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07/10/2014 02:20 PM 

Fei's Death,Page One

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Posted:  03/30/2014 
This day had been long in the making, the King of the Pirates having recently gained memories of another life lived in an alternate reality; It had revealed to him many details about the people he now had interacted with, their faces and behavior tapping his subconscious mind and unlocking his other recollections. This was known as a Gnosis, an almost-dejavu-like feeling that came from subdued-or alternate-memories. But how could one see the same visions that they did in another dimension? There were two parts to this answer, but first one had to know where Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo came from in this life.

Born to average parents in a dark world, his family was murdered by pirates at the age of three while he and the other children were taken as slaves. For seventeen years Hanzo toiled away until the Fateful day that the Arcane Swordsman,Greatest Swordsman Alive, slaughtered the pirates and almost killed Hanzo. He instead decided to train the newly-freed slave, his will to live shown when he never backed down against a sorcerer that his human form obviously had no chance against. That, and his unrefined talent in the ways of the sword: His sensei saw this in their short skirmish, noting that he put up more of a fight than the pirates who had owned his life.

For many more years he trained under the tutelage of the Arcane Swordsman, learning basic techniques at first but steadily improving and within five years earning his sensei's approval in becoming an Arcane Sorcerer. Sorcery was the term for magic in his realm, Mana it's source: The Spiritual powers capable of unlocking such ability were stored away,much like the large percentage of the brain humans have a limiter on. Sorcerers also gained eternal youth, the mana maintaining their appearance, and physical aptitude far beyond that of a human being. But these powers, known as Arcane and Divine Sorcery, were often linked to religion. A Holy War decimated Hanzo's home planet of Earth, those who sought power often following what they saw as a higher power. The young swordsman saw no God, and saw nothng to prove that such a truly Divine Being existed- why would the world be this way were he to exist?

An Atheist who believed in nothing but his own Ambition to become stronger, Hanzo was informed of how sorcery worked by his master. His response was to flatly deny any religious influence over himself, though he admitted to wanting the power that his teacher could obtain. He had nearly reached the human limits already, and knew he could not become more without sorcery unlocking his full potential. But when the Arcane Swordsman then told him about his defection from the Divine Army and their plans to destroy all in their own Armageddon, he also mentioned how the use of mana could warp the mind and mentally influence beings using it; He was now an Atheist himself, and dabbled in both types of Sorcery without any of the aforementioned mind-altering side effects. Seeing his chance, the student exclaiming his desire for the same thing given similar views on religion- the other performed the 'Baptism Ritual' which began the future pirate's true life.

Mana was able to augment physical traits above the already-high potential sorcerers held, and each sorcerer gained a single technique their mana was capable of manifesting into; Their souls determined what the power was to be, Arcane Techniques high in destructive power more often than not. His ability was Arcane Inferno, later discovered in a duel against his sensei: Hanzo could create, control and even become flame because of his fiery nature. He was told this was Naturism Sorcery, a by-product of the full power that with two sorcerers changed the geography of their world forevermore. Excited with this, a twenty-five year old Hanzo now remained at prime physical age and over the next half of a century honed his skills,deciding to use a third blade because of his own ideas of how it could be an advantage.

His throat and jaw stronger than the average sorcerer even, the new sorcerer easily learned how to balance himself now that his desire had been fulfilled- he felt like he now had to prove himself to his sensei. The moment came when a man after the title of Arcane Swordsman sought Hanzo's sensei, and was sent to combat him alone. Hanzo quickly found that the thick black blade his foe used halted any kinetic or magical energy it contacted and vanquished it. An anti-energy sword, the man called it, one that was forged by the hearts of one thousand creatures made of countless alloys, this supersword long sought after until he killed the Arcane Sorcerer who had created it.

Knowing that his foe couldn't possibly swing the sword if this were true, he simply kicked the hilt in the man's hand during their battle and stabbed him with his own blade-then finishing the battle in moments. He was badly injured, but his opponent was too confident in his own ability and his blade's and failed to view his murderer as an equal. With this, Hanzo took Oniken from the swordsman and kept on with his training, a legendary blade now in his possession! Soon the time came to learn Divine Sorcery as well, and his came in the form of a Golden Aura that required both Arcane and Divine Mana in equal proportions: His master informed him that they shared a legendary Divine Technique, one that could destroy other sorcery and the like with it's ability. He challenged his student to one final duel, to take his title or die within a pyramid he was guardian of. 

