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11/06/2014 02:48 PM 





As the Pirate King felt his coat pulled out from behind him,he reacted; Sitting upright even while his nakama pulled his bandanna off of his head, his groggy mind recognized his friend and as a result slowed his body's haste in dispatching whoever tried to steal from his very person. A blade of Manametaru was pulled from it's crimson sheath as the King's hand moved far too slow to stop a being that manipulated time itself, a sword containing the Captain's dual energies and aptly named Kaosu[Chaos]. With it the Karakuri Doji now held Hanzo's Mana in the literal palm of his oversized hand, and in response it's owner stood tall to his full height of six feet five inches. <p>

"Ulti, that's dangerous. I need the sword..." he pleaded, reaching out a hand for it.<p>

   This crimson-haired boy was far from ordinary,but not of this world. The Pirate King met him in a world where only he and one other remained, having decimated all other life. They embodied Ultimate Good and Evil, and the Arcane Swordsman intervened and aided Ultimo in defeating Vice, the one who was getting exactly what he wanted. Mechanical boys with souls, Hanzo found that the lone survivor of this world had lost his master-the one he swore to protect. Having lost his own nakama, Hanzo knew the feeling, and offered the boy a ride to a new world to seek a new 'Master'. During this journey, he was officially a Chaos Pirate.<p>

   Although he had only recently joined, the Karakuri Doji had made it clear already that his title of Ultimate Good also affected his personality. The powerful being acted like a child at times, though in combat Hanzo had seen firsthand how serious he could become.Still figuring things out about his new comrade, the Pirate King tried to be polite yet stern at once-He only hoped that Ultimo didn't begin to slash around at things like his hand. The being was capable of great destruction, and the King had not slept in three days-having been perfecting a new invention with his shipwright. This is what led to such reactions, the likes of which were far from his usual mentality.<p>

   By this time the unseen intruder had already infiltrated the vessel, having dropped down before the Pirate King woke up to his clothing being taken. With a suit embedded with the power to control technology-or was he the source of it's power?- this new enemy began to spread his own influence throughout the Mizu no Oni. The Engine, as he found quickly, was more than eager to accommodate one who claimed control over it. While the systems had firewalls and the like to ward off intruders, the Chaos Pirates had never anticipated an attack from one who could <b>merge</b> with technology.<p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.<p>

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10/19/2014 03:05 PM 

Chaotic Connections

Chaotic Connections

The following are stories from Hanzo's own personal roleplays, both in groups and messages, and chronicles both his own journeys through time and space under the Chaos Pirates flag as well as the adventures he has with other allies. In each storyline Hanzo makes a new ally or enemy in the form of a nation or people.

Allies will be named in bold and the nature of their relationship with Hanzo shall be detailed after the completion of all current chapters. Under Heavy Construction

**Interdimensional Nostalgia
This term refers to the effects of traversing space and time for so long. Hanzo's Divine Sorcery is always active in a small way and is fueled by belief, and upon seeing familiar faces from an alternate life he had lived in another time he regained memories! Discovered in Chapter One, there it explains further how this ability is awoken within the Pirate King.


An Imperial Alliance
And An Irrational Betrayal

The Chaos Pirates traveled to the land of EMPIRE to meet with Emperor Raijin Constantine and propose an alliance. Despite Hanzo's rash demeanor and battle-oriented outlook, the other agreed. But before they could discuss the details, the Emperor had a Wedding to attend; His very own. It was with this information that an invitation was also extended to the Pirate King. With nothing to do until they could speak next, he waited on the roofs of the palace watching the ceremony with enhanced senses.

What he saw was astounding; His wife was familiar?! But he knew not of her, not some other party-goers after the ceremony who also struck chords with the pirate. This was the awakening of **Interdimensional Nostalgia . When he first saw Nanzeen Hatzis he remembered her from another life, memories coming with a massive migraine showing Hanzo times when he worked for a nation named Solaris. A betrayal by the leader, Fei Hatzis,was made aware of but not in full. The Pirate then snapped out of his trance only to run into Karin Ivory, the Solarian Leader's Ex-Fiance, and he remembered now how he tried to convince the man not to war with his brother when he turned on Hanzo. Such memories faded from vision but were not forgotten, and when Nanzeen went to hug him he realized that he must be seeing alternate memories. These people knew another Takamitzu Hanzo, Captain of the Chaos Pirates!

