up? If you just leave us alone, I could let you live...Is it the map?" he asked, pointing at the map and keeping a close eye on it.

   The man said nothing.

   "Think you can persuade him to talk?" he looked at Nikki


From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-01-2013 16:49:35
Because of Nikki's heighten senses she was already aware there was someone else. Nikki moved towards the one that was coming after her, she removed the right glove and opened then eye in her palm. Once she was close enough she liften up her and, eye opened and active and went to grab the individual's face but would stop inches away, making sure they were looking into the eye so she could paralyze him.


From: Hatori | Hanzo [Konton Yashin�]
Date: 07-01-2013 16:40:29
   He nodded at the same time an ebony dagger was thrown at his heart. it went straight through,and another dagger caught the map and pinned it to the wall. Hanzo now had a hole in his chest; Flames lapping around it and regenerating his flesh. This was the power of Arcane Inferno: To become flame itself. He looked up to the entrance at the two cloaked figures who were stunned.

   "We have company" he said as the tiger leapt up at them. One dodged and ran into the ruins, pulling out a dagger and running at Nikki.

   "Leave him alive if you can" Hanzo suggested

   "I think they were guarding the map"


From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-01-2013 1:21:09
Nikki followed behind Hanzo, her arms were crossed over her chest with an expressionless face. From time to time she would look up at the sky for a few moments then lay her attention back in front of her. When Hanzo insisted they go into a temple them stumbled across, she had no objections and followed hin right in and into the room with the chest. It didn't look very interesting to her but the message inside sure was. She tilted her head and shrugged "No Idea...but seems interesting to find out"


From: Hatori | Hanzo [Konton Yashin�]
Date: 06-30-2013 23:49:42
   After exiting the pyramid, Hanzo ,Nikki and the tiger trekked towards shore now in the bright moonlight of the country. Hanzo walked in the front, and the tiger trailed them. On their journey, they stumbled across the ruins of a temple which Hanzo insisted they explore. The tiger now lit their way as it led them to a small room; The only item in it a chest. In it was a map to a chalice, and at the bottom it said

Thou Whom Drinks From The Grail Shall Be Made Whole

   Hanzo looked to Nikki with a raised brow.

   "What do you think that means?" he asked as two cloaked figures neared the ruins.

06/29/2013 09:47 PM 

Akari Hatori: The Legendary Six Samurai of Shi En

After the destruction of a kingdom within the Arcane Territories, the cause -a lone male- took off with the legendary blades said to house the souls of the samurai founders of the nation of 'Shien'.He has since sought out other Ronin Kenjutsu users, planning to forge a new empire of power.

  The Legend

 Hundreds of years ago, an army of six samurai and their shogun single-handedly decimated an entire kingdom and built a nation from the rubble. The Legends call them 'The Six Samurai of Shien'. Zanji, Kamon, Irou, Kizan, Enishi and Nisashi all followed their Shogun, Shien; The most fearsome warrior by far, who had gathered these warriors from around the world  to exact his revenge. Thirty years previous, his own men had attempted to kill him, and he reacted by slaughtering half of his own army before fleeing, too tired to continue. He was labeled as a coward by the nation he once ruled.  This was why he trained, for years on end, and searched for those worthy of aiding him in his mission . He found and convinced six legendary ronin to do so, and this was where the myth began.

   Storming the gates, and using their unique and devastating abilities to quickly stun and overwhelm the armies stationed inside of the giant city, taking their Lord's head and proceeding to decimate the nation itself No man, woman or child was spared. After this, they formed their own nation of powerful ronin, gathering only the skilled for their exploits Their Legacy grew, and at the end of their time they committed Seppuku-The Way of Suicide among the Samurai. By doing this, they were said to have transferred their powers into their famed swords, and lived on in them to this day.

The Epitome Arises

   Hundred of years after that incident, the nation was flourishing again, and  led by a new, wicked Daimyo. The nation was now named 'Shien', after the famous Shogun who had conquered the realm. Among the skilled samurai who fought for such a corrupt lord was a young man named Akari Hatori. His father had been a decendant of the Famous Ronin gathered to the nation long ago, and he too shared the powers of the Yin Yang Style; A Style where one could manipulate both Good and Evil Energies, and even mix them to create even more devastating techniques possible. He hated his Lord, and one day attempted to take his life. Little did he know that the Shogun carried the Seven Blades of Bushido, the fabled blades said to house the spirits of the Six Samurai and Shien Haotri was quickly beaten near death, before he took one of the swords and fought back with it. Now finding an equal match, and stunned that the sword had accepted the other, Lord Karumi was quickly killed and Hatori took all seven blades into his possession.

   From the blades on his back, voices spoke. He seemed not to believe it at first, thinking it a hallucination  . The voices seemed to manifest around him for moments, becoming a vision of six samurai and their shogun, matching the legends exactly. They spoke to Hatori of their true story, and told him that he was the kind of warrior who could revive the legend they had created . By re-creating the Six Samurai of a modern day . Hatori was not opposed to this; He hated the way the nation now treated their people, as did the spirits who saw what the Daimyo did on a daily basis . They all wanted Shien destroyed. And Hatori agreed to do this, if they pledged their loyalty to him and his ideals.