Their fight was fierce, Hanzo finding that the Arcane Swordsman was easily able to get around Oniken and slash with his own legendary blade, Divinity. Running on Divine Mana, the sword cut things as if they had the structural integrity of a sheet of paper- Hanzo still carried a long scar from his right hip to left shoulder, a mark from their first battle and the same weapon. But his power stopped that, his assaults furious and enough to rival his master at this point. But his sensei seemed not to worry- his own power cancelling Hanzo's! He remembered how each time they used their power, it seemed like a battle of will; His Ambition was strong, and each time his desire to now slay the man who freed him from slavery seemed to aid in warding off the invading energies of 

The Divine Aura

He succeeded in killing the Arcane Swordsman, taking from him both his title and his weapon. But now he sought new meaning in life, his solution to become a pirate. Infatuated with the concept of Chaos , he named his crew the Chaos Pirates, and his Sorcery ,Chaos Sorcery. The blade he soon forged from special alloys that could store mana within itself was also named Kaosu. His journey began by recruiting a powerful crew, and they went about crushing other pirates in their world. They were not conventional pirates: Hanzo's hatred of slavery causing them to do things many would call heroic if not for the men who fell to free others. They fought both the Arcane and the Divine Army for varying reasons, often being targeted because they were in the military territory for one reason or another.

As the Chaos Pirates grew in infamy, the Divine Amry labeled them as a major threat. They hired the King of the Pirates and his crew, the Apocalypse Pirates, to destroy their enemy without a connection to the Holy Elders. The King took this contract, he and his men ambushing their targets and decimating the ranks of the Chaos Pirates, the captain locked in a fierce battle with the King as his nakama fell all around him. His hatred and anger unlocked an ability he knew not of- He had a dark ,shadowy aura capable of creating solid illusions to attack with him, but this dark presence was a larger version of himself- the lifelike avatar later named the Deva, it's strength tremendous as it worked together with Hanzo to double his power. He managed to kill the King of the Pirates that day, taking both his title and the Nexus Key:

This Key only activated in the hand of the King of Pirates, large and golden in appearance with various gems studding it. It opened portals to other dimensions and locations, though it was random unless one had traveled to the realm already. With this, the user became a pirate not only of this world, but of the multiverse. But first, the king and his sole surviving nakama,his shipwright, had to start anew. They took the pieces of both ships ravaged in battle into Divine Territory, building a massive ship from the remnants of two. He and his nakama also stole the blueprints for an engine of mana and built it from scratch, the engine for their massive vessel large enough to act as a ship of it's own.

He spent time afterwards rebuilding his crew and traveling to foreign realms seeking alliances and territory. Along the way, familiar faces cause him to undergo a 'Gnosis' And the reasons why were simple if one knew Hanzo's story. He jumped from world to world with the Nexus Key, and that was a major part. But the true catalyst was the pirate's power. Divine Ambition, the Divine Aura, was an energy that changed upon the user's beliefs. His master had convinced him what his power was, and to this day he knew not of his true potential. His power was able to influence him, though it was the reason why outside influence was so difficult: Because he believed that it was possible to have an alternate life, seeing the same faces triggered these memories. 

He remembered working for a man who claimed to be rising to power, seeking military aid from the pirate in an alternate reality. Hanzo aided and eventually became part of his family for a short while before learning of his true, malefic nature and leaving the Aerial Dominion of Solaris with revenge on his mind. Fei Hatzis was to die , Hanzo knew that from the scattered memories of another persona. His rage at the man was incredible, and so this version would do what the other pirate didn't and finish the job.

He stood now in a clearing lined with short grass for miles on end. A neutral location, one where he would decimate his foe in the field of battle. Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo stood six feet tall, wearing only black jeans, boots and a bandanna and because of this his physique- comparable to a bodybuilder minus his scar- was openly displayed. Looped into his belt were three sheathes; Red and black sheathes on his right hip and a white one on his left, these items held not the weapons. They were in the hands and mouth of the Arcane Swordsman. Oniken, the energy-ignorant twenty-three inch long ebony blade, was held in Hanzo's left hand.Shinsei[Divinity]'s silver, twenty-two inch blade's white handled rested in his right, and the specialized hilt of Kaosu-red in color with imprints like a mouth guard to allow Hanzo to both easily use the blade ,identical to Shinsei, pointing out to his right, as well as drawing from the extra reserve of energy inside.