A glance at Fiona Hpontiq revealed her to be the other Hanzo's First Mate,  powerful martial adversary who joined alongside her boss without knowing. Grand adventures and fierce battles were waged on their adventures, but the details were hazy... The Pirate retired to his ship to recover from this recent mental assault, and awoke long after the party ended.

It was then he went to see if the Emperor was busy. Despite his recent marriage, Raijin was readying to go to Ancient Ruins of his land that held the key to creating a sun: They key to EMPIRE's power. With an affinity over flame the Pirate not only agreed but made a deal with the Emperor to test his members when they got to their destination. Secret pact made, they traveled in Hanzo's vessel to meet the others at the site of decayed structures once glorious.

Raijin assaulted the pillars with arrows, but within the smoke an entity made itself known and threatened the warriors. Now was time to move: Hanzo dropped the ethereal battery he carried and let it drop to the ground, spreading the Divine Aura into the air around his 'allies'. Meanwhile his spherical ship crashed into the scene to fire degrading blasts of Mana at all, the aura destroying energy on contact and making these attacks short-lived. Some tried absorbing the energy and were out in seconds, while others were far smarter. One woman protected the Emperor from Hanzo, and his son Rodion Constantine was busy dodging the ethereal blasts near him while waiting for a chance to strike: Analyzing the situation. Nyx N'eva , a hired mercenary, was attacked by the Chaos Shipwright in the form of an energy-resistant,wing-covered ball of might. Instead of fighting, she stated that there was no reason. Despite his monstrous appearance the beast leaped over her and agreed with her statement.

The others were quickly dispatched, and it was revealed that the Chaos Pirate planned this with Raijin to test them. But with the nature of the assault, they then fell back to recover: And the Pirate left to deal with an urgent matter. When he returned, Raijin was gone and Empire was in turmoil! He left the government to establish order, not wanting to take it over without Raijin's consent, and decided to come back again later to check on current events.



Shangri-La and Corvus Bellum

Hanzo traveled back to his home world, finding that the Divine Army had marched on the corrupt nation of Shangri-La to kill all who lived there and take it for themselves again. Arcane Sorcerers had plunged the continent into chaos centuries ago, and the zealots finally struck back! Quickly the Pirate King found his allies around the globe and along the way heard whispers of an organization seeking to take a growing control of Shangri-La out from under the Divine's noses. Knowing that there had to be substance to this, all that the swordsman got was a name.

Corvus Bellum.

He now sought out the leader, arriving in the country being purged while the Divine were in a major struggle against the Arcane residents. Carving a path of destruction himself as the unknown leader set her traps for the Divine after taking out a group of them, Hanzo found she whom he sought: Belladonna Corvus Bellum. Ruining her trap by cutting down Divine Soldiers around them, he approached her with talk of an alliance. But they didn't have time.


The Divine Swordsman, his late sensei's mortal enemy who had his sword taken from him, came for Hanzo and personal property. He found him on his travels to the main battle, using the mighty blade of Excalibur to forge Anti-Arcane Armor which changed at a whim. Hanzo held his own in the battle and began to rip his enemy apart with monstrous strength while Belladonna found herself aiding a na�ve disciple of the dying swordsman in suicide. The boy tried to catch one who traveled between realms, and a heel to his head not only sent him into the earth but his blades into his chest. So much for that.

But then The Reaper,A Divine Elder earlier dealing with the recent insurgency, came to save his ally and fight the Pirate King! He hated Hanzo for murdering his brother and taking his title, wishing he had died when the Reaper hired his dark brother of the seas to murder the Chaos Pirates. With an ethereal 'reaper' of power he fought the weakened swordsman back, and more Divine forces came in sparingly since many were being butchered by yet another swordsmen and those he called to his side.