The Fall of 'Shien' and the Road Ahead

   He then went into the city, destroying all he saw with his new swords, and even killing his own mother in the process. Those remaining, including his father, banded together to hunt him down now. Though stricken with grief over his mother's death, Hatori knew his life had been gone from the moment he attacked the Shogun, and that his parents would label him a traitor anyway. He was sheltered by a young woman named Hiori, who was also killed when the band of Shien's survivors came hunting Hatori. Hatori responded by brutally murdering them all, even his own father, learning that emotion would corrupt one to unthinkable levels. He had cared for the men he killed, and the woman slaughtered because of him, and it led to despair and hopelessness. The Spirits didn't want that of their Warrior. They pushed him onward, as he continued his journey.

   Along his travels, he has encountered many ronin, often slaying them and deeming them too weak to join him. He needed to find true warriors for his mission. This has led him to the Nation of Armageddon;  A country meant for those in exile or with nowehere to go. Here is where he plans to find the most hardened warriors, and recruit for his quest.

   Shien was based in the Third Ring(The Third Worst) of 'Nine Rings'.

Loyalty(Shien)- Akari Hatori







06/29/2013 09:46 PM 

Akari Hatori: The Tale of the Six Samurai

The Tale of the Six Samurai

Zanji- Himora Zanji was raised among orphans, never knowing his true parents. He ran away from the orphanage at eight years old, and became a thief out of necessity.He always wondered what was truly good; As he lived in the Divine Territory of Paradise, yet was poor and starving and living on the streets. It was at the age if fifteen that he tried robbing someone who was apparently a Ronin, who struck the kid down and went on his way. It was then that Zanji realized that he needed a weapon. And training.

He found a Dojo known for sheltering the homeless, and stayed there for a while. While he was there, he begged the sensei to teach him the way of the sword. Who reluctantly agreed, sensing great power in the boy but also a festering darkness. For ten years he trained, then heading out into the world to make a name for himself. Along the way, he attempted to stop a robbery; And it turned out the robber was none other than the Governor of the land. It wasn't a robbery. He was meaning to murder the man for reasons Zanji did not know. Zanji struck him down, and was chased by the law for killing a man though he had actually prevented a murder. For his life onward he was wanted by the man he struck down, who recovered and sent his men after Zanji like dogs . Over many battles, his blade's edge became chipped and serrated, yet never lost it's sharp edge. Many say his mana was too powerful to allow such minor flaws inhibit his swordsmanship.

Along this path he encountered another rogue samurai, a former Shogun named Shien. He offered the man a different path to walk; a path of vengance, on those who had shunned him and made his life the living hell that it had become. Zanji carried great hatred for the world at this point, believing all authority to be evil, yet agreed after hearing the man's story. He was apparently a Shogun who's own 'loyal' men had tried cutting down, and Shien escaped with his life. He wanted revenge. Zanji could understand this, from his experiences with Authority and the corruption within. Though The Shogun admitted that he was no saint, he kept his people healthy and rich with everything they could need or desire; In exchange for their obedience to his cries of war and fortitude. Zanji was the First of the Six Samurai. He was often cold and calculating, yet very kind to women and children at all times. He was the 'bright light' of the future-band-of-ronin. After they attained their rule over Shien's former country, they made sure to take the former governor to their nation later on to have him tortured for seven years, until his death. Zanji was pleased. He became the main Bodyguard of Shien, vowing to help make this authority one of Justice. And he made sure of this, until the Death of the Six Samurai.

Kamon- Euraya Kamon was born to a military family, and trained from a young age in weapons. He was skilled with guns, explosives, and mostly katana and swords. Though Explosives and guns were great for a quick kill, he soon learned to live for the thrill of the fight. Setting explosive traps and being an expert marksman, to the point of being able to shoot the arrowhead off of an archer's bow from a hundred yards away was only a means of crippling his foe, before finishing them close up. He found it the honorable thing to do, and all admired his courage for it.

During a war with Arcane Militants from overseas, Kamon killed a Samurai and aquired his blade. it allowed him to manifest his mana into spiritual aura that took on the properties of fire. It greatly expanded his options for battle and made him a stronger warrior than ever. It was after which that he walked in on a secret conversation between a Divine Elder and what seemed to be an Arcane Sorcerer. They spoke of plans to destroy his nation for the good of keeping the peace between the two groups of Elders that ruled their respective parts of the world. He went to warn his people, but was too late- The city was burned to the ground, all of his family and friends buried in the rubble and ashes.

But the murderers sent to do this were still there. And knew who Kamon was, the two Elders having spotted his intrusion and ordering him dead as well. Hamon fought against these three with all of his might, but was quickly beaten near death. As he lay there, battered and dying, he decided to go down with his all; Creating a blazing aura for nearly a mile around that began to burn the men alive. Though one rejected this attack, and went to finish the weakened Samurai as he waged his last stand. He was interrupted by a colossal suit of armor beheading him in mid-stride, as another landed and seemed to quash the flames with a single sweep of his blade. The two were named Shien and Zanji. They were betrayed by their people, like him, and were on their way to his nation until this. They had seen his power, and offered for him to join.

Kamon was the second of the Six Samurai. Reckless and destructive, he contributed highly to the attacks on nations throughout their years of ruling 'Shien'. He remained loyal to his new Shogun, being the Head of Military Operations and Sabotage in their new nation until his death. With his help, they were able to spread their armies to several neighboring nations and force them into being part of the Shi En Empire, a collected group of nations who served their capital country of Shien.

