06/29/2013 09:44 PM 

Akari Hatori: Basic Info

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Name: Hatori Akari (Akari, Hatori)

Age: 23

Birthday: December 17th

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 200lb

Occupation: Samurai

Animal Representation: Hydra

Title: 'Epitome of the Six Samurai'
Roku Take no shukuzu

Personality: Hatori was originally a playful, friendly individual. Since setting out on his mission, however, his persona has changed drastically; He is very quiet and tends to avoid others,his only interests being: Swords, Power, and Battle. Despite his cold attitude towards strangers, if seeing a person in need he will quickly rush in to aid them. He is often labeled as a schizophrenic, for the voices of the swords talk to him and he speaks to them aloud, though it appears as though he's speaking to himself. He will often leave those he defeats alive, unless they refuse to surrender or it was a fight to the death. He seems to have developed this compassion since slaying his father and the events leading up to it. Because of how he attained his swords, he is very skeptical of others and wary of betrayal and lies. He tends to become much more lively in battle, seeming to truly let out his inner self with the temptation of a fight.

Appearance: Hatori stood at six feet three inches tall,weighting 200 pounds, garbed in a tight ,zippered and sleeved high-neck black vest . The Zipper-head resembled a cross, the entire vest made of a material that took on the properties of steel, named 'Steel Cloth'. Over each shoulder were shoulderpads of black steel and a black cape(a foot long, made of steel cloth) draped over his shoulders, a belt connecting his Kusazuri(The armor Samurai wear around their thighs) by an X shaped belt buckle at his waist. Under this he wore black pants fitted into black boots, and over his wrists were black, metal cuffs weighing twenty pounds each. Thirteen swords rested on his back and waists, all in black sheathes; Though seven of them had a white seal of sorts in the middle. From the bottom-left, clockwise, the hilts were: Black with a silver sliver in the middle(At his right waist), white with a golden diamond pattern down the sides,red with a black diamond pattern(both of which were strapped together at his lower back),black with a gold diamond design ,silver with red diamonds ,and gold with blue diamonds(All running up his right side, yellow with red diamonds and pink with ruby diamonds(Both behind his head), black with silver diamonds and red with gold diamonds (Sticking over his left shoulder), bronze with red diamonds running down the sides(at his left waist), white,and black(both lower on his side than the bronze hilted-blade). From right to left,sheathes Two through Six and Nine through Ten all had the white seal of the Six Samurai. Altogether he carried over two hundred pounds on himself, and yet was able to move freely despite the massive burden. His skin was somewhat pale- his face taut and young, with glowing purple optics and spiky blonde hair all over his head.

Physical Ability: Hatori had superhuman strength, stamina and speed already; Being trained roughly and becoming tolerant to pain and testing himself with weights constantly. He always carries more than his body weight on himself; Were he to drop these weights holding him back, his movement would become so fast that he literally creates after-images of himself though not moving at light-speed. He can move faster than lightning with these weights on(by pouring mana through his limbs and temporarily 'doping' himself), and without them can reach a speed near that of light. Through mana manipulation, he can raise his speed and strength even more. He is also a master of the Martial Arts, namely the 'Yin Yang Fist' Style; One that both incorporates a flowing barrage of limb-based attacks and as gentle defenses meant to let the opponent do most of the work and using their weight and momentum to follow up with another barrage of well-timed blows at anywhere from normal to nearly unseeable speeds.

Mana Usage and Techniques:

Hatori had trained in the Yin Yang Style; A Style that allowed the Samurai to access reserves of both Divine and Arcane Mana- By tapping the power of one's soul and physically manifesting their aura ;While pledging loyalty to neither the forces of good nor evil. These Samurai were known as the fiercest by far; For the use of both types of Mana led to a much larger and varied style; Easy to adapt to new situations and powers. His father taught him: A great Samurai by the name of Akari Jin. He , too, could use the Yin Yang Style, and taught his son never to let one or the other overwhelm him; As the side effects could cause loss of one's self and mind to the forces of Divine or Arcane Energies. Hatori had created a technique all of his own through mana manipulation: The ability to manifest Hands of solidified mana. With these, Hatori could sprout extended limbs of varying strength to use more than just two swords, and also grab, punch , or ensnare an opponent if need be. It seemed that using the Yin Yang style made the hands easier to manifest, as Hatori's aura was easier to access with his mana flowing through his blades. He named this technique 'Manafestation'.

Hatori can use both Divine and Arcane Mana, and with the spirits inside of his swords he can sense spiritual pressure around him, and the spirits are able to see what the human eye cannot. The Samurai's eyes always glowed purple, his sight shared with seven spirits residing in the blades on his back. He can use the effect of Divine Mana to break through Dark Energies to a point, and Arcane Mana to fight holy energies. By transcending and combining the two,Hatori can create massive amounts of multi-colored mana that can create more than just hands and arms;Namely blasts of mana that can push back forces and perhaps badly damage them, and even now manifest the spirits of the Six Samurai and Shien if need be. However, it took considerable mana usage for the latter. Also, by bursting mana from his limbs or flowing it through them Hatori can raise his reflexes, speed, stamina and strength to levels beyond human power-though the increase is subject to the mana used. He can also flow mana through his feet to walk on the solid energy and travel over the sky.


Strength: 10/10

Speed: 10/10

Stamina: 9/10

Agility: 10/10

Power: 9/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Flexibility: 10/10

Close Range: 10/10

Mid Range: 9/10

Long Range: 7/10

Mana Type(Divine or Arcane): Both

Control of Divine Mana: 9/10

Divine Mana Reserve: 8/10

Control of Arcane Mana: 9/10

Arcane Mana Reserve: 9/10

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