Despite the Pirate's power he would not win, and when the leader of Corvus Bellum yelled for him to leave and live before vanishing herself he didn't have much of a choice. Holding the Reaper off long enough to use the Nexus Key, he had to follow her before her trail went cold...

He found himself outside the gates of Corvus Sanguinarium, a haven for all innocent and peaceful people, more of the latter than former- or ,at least, those who wanted peace. Hanzo was forced to surrender his weapons to enter, meeting Belladonna again and viewing some of the inside of the structure before a medic came to treat his wounds. The leader herself seemed thirsty, but not for water or the vodka in her hand: And in response one of her loyal guardians screamed for her to drink his blood.

Moving on to business, the pirate interrupted them before Belladonna led him to a room for which he could rest his half-dead self from. It was then that the Pirate made her a deal spurned not just from their similarities and his belief in Fate but a feeling he had never encountered before. He requested she drink his blood, and in exchange become his woman. He had long sought a worthy Pirate Queen, and despite the brief time they had spent together he felt compelled to offer. She agreed eventually, drunk and lustful of the crimson liquid, and the deal was made but sexual interactions were stopped immediately when the pirate mentioned that he did not seek her for her body- nor did he seek to take advantage of her intoxication.

Hours later, after rest and food, the two met again. Now clear-headed, they discussed their plans to take Shangri-La together and to give her the power of Sorcery. But so much more happened on that morning... Things that bonded them in ways difficult to explain.

Since that day, she has sailed alongside him as Pirate Queen.



Teikoku Tochi - A Samurai's Pride

The Pirate King took his ship, the Mizu no Oni, to a new world. Another rift appeared over the seas during a splendid festival ,allowing the mighty vessel passage to Teikoku Tochi's shores. Unsure whether these people would become friends or foes, Hanzo prepared for battle and descended to the beach below. Meanwhile, not only did his shipwright ready the ship for possible attacks but the Pirate Queen was awoken from her slumber.

But Hanzo's actions did not go unnoticed.

The Daimyo of this land was traveling towards this sandy shore to meet his own significant other before the festival,and his one crimson hue noticed the foreign ship and that swordsman below. With great speeds he came within reasonable distance of the Pirate King in a moment, stating his title and name : Ootsutsuki, Daimyo of Teikoku Tochi. Hanzo responded in kind, and the two moved to slash together mighty weapons wielded with skills of the highest caliber. As such, both combatants imposed their will upon the other, showing just how great their Ambition and Power was. The Arcane Swordsman was even able to show this new foe why he was the way he was with nothing but a slash and memories forced through the clash towards the Samurai.

They distanced, now having met officially by their respective terms. Amazingly, they sheathed their weapons: The clash commanded mutual respect, prompting both parties to respond in ways unusual to their normal demeanor. Hanzo would not try to kill the man who just attacked him, and Ootsutsuki would not try to kill the stranger who just invaded his land with a gigantic ship. As he was invited to the Tea Festival nearby and given information via a pamphlet after hands were shaken, Belladonna Corvus Bellum came behind the pirate berating him for disturbing her rest. Introducing her and moving forward, the Chaos Pirates accepted this offer and the leaders went on what one could call a date within Teikoku Tochi.

Afterwards, the Nexus Key was used to quickly reach the Daimyo who had minutes ago passed by the restaurant the Pirate King and Queen dined at. Appearing in front of him and some of his closest friends along with family, Hanzo first told the others not to strike him down. He did not have time to deal with them, especially since he and Ootsutsuki were not enemies. He then elaborated, explaining that he allied with the nations he found on his travels and didn't conquer. As such, a pact was soon made by the Leaders and Hanzo offered his services in a war planned to begin soon.

The Attack on Yama, a Country greatly coveted by the Daimyo, was accessed through the Nexus Portal : And the Samurai had their way in. Hanzo found an old foe leading Yama as Daimyo, Asuka Sengiku, and as revenge for their previous encounter grew even more excited for battle. He now faces the Yamakage and his men in his own office, confronted by not only the pirate but his tiger, RroriM...



New Nakama and the Six Sacred Swords!

Part One : New Nakama!