Irou- Kageshiro Irou was born blind. His entire life would be like this. He adopted to wear a visor over his eyes from a young age, to hide this. Due to his disability, many picked on him or didn't take him seriously; Though Irou's other senses could identify a person from their breathing and footsteps, others would not believe him. He wandered into a dojo one evening, following the loud sounds of the bamboo swords and strained breathing, not to mention the rapid movement. The sensei was a friend of his father's and agreed, secretly teaching him to use a sword effectively despite his blindness. Six years later, this led Irou to be able to join the dojo at fourteen years old, where he trained for another seven years. It was then that he murdered three men insulting him on the street. He had trained himself to cut down those who mocked him. It was time for Irou to get his.

The sensei was very displeased. He went after Irou himself. When they confronted one another, his sensei unsheathed a great blade of power- One able to infect what it slashed at with various toxins or mana-based attacks. Irou nearly had his stomach poisoned from a stab wound, but had used this time to weave and stick his blade through his sensei's jaw and out of his scalp. The deed was done. Of course Irou ran after,taking the famed blade and becoming feared as a famous Ronin for his cold demeanor and heartless murder of any he felt to kill.

Years later, he met three Ronin who had been searching for him. They told him their tales, their names being Shien, Zanji and Hamon. They planned to create a country where all were treated fairly, and added that one with a reputation such as his would be a sublime partner for this mission. They planned to keep the rule amongst themselves, and do what they see as Justice. Irou became the third of the Six Samurai. He was the dark one of the group, always the first to volunteer for assassination or murder attempts. He became the Head of International Affairs, for none dared to cross him. And anything written was seen to Irou through mana scanning; By placing his hand on the object an seeing it in his mind. One could not lie to him, for their body language subtly gave them away. He stayed loyal to his Shogun until his death, responsible for an estimated 24,000 murders in his lifetime-These only being the people of importance.

Enishi- Kagetora Enishi was a normal man, once sixteen opting to become a monk. He loved their philosophy of peace and tranquility. After twenty years, he thirsted for something new in life. He began to take up the sword, and this was when he discovered that the temple was meant to protect an ancient, Dark Blade of power from falling into the wrong hands. Enishi persuaded them to show him,, killing the monks near him and claiming the sword. This was when the Dark Spirit within bonded itself to Enishi's soul, and together they brutally murdered the monks who had lived here for the sole purpose of containing the sword; Which had been done for three hundred years.

Enishi then wandered off, with nowhere to go in the world. The Temple had been his life. But there was no turning back. He was hunted by authorities, and was often consumed by the power of sword at first; Unable to stop himself from murdering them. He grew to control his power, committing himself to the monk's mission of not letting another touch the tainted blade. Many hunted him for it, and all were struck down. This led to great infamy among Ronin and Samurai, and Enishi was approached one day by four Ronin.

They were not here for the sword. They were here for Enishi. Each told about a plan to forge their own Empire, and Enishi saw both strength and the resolve to do the right thing. And a place where he could forever guard his blade. Enishi became the Fourth of the Six Samurai.He was known as Shien's Chancellor-Being the one who attended to all matters in his Shogun's stead. He retired before he died, knowing he had little time left at eighty years old.

Kizan- Rokumaru Kizan was the son of the King of Rokuza, the nation his ancestors had forged hundred of years ago. Because of this, he was a prince and next to be king after his father. But he did not want to walk the path of royalty. From a young age he was fascinated by swords, and ordered the warriors to train him and help him learn how to fight as well. Being the King's son, they could not refuse And his father approved, at first. Until Kizan would slack off of his princely duties to train. One time, at a Ceremony for their deceased Queen, Kizan got into a fight with the man accused of the murder and killed him. He was banished from the kingdom for this, to his Father's dismay.

He sought revenge on his own people now, for shunning him. How was he supposed to react to his mother's death? Though he never lost the charming aspect of himself that came with being a prince, he began to slaughter and gather warriors to destroy his old kingdom. Until he was stopped by five men, who claimed that they were going to forge an empire, and had learned of his exploits. Kizan had stolen a great blade from his father, one that brought one's power to it's pique. This allowed him to survive many near-death encounters over the years,and the blade was a weapon of legend. One of these five Ronin slaughtered his men, while another took Kizan on with explosives and fire. Kizan drew his blade and quickly began to counter, before being stopped by the others. The offered to help him on his mission , if he was with them. He reluctantly joined. Kizan was the fifth of the Six Samurai. With his intellect and knowledge of running a Kingdom, he was named the Prince of the nation. A title he gladly accepted. His duties were those domestic and foreign, and he was often sent to lead the armies meant to force a nation to surrender. It was after they formed 'Shien' that they attacked and conquered the Rokumaru Kingdom.

Nisashi- Yokomura Nisashi was the hero of his village. That is, until a group of Arcane Sorcerers came and destroyed his hometown. He was helpless to stop them, despite his powers of both Arcane and Divine Mana. He hadn't enough experience. Yet, of all of his family and neighbors, only he lived. He sought out to avenge his people, and to find the ones responsible. This led him to a group of Ronin planning to forge an Empire. This was years after his home was gone, and after he found and killed one of the men responsible. He had grown much in these last seven years. And he offered his services to these Ronin, in exchange for a place of power. They had heard of the man, and accepted him. Nisashi was the Sixth of the Six Samurai.