Gray hues faced forward, the golden Nexus Key sitting ten feet behind him. Were the other to kill Hanzo, his titles, swords and the key were his if he saw fit to take them.But the current King thought not of that, his focus on destroying his enemy. As he awaited the one he would duel to the death with, he let Arcane and Divine energies begin to charge within his body and augment his physical abilities until unleashed when he used his sorcery. A sensory awareness of the soul and living things granted with the powers of sorcery, the Captain of the Chaos Pirates sensed for Fei Hatzis to appear so that they could finally end this.

His Three Ambitious Blades were drawn, his plans to cut ties and burn bridges quite literal. His anger left from what the Gnosis had given him of his alternate-self's memories  now manifested,though it was just beginning. Though the sun was bright, a shadow seemed to be creeping across Hanzo as he prepared for battle, the aura of the Deva unleashed if only to aid him later in battle. He never underestimated an opponent:

All were to be killed by any means necessary. 


Posted:  03/30/2014 



"So pal, what are you gonna do about him?  Not the best listener."




Aerial Defender of Shevat.


"Kill him.  He's an insubordinate welp, I've no use for him.



First Imperial Princess of Shevat.



"Baby cakes, you need to calm down.  

Just talk to Hanzo, he'll come around."



Lady In Waiting to the Imperial Shevatian Throne.


"Please.  There is no talking to him."



Basileus of the Floating Principality of Shevat.


"Father, you don't think you're being tough on him?"




07/10/2014 02:20 PM 

Fei's Death,Page One

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Posted:  03/30/2014 
This day had been long in the making, the King of the Pirates having recently gained memories of another life lived in an alternate reality; It had revealed to him many details about the people he now had interacted with, their faces and behavior tapping his subconscious mind and unlocking his other recollections. This was known as a Gnosis, an almost-dejavu-like feeling that came from subdued-or alternate-memories. But how could one see the same visions that they did in another dimension? There were two parts to this answer, but first one had to know where Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo came from in this life.

Born to average parents in a dark world, his family was murdered by pirates at the age of three while he and the other children were taken as slaves. For seventeen years Hanzo toiled away until the Fateful day that the Arcane Swordsman,Greatest Swordsman Alive, slaughtered the pirates and almost killed Hanzo. He instead decided to train the newly-freed slave, his will to live shown when he never backed down against a sorcerer that his human form obviously had no chance against. That, and his unrefined talent in the ways of the sword: His sensei saw this in their short skirmish, noting that he put up more of a fight than the pirates who had owned his life.

For many more years he trained under the tutelage of the Arcane Swordsman, learning basic techniques at first but steadily improving and within five years earning his sensei's approval in becoming an Arcane Sorcerer. Sorcery was the term for magic in his realm, Mana it's source: The Spiritual powers capable of unlocking such ability were stored away,much like the large percentage of the brain humans have a limiter on. Sorcerers also gained eternal youth, the mana maintaining their appearance, and physical aptitude far beyond that of a human being. But these powers, known as Arcane and Divine Sorcery, were often linked to religion. A Holy War decimated Hanzo's home planet of Earth, those who sought power often following what they saw as a higher power. The young swordsman saw no God, and saw nothng to prove that such a truly Divine Being existed- why would the world be this way were he to exist?

An Atheist who believed in nothing but his own Ambition to become stronger, Hanzo was informed of how sorcery worked by his master. His response was to flatly deny any religious influence over himself, though he admitted to wanting the power that his teacher could obtain. He had nearly reached the human limits already, and knew he could not become more without sorcery unlocking his full potential. But when the Arcane Swordsman then told him about his defection from the Divine Army and their plans to destroy all in their own Armageddon, he also mentioned how the use of mana could warp the mind and mentally influence beings using it; He was now an Atheist himself, and dabbled in both types of Sorcery without any of the aforementioned mind-altering side effects. Seeing his chance, the student exclaiming his desire for the same thing given similar views on religion- the other performed the 'Baptism Ritual' which began the future pirate's true life.

Mana was able to augment physical traits above the already-high potential sorcerers held, and each sorcerer gained a single technique their mana was capable of manifesting into; Their souls determined what the power was to be, Arcane Techniques high in destructive power more often than not. His ability was Arcane Inferno, later discovered in a duel against his sensei: Hanzo could create, control and even become flame because of his fiery nature. He was told this was Naturism Sorcery, a by-product of the full power that with two sorcerers changed the geography of their world forevermore. Excited with this, a twenty-five year old Hanzo now remained at prime physical age and over the next half of a century honed his skills,deciding to use a third blade because of his own ideas of how it could be an advantage.