This emergency that the Pirate King was recalled for was nothing minor: His ship was under attack! Allies of the former Pirate King recognized their vessel from reports and began assaulting it with a small fleet! When Hanzo returned he and his shipwright fended them off, killing half but unable to finish the job. While the others ran,Hanzo decided that it was time to build a new crew. Despite the losses that he had attained against the former Pirate King, he could not fulfill the dreams of his fallen nakama without help!

Vowing to find those strong enough to hold their own and promising himself to not let his nakama die yet again, Hanzo set out into the nation of Armageddon to find those with a criminal background to aid him. It was worth a shot.

Along his travels he ran into a Priest- but the man admitted to hating what he had seen of the Divine! He was certainly odd, with inu-like features and sickles for weapons. Knowing of Hanzo's reputation and bounty, he claimed to be capable to taking his head. And the battle began.Not only did his foe reveal an affinity over water against the pirate's flames but he used a foreign energy! Similar to Mana but also different, it baffled the Arcane Swordsman. The battle was fierce, but in the middle of it all Hanzo offered the man a place in his crew. Not only was he powerful but wise as well, and they shared views on the Holy Army across the seas. The Interdimensional Traveler noted that Syrus Lato appeared out of place in this world, and that he had a way to find the man's true home. With these offers weapons were put away and hands extended in friendship, and the first new member of the Chaos Pirates entered the ranks of the crew.

Part Two : The Six Sacred Swords!

It was shortly thereafter that the two traveled towards the Ancient Ruins. The desert continent held no visible civilization but nomads traveled underground, guarding secrets that had been stored for centuries within ruins long forgotten by the masses. But Hanzo, who had trained here, knew all about the treasures hidden all around them! He now traveled with his new companion Syrus towards the Divine Temple in which he had become a Divine Sorcerer before slaying his master and taking his title. This was where it all began.


But on their journeys they were interrupted; A strange young woman showed up with information on the Six Sacred Swords: It was a legend the pirate knew well. Six Sorcerers had claimed Egypt back when it existed and were hailed as Gods. Eventually Isis betrayed them and their kingdom was destroyed in the battle, but their swords scattered about the collection of all of Earth's deserts were said to contain their mighty powers. Having sought clues to treasures like this, the woman asked to go aboard his ship. Was she crazy?! She made no sense, and so attention was turned to a far colder woman who seemed unaffected by this heat just like Hanzo.


She called herself Rukia Kuchiki, and followed them into the pyramid that the last Arcane Swordsman called home. Meanwhile, an ancient being observed their entry and followed them through hidden catacombs, thinking herself a guardian of these ruins. Hanzo paid his respect to the grave he dug for this late master. Now inside, Atemu Sennen revealed herself to the group while Rukia also introduced herself, wishing to seek out a sword and unafraid to join the pirate in order to achieve this honor. Far too many people had arrived, and in response Hanzo flared up his Arcane Mana. But what happened next changed all of that hostility.


The structure trembled violently and the ceiling opened up! Without hesitation the Chaos Captain leaped with superhuman strength to reach this dark attic and was jumped in midair by a tiger; One with the opposite color scheme as a Siberian Tiger, and the ability to mimic sorcery that others used around it! Instead of continuing it's battle against the pirate, it smells the blood of it's master soaked into Hanzo's sash and apparently either believed the King to be his master or respected him for slaying his former friend. In this chamber he found a map of the pyramids in which those Sacred Swords rest and got serious.

He warned the others of the dangers that they would face and whether they would accept this mission. They all agreed without hesitation ,but Atemu became darkness to rise into the room- causing the pirate to almost cut her because of the power displayed. The last Pirate King had that power, and to this day manipulators of shadow were often attacked immediately by Hanzo. Moving past this, she offered to help them navigate the lands and was given control of the map. Meanwhile Hanzo took the material treasures up here while combusting into flames with his Arcane Technique, addressing the well below them.

Holy Water replenished stamina and ethereal reserves, and it was only found in this well to the pirate's knowledge. He melted swords and other trinkets to make gourds and flasks capable of holding the liquid in less tha a minute, not only a master of flames but a skilled blacksmith. Faster when Syrus could rapidly cool it with water. Seeing a chest and finding it to be empty, he was then confronted by his sensei! But he was dead?!