Once they forged their Nation, Nisashi brought small parts of the army they had to find and kill the ones who had killed his people. Once they killed the Sorcerers responsible, Nisashi fought as a loyal warrior and bodyguard of Shien until his death.

Shien- Akumatetsu Shien was the Shogun of his nation of 'Power'. He was kind to his people, yet harsh to his enemies and was always quick to send out his armies. his led to the nation's distrust of him. His own men tried to kill him, and he fought he way out of the country to save himself. Since, he had trained him self and sought out other Ronin to help him take his Nation back- After destroying and recreating it to truly fit a country of power.

He recruited Six Samurai, and led them down the Path of the Ronin. Together, these seven destroyed Shien's home nation and rebuilt it from the ground up. Shien lived as Shogun since then on, his actions and views shared by all he allowed in. Together, The 'Legendary Six Samurai of Shi En' created a military power that was feared even to this day- Until 'Shien' was once again destroyed by them, in the form of their Epitome; Akari Hatori.

06/29/2013 09:45 PM 

Akari Hatori: The Twelve Blades of the Epitome

The Twelve Blades of the Epitome

---The Seven Blades of Bushido:

These Seven swords each contain a special power; Literally housing the spirits of the Legendary Six Samurai and their Shogun, Shien(And also, the name of the Country they were said to have conquered.). Each Sword was named after one of the Seven Virtues of the Bushido Code, although the power didn't necessarily relate to the name of the blade. The Myth said that once the Samurai had taken over the kingdom, and made it their own, at the end of their lives they ended themselves using Seppuku with their legendary swords, passing their spirits into the blade and retaining their great powers, storing themselves in their weapons for all eternity. Since Hatori had gained them, the spirits speak to him and aid him in numerous ways. Though often people can mistake Hatori for a schizophrenic now; For he speaks aloud to the spirits, who are simply voices from the swords speaking through his mind and soul. Each blade , no matter what sheath it resides it, forges a seal upon the blade through which their own hands of mana, appearing as armor-clad arms of their past forms, can draw and use their blades to their own and Hatori's will. This seemed to be an ability they gained through their bond to Hatori; As he used Hands of Mana to use multiple blades at once. In three years, they have gotten used to the offshoot of Hatori's 'Manafestation' Power.

--Rectitude : Also known as Righteousness. This blade was twenty inches long, made of silver metal(So it seemed) with a pure white hilt that contained gold diamonds. The blade was made of silver and steel, the edge slightly chipped and serrated. It's power seemed to stem from Divine Mana(Which was white or blue in color), giving it the primary ability to counter Dark Energies with ease. It's actual power, however, was to use the powers of both Yin and Yang. By bending both energies, the sword had the ability to both cut things that could not normally be cut(For example, a fire, an energy blast, or even the air itself)and surround the area for up to seven feet around it in order to do so. Anything that entered this area was able to be 'scanned' of spiritual and molecular makeup, and the sword then used the powers of both yin and yang to seemingly 'negate' any 'phenomena' within it's range. Due to the massive strength of such a power, it devours a third of Hatori's full reserve of mana, or a fifth of the Samurai(Zanji)'s spirit that resided within the blade itself. The power could be accessed using Zanji's spiritual mana, but the user must still flow their own mana through the weapon, be accepted by the spirit, and then be given control of said ability. This sword was also able to physical manifest swords and blasts of pure light, a solid material made up of Holy Mana. This took less energy.


-'Rectify'- This is what Hatori has named the technique to both scan and negate phenomena around his blade, and it is not necessary to speak the attack name to perform the attack. However, Hatori does tend to say it if given the chance. After the initial scanning and negation, The aura around the blade dulls, the power of the blade becoming inactive for five seconds before repeated use.

--Courage : Also known as Bravery. This blade was only eighteen inches long, made of red, gleaming steel, with a red hilt containing black diamonds running down the sides. This blade's power, like Rectitude's, stems from Holy Mana. However, the blazing blue aura that engulfed the blade with a touch of mana was capable of spreading the flaming energy to what it slashed, the flames then devouring the target and spreading (Even on things that were not flammable) until they were burnt to nothing by a blue, spiritual acid of sorts. This aura took little of Hatori's mana, as long 'Kamon'(The Spirit in the Sword) contributed his mana to the process as well. However, the flame was easily counted by other spiritual techniques, and wind could spread or extinguish the flame like any other fire;Unless the user performed the 'Burning Justice' Attack. The user could also generate waves and fireballs of varying sizes of either the blue fire or normal flames.


- 'Courage Flame': This move does not need to be named aloud to be used. With this move, Hatori arms his blade with the blue, fiery aura and slashes at his opponent or target. He can also choose to send a 'shockwave' of the flames at his opponent, though it's easier to dodge and counter. The flames in shockwave form or around the blade add the capacity to cut through steel and harder objects, able to set ablze to what it slices, be it spiritual or material. He can also create small waves of fire, blue or normal.