His throat and jaw stronger than the average sorcerer even, the new sorcerer easily learned how to balance himself now that his desire had been fulfilled- he felt like he now had to prove himself to his sensei. The moment came when a man after the title of Arcane Swordsman sought Hanzo's sensei, and was sent to combat him alone. Hanzo quickly found that the thick black blade his foe used halted any kinetic or magical energy it contacted and vanquished it. An anti-energy sword, the man called it, one that was forged by the hearts of one thousand creatures made of countless alloys, this supersword long sought after until he killed the Arcane Sorcerer who had created it.

Knowing that his foe couldn't possibly swing the sword if this were true, he simply kicked the hilt in the man's hand during their battle and stabbed him with his own blade-then finishing the battle in moments. He was badly injured, but his opponent was too confident in his own ability and his blade's and failed to view his murderer as an equal. With this, Hanzo took Oniken from the swordsman and kept on with his training, a legendary blade now in his possession! Soon the time came to learn Divine Sorcery as well, and his came in the form of a Golden Aura that required both Arcane and Divine Mana in equal proportions: His master informed him that they shared a legendary Divine Technique, one that could destroy other sorcery and the like with it's ability. He challenged his student to one final duel, to take his title or die within a pyramid he was guardian of. 

Their fight was fierce, Hanzo finding that the Arcane Swordsman was easily able to get around Oniken and slash with his own legendary blade, Divinity. Running on Divine Mana, the sword cut things as if they had the structural integrity of a sheet of paper- Hanzo still carried a long scar from his right hip to left shoulder, a mark from their first battle and the same weapon. But his power stopped that, his assaults furious and enough to rival his master at this point. But his sensei seemed not to worry- his own power cancelling Hanzo's! He remembered how each time they used their power, it seemed like a battle of will; His Ambition was strong, and each time his desire to now slay the man who freed him from slavery seemed to aid in warding off the invading energies of 

The Divine Aura

He succeeded in killing the Arcane Swordsman, taking from him both his title and his weapon. But now he sought new meaning in life, his solution to become a pirate. Infatuated with the concept of Chaos , he named his crew the Chaos Pirates, and his Sorcery ,Chaos Sorcery. The blade he soon forged from special alloys that could store mana within itself was also named Kaosu. His journey began by recruiting a powerful crew, and they went about crushing other pirates in their world. They were not conventional pirates: Hanzo's hatred of slavery causing them to do things many would call heroic if not for the men who fell to free others. They fought both the Arcane and the Divine Army for varying reasons, often being targeted because they were in the military territory for one reason or another.

As the Chaos Pirates grew in infamy, the Divine Amry labeled them as a major threat. They hired the King of the Pirates and his crew, the Apocalypse Pirates, to destroy their enemy without a connection to the Holy Elders. The King took this contract, he and his men ambushing their targets and decimating the ranks of the Chaos Pirates, the captain locked in a fierce battle with the King as his nakama fell all around him. His hatred and anger unlocked an ability he knew not of- He had a dark ,shadowy aura capable of creating solid illusions to attack with him, but this dark presence was a larger version of himself- the lifelike avatar later named the Deva, it's strength tremendous as it worked together with Hanzo to double his power. He managed to kill the King of the Pirates that day, taking both his title and the Nexus Key:

This Key only activated in the hand of the King of Pirates, large and golden in appearance with various gems studding it. It opened portals to other dimensions and locations, though it was random unless one had traveled to the realm already. With this, the user became a pirate not only of this world, but of the multiverse. But first, the king and his sole surviving nakama,his shipwright, had to start anew. They took the pieces of both ships ravaged in battle into Divine Territory, building a massive ship from the remnants of two. He and his nakama also stole the blueprints for an engine of mana and built it from scratch, the engine for their massive vessel large enough to act as a ship of it's own.

He spent time afterwards rebuilding his crew and traveling to foreign realms seeking alliances and territory. Along the way, familiar faces cause him to undergo a 'Gnosis' And the reasons why were simple if one knew Hanzo's story. He jumped from world to world with the Nexus Key, and that was a major part. But the true catalyst was the pirate's power. Divine Ambition, the Divine Aura, was an energy that changed upon the user's beliefs. His master had convinced him what his power was, and to this day he knew not of his true potential. His power was able to influence him, though it was the reason why outside influence was so difficult: Because he believed that it was possible to have an alternate life, seeing the same faces triggered these memories. 

