07/17/2013 12:52 PM 


 Hanzo ha forgotten for a moment that she didn't know his  past. He decided to leave it that way for the moment.

   "I don't know. 'Make you whole' could mean a shitload of things" he shrugged, jumping into the darkness, the glowing tiger following behind him. Touching down, he noticed a torch-lit network of tunnels, looking to the map.

   "It looks like a map of the tunnel. It's like a maze..." he noted, trying to discern a path.

   "I'd just break through everything, but then the roof would-" he stopped abruptly as three men in cloaks came out from a tunnel.

   "Again...? " Hanzo asked as they removed their hoods to reveal tanned, hardened faces with tribal symbols tattooed on their cheeks.

   "!enola su evael ouY;tnaw uoy tahw uoy evig eW" one spoke.

   Hanzo raised a brow.

   "He's speaking backwards. You give us what we want, I'll leave you alone" he agreed with a nod as they led them through the tunnels.

   "They're probably luring us into a trap...but we'll see" Hanzo muttered to Nikki

From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-08-2013 2:18:08
Nikki caught a glimpse of his raised brow, knowing he was interested in what she said, as most people were. She looked over at the tiger and smiled some before her attention went back to Hanzo. "I am sorry to hear that..." She then moved over to the spot where the door was. "Is that so? What do you think this grail does?"


From: Hanzo [The She-Devil's Advocate�]
Date: 07-08-2013 1:55:32

   He raised a brow, curious as to where they were located but not thinking it the best idea to ask right now. While scoping the area, the tiger came up behind them with a cloaked body in his mouth, chewing on it. Hanzo looked back and grinned grimly.

   "Heh...Meeting both of you makes me glad I visited. I haven't felt this happy since before my crew was killed..." his tone grew darker as he finished,before he looked to his right at a small indent in the ground fifty yards away. He flitted there, pulling open what seemed to be a vault door.

   "This is how the sand-people get around. I guess they hold the grail" he assumed aloud as the tiger went to follow him;Hanzo waited for them.

   "My sensei taught me about their customs and habits. If they are hiding something, it has to be valuable. But they left a map..." he mulled over the thought as they neared.

From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-08-2013 1:43:59
She looked over his shoulder at the map and nodded before they started on their way, only to stop a moment later because of the group of cloaked men. She nodded and crossed her arms as she allowed him to do what he does. She was impressed with how quickly he cut them all down and then giggled at his comment. "Don;t you hate when they do that? its a waste really" She started following him again before she answered is question. "Its natural for me, I also have two other mouths" she said with s smirk.


From: Hanzo [The She-Devil's Advocate�]
Date: 07-08-2013 1:37:23
   Hanzo watched with morbid fascination until he died.

   "I might have to see how well that works later" he said while lighting a cigar and opening the map.

   "It says there's another ruin close by. Shouldn't be hard to find" he noted as they ascended to meet an army of cloaked thugs.

   "I guess we did give them time to rally their forces..."Hanzo announced with a shrug, drawing his swords. She showed him what she could do;now he would return the favor.

   "Wait one minute." he told her before vanishing and cutting through their ranks. Within seconds, he stood alone in a field of bodies, sheathing his swords and walking back over.

   "They all know who I am, and they send chumps. Figures" he spat, picking up his cigar as they walked to the next ruin.

   "So, do you have that eye naturally, or is it sorcery?"


From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-08-2013 1:29:30
She chuckled at his curiosity "I can do it to anyone" She then turned her attention to the man and the smiled "Nice knowing you" She then had him rip off his genitals and shoved them down this thraot so he choked on them. Nikki put her gloved off and rubbed her hands together "well that was fun"


From: Hanzo [The She-Devil's Advocate�]
Date: 07-08-2013 1:22:54

   Hanzo chuckled at her comments.

   "I'm liking you more and more as I see how you are" he said,smirking.

   "If I looked into your eye, could you do the same to me?" the reckless fool asked, curious.

   "Either way; Kill him, and we'll follow the map"

From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-08-2013 1:19:31
She looked over at Hanzo and then the man "Oh I can kill him...well I mean I can make him kill him is a very painful way... would you like that? Would you like me to have you rip your genitals off and then have you choke on them? Wouldn't that be a great way to go huh?"


From: Hanzo [The She-Devil's Advocate�]
Date: 07-08-2013 1:11:56
   Hanzo watched the man intently, scratching his chin.The man never spoke.

   "You must be pretty loyal.I'll remember that when I slaughter your people" he said with a smirk as the man grimaced.

   "Your people feared my master, The Arcane Swordsman. I killed him. Imagine what else I can do" he informed the man,who still didn't speak. Hanzo grabbed the map and walked back over.

   "If he doesn't wanna talk, Ill kill him. Or can you do it with your hand?" he asked Nikki

From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-08-2013 1:06:51
Nikki flashed a devilish grin on her face. "Oh of course I can make him talk" She then started causing the man to feel uncomfortable, burning hot and then made him feel like thousands of needles were piercing his skin, it was pure torture. "Wanna talk now? or do I have to do more"


From: Hanzo [The She-Devil's Advocate�]
Date: 07-03-2013 20:45:47
   Hanzo watched the man about to dodge her hand-and then he stopped. The pirate walked over curiously and poked the man in his bald head.

   "That's a neat little trick" he said with a smirk, then getting serious again.

   "Why do you guys keep showing up? If you just leave us alone, I could let you live...Is it the map?" he asked, pointing at the map and keeping a close eye on it.

   The man said nothing.

   "Think you can persuade him to talk?" he looked at Nikki


From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-01-2013 16:49:35
Because of Nikki's heighten senses she was already aware there was someone else. Nikki moved towards the one that was coming after her, she removed the right glove and opened then eye in her palm. Once she was close enough she liften up her and, eye opened and active and went to grab the individual's face but would stop inches away, making sure they were looking into the eye so she could paralyze him.


From: Hatori | Hanzo [Konton Yashin�]
Date: 07-01-2013 16:40:29
   He nodded at the same time an ebony dagger was thrown at his heart. it went straight through,and another dagger caught the map and pinned it to the wall. Hanzo now had a hole in his chest; Flames lapping around it and regenerating his flesh. This was the power of Arcane Inferno: To become flame itself. He looked up to the entrance at the two cloaked figures who were stunned.

   "We have company" he said as the tiger leapt up at them. One dodged and ran into the ruins, pulling out a dagger and running at Nikki.

   "Leave him alive if you can" Hanzo suggested

   "I think they were guarding the map"


From: �Ŧhe She Đevil� 
Date: 07-01-2013 1:21:09
Nikki followed behind Hanzo, her arms were crossed over her chest with an expressionless face. From time to time she would look up at the sky for a few moments then lay her attention back in front of her. When Hanzo insisted they go into a temple them stumbled across, she had no objections and followed hin right in and into the room with the chest. It didn't look very interesting to her but the message inside sure was. She tilted her head and shrugged "No Idea...but seems interesting to find out"


From: Hatori | Hanzo [Konton Yashin�]
Date: 06-30-2013 23:49:42
   After exiting the pyramid, Hanzo ,Nikki and the tiger trekked towards shore now in the bright moonlight of the country. Hanzo walked in the front, and the tiger trailed them. On their journey, they stumbled across the ruins of a temple which Hanzo insisted they explore. The tiger now lit their way as it led them to a small room; The only item in it a chest. In it was a map to a chalice, and at the bottom it said

Thou Whom Drinks From The Grail Shall Be Made Whole

   Hanzo looked to Nikki with a raised brow.

   "What do you think that means?" he asked as two cloaked figures neared the ruins.

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