- 'Burning Justice' : The name does not need to be said to activate this technique. Hatori and Kamon merge their souls as one Temporarily, blazing with a whitish-blue aura around himself and his blades that was capable of now burning things on a spiritual level as well. The attacks created were much larger and more powerful than with 'Courage Flame' , but once the technique is ended ; 'Courage' s power becomes inactive for however long it takes for Kamon to charge his mana back up(Which would take longer than a battle to achieve.). Being as this technique relies primarily on the mana of the sword and spirit inside of it, the form takes little of Hatori's own mana to access.

--Benevolence: Also known as 'Charity'. This blade had a black hilt containing golden diamond patterns down the sides, with an obsidian blade : Twenty-One inches in length. It ran off of Arcane Mana, which was normally red or black in color and based off of Dark Energies; Able to be easily countered by holy energies unless 'Karma' was used. The Spirit dwelling within this blade was named 'Irou', and was a massive reserve of mana living inside of the sword. The power for the blade was to inflict damage to the opponent in the form of 'Charity'; Giving the victim a special 'present' with each successful strike. These techniques ranged in mana, but took small chunks of Hatori's own mana to activate. The blade could also manifest tangible shadows to fight with or distract one's foe.


- 'Dark Charity': The name did not need to be spoken in order to use the technique. With this move, Hatori accesses Irou's mana, and surrounds the blade with black mana that causes side effects to what it cuts. The effects can range from lethal poisoning, to explosive energy being embedded in the blade to blow the target up upon successful slashing, to even tangible shadows that rip the target apart from the inside. The slashes 'infect' the target with Arcane Mana, tainted to take on special properties.

- 'Karma' : This technique can only be used if the user has sustained damage of some kind already. And Hatori must utter the technique name in order to use it. As Hatori is struck ,at any time, if he manages to contact the other with a hand and place a 'seal' upon them; He can then raise the blade and utter the word to make the victim experience all of the pain Hatori has gone through in the last hour. Including but not limited to :Fatigue, Pain, Wounds, and even mental strain. After this technique is used, the sword becomes inactive until Irou restores his mana to a usable level(Which takes longer than a battle to happen).

-- Respect: This blade had a silver hilt, lined with a red diamond pattern down the sides. The blade was twenty inches long, made of silver steel and carrying the properties of a Diamond in terms of hardness. The Spirit inside was named 'Enishi', and was a force of both Divine and Arcane Mana. One use of this was to use Divine Mana to create the elements of fire and lightning, and/or Arcane Mana to create the elements of earth and wind. A sword of the elements. By combining the two mana sources together, Hatori can create something called a 'Shattering Force'. It allows one to shatter energies of holy and demonic descent, in addition to the normal aura of humans, by using overflowing reserves of opposite-powered mana to create a devastating, clashing force of energy that breaks through most everything in it's path. These techniques vary in mana usage, but Enishi's sword had powers before the Samurai gained it himself through battle-Hence the colliding energies inside of the sword. Hatori himself still knows not which mana comes from Enishi.


- 'True Respect: Fire/Lightning' : The Name of the move need not be uttered in order to activate the powers of the technique. Using Divine Mana and his own mana output, Hatori can generate flames, electricty, and strikes of lighting with his blade. The attack power depends on mana usage , tactical use, range, and intent.With this technique, the white mana around the sword can cut through said elements as easily as it can conjure and manipulate them.

- 'Dark Respect: Wind/Earth : The Name of the move need not be uttered in order to activate the powers of the technique. Using Arcane Mana and his own mana output, Hatori can generate gusts of wind, wind shockwaves, whirlwinds, earthquakes,and even send waves of earth at his target, among other things. The attack power depends on mana usage , tactical use, range, and intent.With this technique, the white mana around the sword can cut through said elements as easily as it can conjure and manipulate them.

- 'Complete Respect: Shattering Blade' : The name need not be uttered to perform the technique. For five minutes, the mana of the blade will swell with both Arcane and Divine energies and create the Shattering effect listed above in the Sword Description. Pumping the mana flow to expand the effect shaves time off of the power's limit, and when the technique is finished Enishi returns from Hatori's soul to reside in the sword again, with whatever mana he and the blade have left. By stopping the technique before the time limit, not all of the mana is used. Unless It is activated a second time; After this, all mana in Enishi and the blade will dwindle to inactive levels; Despite the time spent using the power.

-- Honesty: Also known as 'Truth'. The sword has a golden hilt, with blue diamond patterns running down the sides. The blade itself was twenty-four inches long, made of thin golden steel . The spirit that lived within was named 'Kizan'. The power he held within was Divine Mana, and had two uses; One, to completely break away at dark energies and shatter them(Similar to the Shattering effect of Complete Respect, above). The other, was to unleash the full power of all Seven Blades of the Bushido. It tapped the full power of the seven blades, and allowed Hatori to use all of them at once; Meaning that Honesty was the Key to Hatori's strongest technique.


- 'Purging Blade of Honesty' : The name need not be said to use the technique. By mixing Hatori's Mana with Kizan's, the blade was able to produce the shattering effect on dark energies as explained above. The technique takes about a twelfth of Kizan's full mana output, meaning that it was a technique that could be used somewhat often in battle.

- 'True and Complete Honesty: The Gateway of the Seven': The name doesn't need to be uttered for Hatori to use the technique. Once activating this, Kizan links the Spirits of the Seven Samurai directly to Hatori. Allowing for a full and complete possesion form of all eight souls fused together. Due to the sheer power of this technique, and the volatile mix of so many mana reserves, the power only lasts for up to two minutes maximum. for each minute, half of a normal user's mana is drained-Making it a technique best meant to end things swiftly. Hatori has access to all sword powers in this form, and all forms rise to higher levels of power.