He remembered working for a man who claimed to be rising to power, seeking military aid from the pirate in an alternate reality. Hanzo aided and eventually became part of his family for a short while before learning of his true, malefic nature and leaving the Aerial Dominion of Solaris with revenge on his mind. Fei Hatzis was to die , Hanzo knew that from the scattered memories of another persona. His rage at the man was incredible, and so this version would do what the other pirate didn't and finish the job.

He stood now in a clearing lined with short grass for miles on end. A neutral location, one where he would decimate his foe in the field of battle. Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo stood six feet tall, wearing only black jeans, boots and a bandanna and because of this his physique- comparable to a bodybuilder minus his scar- was openly displayed. Looped into his belt were three sheathes; Red and black sheathes on his right hip and a white one on his left, these items held not the weapons. They were in the hands and mouth of the Arcane Swordsman. Oniken, the energy-ignorant twenty-three inch long ebony blade, was held in Hanzo's left hand.Shinsei[Divinity]'s silver, twenty-two inch blade's white handled rested in his right, and the specialized hilt of Kaosu-red in color with imprints like a mouth guard to allow Hanzo to both easily use the blade ,identical to Shinsei, pointing out to his right, as well as drawing from the extra reserve of energy inside.

Gray hues faced forward, the golden Nexus Key sitting ten feet behind him. Were the other to kill Hanzo, his titles, swords and the key were his if he saw fit to take them.But the current King thought not of that, his focus on destroying his enemy. As he awaited the one he would duel to the death with, he let Arcane and Divine energies begin to charge within his body and augment his physical abilities until unleashed when he used his sorcery. A sensory awareness of the soul and living things granted with the powers of sorcery, the Captain of the Chaos Pirates sensed for Fei Hatzis to appear so that they could finally end this.

His Three Ambitious Blades were drawn, his plans to cut ties and burn bridges quite literal. His anger left from what the Gnosis had given him of his alternate-self's memories  now manifested,though it was just beginning. Though the sun was bright, a shadow seemed to be creeping across Hanzo as he prepared for battle, the aura of the Deva unleashed if only to aid him later in battle. He never underestimated an opponent:

All were to be killed by any means necessary. 


Posted:  03/30/2014 



"So pal, what are you gonna do about him?  Not the best listener."




Aerial Defender of Shevat.


"Kill him.  He's an insubordinate welp, I've no use for him.



First Imperial Princess of Shevat.



"Baby cakes, you need to calm down.  

Just talk to Hanzo, he'll come around."



Lady In Waiting to the Imperial Shevatian Throne.


"Please.  There is no talking to him."



Basileus of the Floating Principality of Shevat.


"Father, you don't think you're being tough on him?"




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06/19/2014 03:46 PM 



Ten : Hikari no Kuni

Heaven: The Country of Light

The main base for the Divine Elders and their military , the counrty was full of vast grassy plains, small townships of stone roads and buildings with peaceful folk and a police force of Divine Sorcerers, and their capital city, Cathderal-named for the towering structure in the center of town. Their streets were paved with steel, and the buildings were a bit fancier, but not by much. Many armored and robed individuals travelled in peace through the streets in search of their destinations:Cathedral was known for it's Shops of Magic, as well as the countless temples of the Divine Arts.



Zeitaku : Tokken no Toshi
Luxury : City of Privilege

The capital of Avalon, located dead center of the country, was paved with steel roads and made of house that could reconstruct themselves at will; Allowing one to accompany guests and whatnot. Though the true military purpose of this was to be able to construct a city-wide stronghold for war operations. Those allowed here were sorcerers of esteem- those who had made names for themselves and a contract with The Divine Army to aid them when they need help , and in return gained their own city of luxury and prosperity. Paradise.





Jigoku: Yami no Kuni

Hell : Country of Darkness

Bleak and barren was the land itself, vast areas devoid of any life-or anything at all, for that matter- , cracked and baked dirt all around these pseudo-deserts. In between them were large patches of civilization, though housed in magical structures that were obviously the reason for the death of nature around them. Large black towers, no doubt raised from the earth and alchemized by a Sorcerer of one degree or another. Many in these cities kept concealed within cloaks and masks, and they had markets for stolen technology and scrolls all around. Though, most of them were there to rob you and keep the merchandise and the cash. And whatever else one had on them.