Direct Quote From the Roleplay[Hanzo's Post]


   He pulled a gourd from the water if Syrus had caught them all, dunking it into the wide well and placing a cap on the end once it was full. Allowing the others to get their water as well, he went back up to the upper chamber. Briskly striding to the chest and wrenching it open.




   But as it opened, a pale-cloaked stranger suddenly stood feet from the pirate, the blade of Divinity in his hand while Hanzo still had his own sword. He looked to his right with shock, only one word leaving his mouth.




   The other responded by lashing out at him, which prompted Hanzo to leap backwards several feet. What was going on? His sensei was dead, he knew that. Yet here he stood:The Arcane Swordsman. He was even faster than when Hanzo met him...


   ...And that's when it hit him. This was an illusion of sorts...a remnant of his sensei's energy stored in the chest to attack intruders perhaps. Regardless,the pirate wasn't planning on seeing how solid he was. Before he could speak again, his dead sensei called out loud enough for all below them to hear.


"I am The Arcane Swordsman,and you are all in my home! When I retur-"


The illusion suddenly stopped, as if sensing it's creator's death finally. His calm voice changing to one of laughter.


"Keh...It turns out I'm dead! Which leaves the map of the Six Sacred Swords to whoever you all may be! I am here to warn you of the danger of such a quest, though were my creator alive I would simply wait for him to come back and crush you all. Beyond the door here lies no room- it is the seal upon which opening will release the blades to their rightful places. 


If you do this, the energy will be felt throughout the land. You will meet various others after this prize, and face many dangers.


The Scorpion...


The Phoenix...


The Wurm.


These will be the first three guardians of the blades. Be watchful of their skills...


I shall await you all if you make it that far"


With that, he faded away.


   Hanzo stared in disbelief, shaking his head to clear it. His master knew too much about these weapons...He must have found them himself,or encountered someone who had. Apparently he guarded them, which was something he had never told his student. He called down to the others as he pulled open the trapdoor, revealing a stone slab with a seal on it. As he opened it, it began to glow and the temple shook violently.


   "I suggest we get out, now!" he told them, jumping down as he watched the tiger bolt to the entrance. He followed at a brisk walk, carrying his jug and pushing any not moving towards the entrance. Within two minutes it would crumble into sand, leaving no trace behind of anything or anyone within.



It seemed that all survived the temple's collapse, and with Atemu's guidance they made their way to the Temple of Ra. But along the way Sand Nomads- A tribe of those devoted to protecting the land- encountered them. Wary of Hanzo ,knowing him from his sensei's adventures, Atemu also seemed to put them at unease. They ended up attacking, and instead of killing them all chose to flee towards the temple. The Gleaming Falcon Sword of Sun was guarded by the mighty Phoenix , residing in the upper chambers of a fiery pyramid. Hanzo makes a plan using his power and Syrus', aiming for Atemu to get the sword. Unknowing of Rukia's affinity for ice, it only further aided them against the children of that mighty beast which now came to destroy them when it's kin were assaulted by Hanzo while Syrus and Rukia kept the masses at bay. Meanwhile Atemu slipped past to take that sword, but it was too late! The temple was crumbling and there was no time.

Throwing the sword to Hanzo, what happened next saved their lives. The Phoenixes protected them, as if drawn to the wielder of the blade! Hanzo had already thought that Ra shared a similar power to his own, and his touch appeared to calm the beasts that moments ago tried to kill him. The structure collapsed to the ground , but Hanzo found his way out minutes later. Atemu was lost in an underground stream while the birds, at Hanzo's unknown command, began helping him seek out the others...

Were they alive?

[Stay Tuned for Chapter Two of Six Sacred Swords]


 Broken Alliances

During the time since Hanzo traveled from Empire, he had allied with a kingdom named Arsenixc led by that woman Karin Ivory from Raijin's Wedding Reception-the apparent mother of the missing leader's wife. Having initially come to invade until he found out who led it, he decided to aid her and become one of the 'Imperial Shields' of her Military. Dissatisfied with the title, Hanzo named himself a 'Sword' instead and convinced the leader to add this title to the ranks. But such a pact was short-lived.