--Honor: The blade's hilt was black, with white diamond designs running down the sides. The twenty inch blade itself was a reverse blade; Both sides having a cutting edge. The back edge was black steel, while the front of the blade was pure white. A white circle was designed on both sides:At the top of the black side - While a black circle was designed near the hilt on the white sides:The blade Representing Yin and Yang. The spirit inside was named 'Nisashi', and he and the blade shared the mana of Divine and Arcane Energies; Making for another sword varying in power.With this blade, each edge had three effects: The White, front edge, could both manipulate Divine Mana to crush through other holy energies, or to create create blasts and slashes of white energy that completely 'erased' what it hit on a molecular level. The black edge could use Arcane Mana to break through dark energies, as well as create tangible darkness to engulf, assault or distract an opponent. The shadows were harder than steel, able to harden with mana output increasing, allowing for a long-range style that could easily catch the foe off guard. Both edges were capable of slashing through the elements themselves with their auras. The Black Edge can create and manipulate the element of wind, the white edge water When Nisashi mixes both auras, the blade splits into two separate blades that access their full power for a short time. These techniques take a minimum of Hatori's mana, unless the full power is accessed.


- 'Slash of Honor: Yang Strike': By using Divine Mana, the white, front edge glows with blue mana that can both cut through holy energies and the elements,and create and manipulate water, as stated above. The name does not need to said to use the technique.

- 'Slash of Dishonor: Yin Strike': By using Arcane Mana, the black, back edge glows with red mana that can both cut through dark energies and the elements, and create and manipulate wind, as stated above. The name does not need to said to use the technique.

- 'True Honor: Power of Yang': By using Divine Mana, the front edge now glows a blinding white with mana, able to now slash with the blasts of light that enveloped and 'incinerated' what it hit ;Sharing the properties of 'Slash of Honor'. This technique took more mana, however. The name did not need to be said to use the technique.

- 'True Dishonor: Power of Yin' : By using Arcane Mana, the back edge now glows a dark black with mana, able to now slash with the tangible shadows that could attack and decimate a target from afar ;Sharing the properties of 'Slash of Dishonor'. This technique took more mana, however. The name did not need to be said to use the technique.

- 'Yin Yang Separation: Twin Blades of Honor and Dishonor' : By separating the blades (as stated above) , Hatori was able to use them as two separate blades, Nisashi merging with him and increasing the power of the blades to higher levels. The power could last a while, but once used for a minute-Half of Nisashi's mana will be gone if used often;At least.

-- Loyalty: This blade had a red hilt , with gold diamond designs stained with what looked like blood running up the sides. The twenty-six inch blade itself was made of steel that seemed to be piled atop another to make a serrated edge, almost looking like the blade can collapse down into a smaller version. Not only could the blade extend itself to strike it's targets from afar, but it used both Divine and Arcane Energies to Break through Elements and Holy/Dark Energies with 'Sakurestu Armor: Embodiment of Shien'. The other power of 'Loyalty', was to strike not just the physical body but the spirit as well; Leaving more lethal and permanent wounds. It could also create somewhat of a bio-magnetic field of mana around itself, able to use multiple swords at once and reject outside forces (Similar to a magnetic repulsion effect). The Spirit inside was named Shien, and was the great Shogun of the Six Samurai who led them to victory in the fabled battle of the past. He had a massive mana reserve.


- 'True Loyalty: Sakuretsu Blade Whip ' : By using both Arcane and Divine Mana, Hatori can extend the blade and cut through elements/holy or dark energies, as stated above. He need not say the name to use the technique.

- 'Complete and Undying Loyalty: Sakuretsu Armor - Embodiment of Shien':

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Hatori states the word 'Sakuretsu'; The blade becoming diamond-hard armor around his body that allowed him the use of swords without hands, as well as most of the strongest abilities of the Six Samurai. This form is also Accessed through 'Gateway of the Seven', though that form is more powerful and drains mana faster. This form can last three minutes, with some-what often usage. After which, the blade loses the ability to attain 'Sakuretsu Armor' Until Shien's mana recovers or is accessed again(If possible).

Spirits of the Six Samurai:

These Seven Blades each housed a spirit of a Samurai, and their mana reserves varied. Hatori was said to be 'The Chosen One' , by them. And given the title of 'Epitome of the Six Samurai' . They dedicated themselves to Hatori, in exchange for his promise as a swordsman to conquer other countries and forge an empire with their power; Like they had done, only grander. This is what set Hatori on his journey across the world after slaying his Lord and robbing him of these seven blades.

Contract of the Six Samurai:

Hatori has made a pact with the seven of his swords-his lords- to enable to to store them in a pocket dimension for protection and able to summon them into his hand simply by flowing mana through his palm to make the symbol of the Six Samurai appear. 

---The Five Blades of Influence :

These Five Blades were blades with special properties or powers, accessed through mana manipulation. Hatori has both Divine and Arcane Mana,being a Disciple of the Yin Yang Path of the Samurai, and therefore can tap both mana sources to use the powers of the varied blades; Which took either Divine or Arcane Mana, depending on the blade used. Hatori gained them from killing other Samurai and Ronin along his travels.