But not in Sin.


Tsumi: Jigoku no Kokoro

Sin : Heart of Hell

The capital of this dark country, Sin was much more advanced than anywhere else in Hell. The structures here were much more modern and the sleek and flawless design implied the work of a Powerful Sorcerer. One who created the entire city, as the color of all of the structures and the style were all matching. Surrounding the capital was a mile-wide moat with who knew what swimming in it, the only entrance one of two massive bridges on the west and east side of it. The East bridge was destroyed recently during a battle for power in the city, and now only the path closest to the western shore-and also filled with the worst of Hell's inhabitants-  was available for ground travelers.

The streets and buildings were looking a bit damaged, but the small amount that was seemed fairly recent and fairly small, compared to what The Arcane could have done before their death.

But their deaths benefited the two underground groups striving for the throne in Sin. A Cult known as Yami no Shison, meaning Descendants of Darkness, had now renamed themselves Arukana no Shison- Descendants of Arcana. Their rivals, Sebun Tsumi(The Seven Sins) had launched a war against their more powerful enemies . Making Sin the battleground. The main battles had taken place in some of the taller towers, causing rubble and debris to fall down to the streets below. One tower head even stuck upside down in the street below it's decapitated, shadowy purple body.

But the Arcana seemed to be winning. Various buildings were tagged with one kanji or another; either 秘術 for Arcane or 罪 for Sin. And the 秘術's far outnumbered the 罪's. Groups of armed men patrolled each part of the city, the west and the east. Though The Descendants of Arcane were based in the western half of the capital, nearest the bridge, recently they had gained ground in excess of forty percent of enemy territory, leaving roughly seventy percent of Sin  in their control. With the main temples , markets and the main Towers of The Arcane Elders, they had better technology, stronger sorcerers and most of all, superior force. Many ran to choose sides when the chaos erupted, and each half of the capital mainly differed to the group running their side of town . But the western population was forty thousand strong as opposed to the twenty-eight thousand who lived in the east. Thousands ran to the west after their recent victories, and all who had lived in the blocks they overtook were either converted to their side, tortured and questioned, forced to do hard labor, or killed outright.


Hibiki Saundo no Ichi

Symphony, City of Sound

On the Eastern Coast of Hell, Country of Darkness, sat a peculiar 'Queendom' even for this landmass; Hell was always covered by a murky sky, daylight never quite finding it's way there, the lands barren and riddled with so many underground volcanoes that it was like a gigantic minefield-not to mention the towering volcanic mountains littering the lands. This Kingdom, though surrounded by these volcanoes more than most was seemingly unaffected. Other Tyrants in Hell had sent scouts, who reported that it was as if a barrier of sound stopped most everything from entering the city : Once reaching the borders or the relatively small empire, the sorcerers sent were pushed back by what seemed like music. The concussive force of the beat sent them flying, even with their strength. But how?

Sorcery was their guess, and it couldn't be more right. For thousands of years a Sorceress had bided both her time and her power, researching more ways to strengthen herself. Her name here was Saundo Nyotei [Sound Empress], known for her power to literally imbue mana into sounds around them, giving them varying effects including the concussive force stopping them. She had recently found a way to increase the range of her power, drawing from the mana of other sorcerers around her. This was not her original sorcery.

It was Ra's. Her true name was Iris,Egyptian God of Magic., Or at least, her name while her and other sorcerers ruled over Ancient Egypt posing as Gods. She had poisoned Ra, forcing him to reveal his true name-the source of his true power- for her to cure him as he was unaware of her actions.  The six warriors battled once this betrayal was outed by another who had figured it out, all though dead in the end of their grand battle.

But Iris' main power was healing. She healed herself and got away,and over the years learned of Ra's true power. He took sorcery from those who used it around him,and now that he was dead she could use her ability-something she hadn't thought of when planning to take his power, that if he had lived she could not use it. With it, she could use any of the powers of those sorcerers who once banded together with her for so many years.

The city itself was made of brick, a special kind enhanced to carry and reverberate sound better. This is what allowed her to stop small forces such as the bits of lava and scouts, though she was not alone. The other sorcerers she ruled over knew her true identity and aided her in whatever she asked of them. But they were not impregnable.