The Chaos Pirate was enraged to find that one of their warriors was a foul being who took advantage of women, and went to strike him down. For this he was exiled from the nation and left with hatred for the leaders who cared only for strength. While the pirate also sought power, he could not allow someone like that to go on doing what they did. After leaving a Doctor recently hired to aid his crew was captured there and refused Hanzo's help. Already angry, he found others who were against the nation.


Solaris and The Trinity were all too eager to aid him, and they had a plan set. But the leaders learned of his plan to wipe out all factions but for the Chaos Pirates and didn't meet him despite the portal he had opened allowing direct access to the toxic nation. Seeing their initial invasion begin to fail, Hanzo decided to close the rift and let them destroy one another- it was much later that he decapitated the leader of Solaris and took his head as a trophy, but this was the reason why. After this The Trinity hid from him, and the Chaos Pirates moved on towards more powerful nations and realms to focus on their own goals...



The Penndragons and Praenuntius

Again Hanzo traveled to a new world, one where a Kingdom that he once sought in another life prospered: Praenuntius. The Chaos Pirate had met a dragon on his own world and aided her in rescuing the last of the Dragonic Yokai alive in his realm from certain extinction. Freya Penndragon introduced herself, and memories flooded through Hanzo's mind yet again to remind him of his other self's plan of allying with that family. Once they finished off the poachers who sought to end the last of a species, the Arcane Swordsman asked her for coordinates to her nation.

With another portal he came to the Dragon's Nation now, announcing that he came here seeking the leader in his massive vessel. As if that weren't enough, the Nexus Key brought Hanzo before the leader to ask for her audience- unaware of who he spoke to. Rayne Penndragon,Leader of the Creed, informed him that the barrier over their nation would destroy ethereal energies as a defensive precaution, and with this knowledge the Mana-Fueled ship shut down to fall through the border and roar to life once again. It was now that the Pirate King and 'Dragon Queen' truly introduced themselves and traveled towards the Palace itself to discuss his purpose.

He explained that his world was in danger, and he had heard of her before. Perhaps with her aid, he could get one step closer to saving his home. And so a deal was offered: To help him save his realm, and in exchange he could aid the military of Praenuntius and also supply them with resources.



Enter Procella Crystalli

During their interdimensional travels The Chaos Pirates intercepted a foreign transmission one night: One inviting great warriors to participate in a violent virtual reality with promises of glory, power and immortality. Those who died in this 'game' would suffer no damage in reality! Seeing no reason not to accept the mysterious invitation discovered, Hanzo linked up to a server built on his ship and then entered another world.


He didn't know it, but Procella Crystalli was real: Another planet in another realm held back monstrous powers, and the Empress created this virtual program in order to gain aid in her mission to keep the darkness at bay while in turn not jeopardizing the lives of those who chose to aid. Hanzo was prompted to select a player name and class: Kaosu became his name, and he chose the classes of assassin and the sub-class of Shaman. A class that nobody could tell him of.

But soon, at level one, he went out to fight the creatures of this 'game'. Slaying some and finding that his blades took the souls of the deceased and allowed the 'Shaman' to access the powers left behind. Six levels later he was satisfied with his training enough to head for a peculiar concept: An Interdimensional Bridge. Only now beginning to realize that this world might be real, he traveled towards where the portal was said to be-slipping by security with invisibility taken from a frightful creature.

He came upon the Empress and a woman who recently came out of the wormhole, seeing the creator of the game freeze the rift over with a supreme affinity. Confronting them he stopped; Recognizing she who just traveled here from Praenuntius, a nation of dragons which he was allied with! He inquired as to whether Freya Penndragon remembered him from their adventures in the Dragon's Den, and while he asked guards surrounded him with weapons drawn. The Empress revealed that she was Nyx N'eva from that time in Empire and had her men stand down.With new revelations and connections discovered in this foreign world, the Chaos Pirate was compelled to help them...


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