--Wisdom: This blade had a completely white hilt, with a silver, twenty-two inch long blade. This weapon carried no spirit, but had the distinct ability to 'reflect' energies it slashed at. Any energy it struck, instead of cutting it or being engulfed, instead reflected the energy back with what seemed like an invisible forcefield around it. In addition to this, the blade could also slash through near anything with enough use of Divine Mana running through the blade.


- ' Slash of Wisdom' : The blade glowing with blue mana, Hatori used it to repel and 'bounce' attacks back at his target, as stated above. The name was not needed to be spoken to use the technique.

- 'True Wisdom: Slash of the Master': The name did not need to be spoken in order for Hatori to use the technique. Glowing with white mana, the blade was able to cut through most all substances, if enough mana was used. If more than twenty percent of Hatori's mana is used for this, the blade's power must remain inactive for five seconds before it can be used again.

Method of Attainment:

Hatori gained this sword early on in his career as a samurai, slaying the previous owner with no special swords and claiming it as his own; It was the blade he used to fight Kurami with.

-- Distortion: This blade had an all-black hilt, and the blade itself was twenty inches long and made of a wavy, yet sharp black edge on a silver blade. This blade had a unique power; To cut through space and time to open' rifts', or portals to other dimensions and worlds, using Arcane Mana. By cutting an object or person, the rift will suck them into the dimension and close quickly, possibly stranding the target forever in a foreign universe.


- 'Distortion Slash': By using black and red mana that flowed throughout the blade, Hatori was able to cut rifts as described above; The location random unless he focuses on a place he knows of or has been to. Besides combat, it makes a great tool for easy travel.

Method of Attainment:

Hatori gained this blade by killing the owner in a Battle of Honor, on his quest to complete the mission of the Six Samurai. The owner had refused to join him, and was killed instead.

-- Pride: This blade's hilt was bronze, with dark red diamond patterns running down the sides. The blade was twenty-three inches long, made of platinum and given a thin mold. The large hilt held a spiked chain of the same material as the blade, the chains themselves having cutting edges instead of rounded sides and able to shoot the blade out for long range strikes, and to graze or wrap the foe in the twelve foot long , three inch thick chain. The Primary ability of this sword was to use Arcane Mana in order to - once wrapping the chain around the target- force their inner energy, spiritual and physical, to slowly but steadily leak out harmlessly into the world around said victim. A wound inflicted by this attack could also allow not only for blood or other bodily fluids to be leaked, but also their spiritual energy and stamina. The wounds could even be suffered by those who can change their bodies to intangible forms by attacking the energy itself, in order to crush and 'harm it' with this technique.


- 'Chain of Pride': By enveloping the blade in red mana, Hatori could use the blade as explained above. It takes minimal mana usage.

Method of Attainment:

Hatori gained this from another Samurai who refused to join him. He was almost defeated, until he used Loyalty and quickly overcame his foe. It seemed to now be one of his most favored blades.

-- Wrath: The hilt was yellow with red diamond patterns running down on either side, and the blade was nineteen inches long: Made of Saphire-colored steel. The power of this blade was to channel Arcane Mana through it in order to create a near-unbreakable aura of blade or red energy. Besides this, the blade could also deliver slashes of not only massive strength, but the aura will explode on impact and badly burn/ incinerate upon causing the wound, likely leaving a body that resembled a grenade victim. The technique took a decent amount of Hatori's mana output.


- 'Blazing Blade of Fury' : Covering the blade in red or black mana(Black being more potent) , Hatori could create the 'unbreakable' aura and generate the explosive effect when he slashes with this mana armor around his sword.(Stated above).

-- Care: This blade had a pink hilt, with what seemed to be rubies in the diamond patter running down each side of the handle. The blade was only sixteen inches long, the shortest of all of Hatori's blades, made of hardened , crimson Ruby for the entirety of the blade itself. By running Divine Mana through this special blade, Hatori could both heal wounds inflicted(Be they physical or spiritual). A Healing Blade. However, the power of Healing can also be used in an offensive manner. By applying the spiritual healing effect of ' Caring Intent ' , Hatori could not only heal what he touched with the blade, but also purge spiritual energies and force them to break apart, the curing effect of Care stopping harmful forces that would normally be inflicting wounds that Care can heal. Healing Power depends on mana output. In addition to this, the sword can also produce and manipulate the element of water.


- 'Caring Intent' - With this technique(the name did not need to be spoken aloud), Hatori made the sword glow with white mana that could create the 'Curing' effect(Described above).He could both heal what the mana swathed over and reject spiritual energies if he chose to. Takes a decent amount of Mana output. Blue mana created and bended water.

Method of Attainment:

Hatori gained both Wrath and Care from a famous Ronin, Kazama Hikaru, who used both in an insane style meant to keep the opponent on the defense and then crush through it. Hatori gained the upper-hand quickly once using Honor against his foe. Once slaying him in battle, He took the swords and continued onward.