Nine Rings 


Tan'ya, Kakushin no Toshi

Metallurgy, City of Innovation

This city was heavily fortified,and only those with a reason to be there were allowed so. While there were open gates, inside of this dome of steel the blacksmiths and shipwrights made sure that any troublemakers were taken care of.


Hason, Taikei no Ichi

Corruption, City of Schemes

The Black Market of the Black Market Country, Hason was notorious for the major underground stores beneath the foundations of a city made completely of steel. Five Sorcerers ran this city, and they had founded it in search of a place to do business without conflict, or risk of exposure. One of the greatest Blacksmiths in the world helped one of the world's leading scientists' create this special alloy that made Corruption, blocking out sensory abilities besides the five senses. They could not be detected. While aboveground a normal city seemed to loom, in truth these people were merely experiments of the Mad Scientist who helped found the city. Two others dealing in the lucrative trades of supplying warriors to secret causes and gathering intel and sending spies used their connections to militarize the city without being obvious, while the fifth member only sought those who asked for him. Able to teach and bestow sorcery even to other sorcerers, his reputation was mysterious but strong. He was the true leader of this city.

Within the ebony walls of the city there was only one entrance to the true market beneath. This bar was found near the center of town, and those within were forbidden to fight each other or cause conflict. If one did, all had the right to kill the perpetrator. This was the law of Hason. While they served liquor of all sorts, the bar allowed those down into the real city if they knew what to ask for. This place was

Dīrā no Den

The Dealer's Den

Though several sat throughout the bar enjoying their drinks, all had come for a reason. They just wanted to make sure that nobody here was from the Divine. Or hostile.



A steady stream of rain, a torrential downpour, 'reigned' down upon this cavernous  canyon located on the very tip of Armageddon's lightning bolt-shaped country. It never stopped raining in this massive area, the waters forming deadly, rushing floods of water that swept through the canyon's cracks. Due to this unnatural weather, moss and many aquatic flowers bloomed around the valley, though adapting in strange ways to an even stranger environment around them. Most flowers here would die from the lack of sunlight, as clouds always obscured the skies; the icy blue flowers in this area fed off of water alone, compensating for the lack of light by linking it's roots with other ground-bound things to siphon energy from them. Some of these deadly yet beautiful flora even converted the water drank from their fat, round bulbs into an acidic secretion capable of burning through the ground around it in addition to other things as hard as steel.

The lizards and snakes here had also adapted, these reptiles growing more amphibious in nature and larger in size, some of them now masters of this newfound element around them. It was rumored that four hundred years ago, during a battle with a Divine Naturist who could control water, he lost control of his power and cursed this land with a never-ending storm. The Earth Sorcerer he fought similarly turned this desert into a canyon, splitting the ground itself during his own loss of control. This valley was forevermore known as

Hageshī Tera� Fāma
Torrential Terra Firma

This place was also the last known location of the famous master Shinobi Hattori Hanzo, a samurai and kenjutsu master. After years of working for the once-proud nation of Shien, the man turned away from their corrupt ways after learning of hismaster's death due to the betrayal of a close friend. He studied the arts of the ninja, forming his own clan of highly-skilled swordsmen to fight with guerilla tactics and misdirection to obtain their objectives, forging their own empire in Armageddon across the sea. They collected magical artifacts, arming themselves with powerful weapons and allies. Hanzo was a master tactician as well as a blacksmith who led his armies to victory virtually every time, known as the Progenitor of Shinobi. 

Close to two centuries ago, he had crafted the Blade of Fate- a special sword capable of causing irreversible damage to anything it cut and destroying energy. He fused several different alloys and various powers from other weapons to create a blade symbolic of the power of Death. After dissolving his army to go about their own ways, poisoned with an incurable cancer from an earlier battle, the ninja grandmaster made it his sacred duty to guard the sword. A militia made up of forty of his former comrades came to take his treasure, and the battle at Hattori Manor left only Hanzo and his student alive and running for their lives to this rain-soaked valley of nature gone wrong. It is said that none made it out alive, as Hattori easily dispatched his men with the very tactics he taught to them before committing Seppukku with the Blade of Fate. Long ago hiding his other fabled creations across the globe, the former samurai died true to the Bushido code.


Zangyaku Satsuriku, Toshi
Carnage, City of Brutality

This city was notorious for holding dangerous events within it's borders, the leader of Carnage allowing such events for the profits they made. The town was filled with fighters, and dropping your guard around here could get you killed easily. The concrete roads were beaten and cracked, the buildings ramshackle and wooden. The only two modern structures were the large, black dome of the Colosseum in the center of Carnage used for fights and The Castle; A large, gray maze of pathways and towers which could confuse even the natives.

Ancient Ruins

Shi no Tani

The Valley of the Dead

Desolate and devoid of any life at all, the entire continent was uninhabited. Bones, strenge contructs,rubble, and even magical equipment was scattered all around the ground. Scattered around the land were old temples said to have remained standing only because they were blessed by the spirits of the two Sorcerers who carved the world into the place it was today, geographically.It was said that great secrets were kept in these ruins. But it was also said that a secret cult of outcast Sorcerers protected them,taking it as their sacred duty.Rarely did anyone 


The Temple of Restoration

Kodai Iseki

The Ancient Ruins

Located in the Southern Hemisphere, this triangle-shaped landmass appeared devoid of any life; The scattered remains of a thousand deserts rested here, ancient pyramids and temples buried under this sea of sand. Every now and again a fierce sandstorm would bury one of the few temples exposed, but often reveal the existence of other structures in it's wake. What this land represented was monumental: Said to be the final place of battle between the two Naturist Sorcerers-People able to bend the elements to their will,and even become them- as their magic literally changed the very geology of the world around them;Though,this event did result in both of the great Sorcerer's deaths.The continents formed into eight landmasses which were then colonized by the Arcane and Divine,and their wars waged on. But this land was virtually untouched for nearly a millennia.

Many believed the lands to be haunted by the spirits of the Naturists, beings so powerful that even in death they resided in the elements here. Others saw no purpose to go. Few knew the true glory of the Ruins; The treasures lying in wait, the Sand Nomads who still lived on here and the countless secrets it held were only a few of the beauties of this magical place.

A fierce sandstorm was right now ravaging the continent,winds chopping at the desert and burying any structure exposed currently. As if acting with a mind of their own,often certain structures revealed themselves at very pivotal moments...

The only trace left at the end of the storm was a twenty meter tall sapphire pyramid-but it was only the top. The rest was still buried under the sands, but those who knew of the ancient treasures in the world would recognize it as the Temple of Restoration. A Divine Healer, accompanied by a Shinobi and the Heir to Hattori Hanzo's legacy, built this place long ago when seeing how isolated the land truly was. They were able to work on a weapon for the Shinobi's Sensei, and the master blacksmith needed them to use their powers to do it. Because the ninja kept themselves in the shadows, Hattori had directed them to the Ruins to forge their weapons while he dealt with military affairs in his Kingdom.

Together, they created the ultimate shield: While in appearance only a small rod of gray, it was made of an alloy capable of storing the imprint of one's power- The Divine Healer had access to this alloy. The Shinobi left his power in it, allowing those who pushed their energy through to access a small amount of his power. Once one activated it, this rod formed a shield with their energy-their energy stretched to create a shield in any shape one desired with enough power- that carried properties of the Shinobi's Plasma Sorcery. This molecular energy could compact and densen itself a thousand times over, diving it a density far beyond any earthly material.A mighty shield, but the weapon had offensive properties as well. By creating an unstable shield of energy with holes in it's molecular makeup,it tried to take the molecules of what it touched to fill the gaps. This resulted in the disintegration of both the unstable plasma and what it tried to devour.

The only flaw in their plan is that the shinobi had been tricked by a spy,ironically enough. While helping the ninja make this weapon, she had also called the Divine Army to both send them to the Temple and to the Hidden Kingdom of Hattori Hanzo. Learning of her betrayal , the heir to Hattori's legacy barely escaped with his life- but was able to kill many inside of the pyramid,including the healer who tried to send him to the grave.

The weapon was lost, The Army retreating with their target gone and Hattori Hanzo soon fighting his final battle afterwards. But within the mazes of this pyramid sat the treasure, abandoned for centuries. Needless to say, many of the booby traps the shinobi prodigy had set up were still very active, and most involved created barrier of dense-or beams of unstable plasma. The translucent blue of the temple made this energy half-hidden from view, but it swirled within the walls harboring dark intents. Hanzo's student had taken a piece of the alloy to rig the entire structure  with his energy forevermore-or until the alloy was removed from the heart of the temple,where the Shield also lay.

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