06/29/2013 09:44 PM 

Akari Hatori: Basic Info

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Name: Hatori Akari (Akari, Hatori)

Age: 23

Birthday: December 17th

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 200lb

Occupation: Samurai

Animal Representation: Hydra

Title: 'Epitome of the Six Samurai'
Roku Take no shukuzu

Personality: Hatori was originally a playful, friendly individual. Since setting out on his mission, however, his persona has changed drastically; He is very quiet and tends to avoid others,his only interests being: Swords, Power, and Battle. Despite his cold attitude towards strangers, if seeing a person in need he will quickly rush in to aid them. He is often labeled as a schizophrenic, for the voices of the swords talk to him and he speaks to them aloud, though it appears as though he's speaking to himself. He will often leave those he defeats alive, unless they refuse to surrender or it was a fight to the death. He seems to have developed this compassion since slaying his father and the events leading up to it. Because of how he attained his swords, he is very skeptical of others and wary of betrayal and lies. He tends to become much more lively in battle, seeming to truly let out his inner self with the temptation of a fight.

Appearance: Hatori stood at six feet three inches tall,weighting 200 pounds, garbed in a tight ,zippered and sleeved high-neck black vest . The Zipper-head resembled a cross, the entire vest made of a material that took on the properties of steel, named 'Steel Cloth'. Over each shoulder were shoulderpads of black steel and a black cape(a foot long, made of steel cloth) draped over his shoulders, a belt connecting his Kusazuri(The armor Samurai wear around their thighs) by an X shaped belt buckle at his waist. Under this he wore black pants fitted into black boots, and over his wrists were black, metal cuffs weighing twenty pounds each. Thirteen swords rested on his back and waists, all in black sheathes; Though seven of them had a white seal of sorts in the middle. From the bottom-left, clockwise, the hilts were: Black with a silver sliver in the middle(At his right waist), white with a golden diamond pattern down the sides,red with a black diamond pattern(both of which were strapped together at his lower back),black with a gold diamond design ,silver with red diamonds ,and gold with blue diamonds(All running up his right side, yellow with red diamonds and pink with ruby diamonds(Both behind his head), black with silver diamonds and red with gold diamonds (Sticking over his left shoulder), bronze with red diamonds running down the sides(at his left waist), white,and black(both lower on his side than the bronze hilted-blade). From right to left,sheathes Two through Six and Nine through Ten all had the white seal of the Six Samurai. Altogether he carried over two hundred pounds on himself, and yet was able to move freely despite the massive burden. His skin was somewhat pale- his face taut and young, with glowing purple optics and spiky blonde hair all over his head.

Physical Ability: Hatori had superhuman strength, stamina and speed already; Being trained roughly and becoming tolerant to pain and testing himself with weights constantly. He always carries more than his body weight on himself; Were he to drop these weights holding him back, his movement would become so fast that he literally creates after-images of himself though not moving at light-speed. He can move faster than lightning with these weights on(by pouring mana through his limbs and temporarily 'doping' himself), and without them can reach a speed near that of light. Through mana manipulation, he can raise his speed and strength even more. He is also a master of the Martial Arts, namely the 'Yin Yang Fist' Style; One that both incorporates a flowing barrage of limb-based attacks and as gentle defenses meant to let the opponent do most of the work and using their weight and momentum to follow up with another barrage of well-timed blows at anywhere from normal to nearly unseeable speeds.

Mana Usage and Techniques:

Hatori had trained in the Yin Yang Style; A Style that allowed the Samurai to access reserves of both Divine and Arcane Mana- By tapping the power of one's soul and physically manifesting their aura ;While pledging loyalty to neither the forces of good nor evil. These Samurai were known as the fiercest by far; For the use of both types of Mana led to a much larger and varied style; Easy to adapt to new situations and powers. His father taught him: A great Samurai by the name of Akari Jin. He , too, could use the Yin Yang Style, and taught his son never to let one or the other overwhelm him; As the side effects could cause loss of one's self and mind to the forces of Divine or Arcane Energies. Hatori had created a technique all of his own through mana manipulation: The ability to manifest Hands of solidified mana. With these, Hatori could sprout extended limbs of varying strength to use more than just two swords, and also grab, punch , or ensnare an opponent if need be. It seemed that using the Yin Yang style made the hands easier to manifest, as Hatori's aura was easier to access with his mana flowing through his blades. He named this technique 'Manafestation'.

Hatori can use both Divine and Arcane Mana, and with the spirits inside of his swords he can sense spiritual pressure around him, and the spirits are able to see what the human eye cannot. The Samurai's eyes always glowed purple, his sight shared with seven spirits residing in the blades on his back. He can use the effect of Divine Mana to break through Dark Energies to a point, and Arcane Mana to fight holy energies. By transcending and combining the two,Hatori can create massive amounts of multi-colored mana that can create more than just hands and arms;Namely blasts of mana that can push back forces and perhaps badly damage them, and even now manifest the spirits of the Six Samurai and Shien if need be. However, it took considerable mana usage for the latter. Also, by bursting mana from his limbs or flowing it through them Hatori can raise his reflexes, speed, stamina and strength to levels beyond human power-though the increase is subject to the mana used. He can also flow mana through his feet to walk on the solid energy and travel over the sky.


Strength: 10/10

Speed: 10/10

Stamina: 9/10

Agility: 10/10

Power: 9/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Flexibility: 10/10

Close Range: 10/10

Mid Range: 9/10

Long Range: 7/10

Mana Type(Divine or Arcane): Both

Control of Divine Mana: 9/10

Divine Mana Reserve: 8/10

Control of Arcane Mana: 9/10

Arcane Mana Reserve: 9/10

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