10/19/2014 02:33 PM 

Chaotic Connections

Chaotic Connections

The following are stories from Hanzo's own personal roleplays, both in groups and messages, and chronicles both his own journeys through time and space under the Chaos Pirates flag as well as the adventures he has with other allies. 

Allies will be named in bold and the nature of their relationship with Hanzo shall be detailed after the completion of all current chapters. 

**Interdimensional Nostalgia
This term refers to the effects of traversing space and time for so long. Hanzo's Divine Sorcery is always active in a small way and is fueled by belief, and upon seeing familiar faces from an alternate life he had lived in another time he regained memories! Discovered in Chapter One, there it explains further how this ability is awoken within the Pirate King.


Chapter One : An Imperial Alliance
And An Irrational Betrayal

The Chaos Pirates traveled to the land of EMPIRE to meet with Emperor Raijin Constantine and propose an alliance. Despite Hanzo's rash demeanor and battle-oriented outlook, the other agreed. But before they could discuss the details, the Emperor had a Wedding to attend; His very own. It was with this information that an invitation was also extended to the Pirate King. With nothing to do until they could speak next, he waited on the roofs of the palace watching the ceremony with enhanced senses.

What he saw was astounding; His wife was familiar?! But he knew not of her, not some other party-goers after the ceremony who also struck chords with the pirate. This was the awakening of **Interdimensional Nostalgia . When he first saw Nanzeen Hatzis he remembered her from another life, memories coming with a massive migraine showing Hanzo times when he worked for a nation named Solaris. A betrayal by the leader, Fei Hatzis,was made aware of but not in full. The Pirate then snapped out of his trance only to run into Karin Ivory, the Solarian Leader's Ex-Fiance, and he remembered now how he tried to convince the man not to war with his brother when he turned on Hanzo. Such memories faded from vision but were not forgotten, and when Nanzeen went to hug him he realized that he must be seeing alternate memories. These people knew another Takamitzu Hanzo, Captain of the Chaos Pirates!

A glance at Fiona Hpontiq revealed her to be the other Hanzo's First Mate,  powerful martial adversary who joined alongside her boss without knowing. Grand adventures and fierce battles were waged on their adventures, but the details were hazy... The Pirate retired to his ship to recover from this recent mental assault, and awoke long after the party ended.

It was then he went to see if the Emperor was busy. Despite his recent marriage, Raijin was readying to go to Ancient Ruins of his land that held the key to creating a sun: They key to EMPIRE's power. With an affinity over flame the Pirate not only agreed but made a deal with the Emperor to test his members when they got to their destination. Secret pact made, they traveled in Hanzo's vessel to meet the others at the site of decayed structures once glorious.

Raijin assaulted the pillars with arrows, but within the smoke an entity made itself known and threatened the warriors. Now was time to move: Hanzo dropped the ethereal battery he carried and let it drop to the ground, spreading the Divine Aura into the air around his 'allies'. Meanwhile his spherical ship crashed into the scene to fire degrading blasts of Mana at all, the aura destroying energy on contact and making these attacks short-lived. Some tried absorbing the energy and were out in seconds, while others were far smarter. One woman protected the Emperor from Hanzo, and his son Rodion Constantine was busy dodging the ethereal blasts near him while waiting for a chance to strike: Analyzing the situation. Nyx N'eva , a hired mercenary, was attacked by the Chaos Shipwright in the form of an energy-resistant,wing-covered ball of might. Instead of fighting, she stated that there was no reason. Despite his monstrous appearance the beast leaped over her and agreed with her statement.

The others were quickly dispatched, and it was revealed that the Chaos Pirate planned this with Raijin to test them. But with the nature of the assault, they then fell back to recover: And the Pirate left to deal with an urgent matter. When he returned, Raijin was gone and Empire was in turmoil! He left the government to establish order, not wanting to take it over without Raijin's consent, and decided to come back again later to check on current events.


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10/09/2014 05:35 PM 


Rules and Guidlines of the Chaos Pirates

1. There will be no modding,autoing, metagaming,etc. If I have t explain these things, the group is probably not for you.

2. OOC Respect. There Will be no drama here, and I reserve the right as admin to remove you from the group if you break this rule. However, you will get one warning.

3. Wars. The Chaos Pirates often wage war. But understand that if you are attacking the Chaos Pirates, you must find them in their world. Meaning to attack, please reference the group under the title 'world' near the top of the page and suggest your storyline there.

10/09/2014 02:48 PM 

Alliances, Bases and Currency


The Kingdom of Nexia - https://www.aniroleplay.com/view_group.php?group_id=2806

Team Neo Plasma - https://www.aniroleplay.com/view_group.php?group_id=4053

Praenuntius - https://www.aniroleplay.com/view_group.php?group_id=2632

The Advent Empire - https://www.aniroleplay.com/view_group.php?group_id=699



The following are bases established in allied or conquered groups or nations.

Adaptation Island

Location : Seas of Hijutsu Feiburu

This isle was the base of the Chaos Pirates when they preferred more natural terrain, and the land was peculiar indeed; It changed every time they saw it, and the scenery ranged from sprawling mountains to lush jungles to grassy plains. Always different ,and always alive. The entire island seemed to have a colletive consciousness of some sort, as it changed the geography of it's land not only to coincide with the weather but also to ward off intruders. The earth was capable of rising and attacking those who set foot upon it's harsh terrain, and the land could even use other forms of nature to slaughter those who trespassed.

Due to this abnormality, few came near the wandering island unless Fate dealt them a bum hand. Nevertheless, the Chaos Pirates had discovered this place long ago and a fierce battle ensued: The island's mass of nature against a man with three swords shook the seas around them and the Pirate King stood his ground, dealing damage to the consciousness itself during this fight. In the end, he found a way to communicate with his through his will; Vowing to protect the land, and keeping it safe from others who would destroy it or abuse it's power. All that Hanzo asked was for the landmass to allow he and his crew safe passage and let them establish bases from time to time. All of which only offered Adaptation Island further protection.

It is currently located in the seas of Hijutsu Feiburu, and is known to travel through the oceans to circle the globe. Regardless, the Pirate King had something there to keep tabs on it's moving location...

Asura Islands

Location : Surrounding Adaptation Island

South of the continent which housed the main allied nations of the Belkan Federation was a sprawling island chain wrapping around the lower borders of their territory. With his new position as head of the Navy and all sea-based security,The Captain of the Chaos had a brilliant idea: To combine the soil of his base, Adaptation Island, with these isles! With the help of Raidou, his shipwright, and his power to make things grow faster and sustain a life on it's own they essentially terraformed each island to mirror the properties of the otherworld base.

The Asura Islands roamed around a general radius of eighteen miles, coming as close as a hundred meters from the it's siblings from time to time. Each isle was also fully capable of bending nature to a collective consciousness' will: The geology could change rapidly in but seconds,attacking intruders and protecting their home areas just like gigantic soldiers. And thus, the sentries known as the Asura Islands-nine in total, named after the deity Asura from Hinduism and Buddhism- were made.
One was sent to another nation as a sign of his alliance, while the other eight were taken when Belka never answered the summons of the Chaos Pirates.

Agni Island

Location : Advent Empire

A volcanic Asura Island, harboring five molten peaks initially, is presented by Hanzo to the Advent Empire as a gift in exchange for their alliance. Currently, the Pirate King is meeting with a Leader of the Empire to show them the isle and discuss their partnership.


The following materials and services are used as forms of currency and trade for the Chaos Pirates:

These metals are found in Hanzo's world and are often offered to be forged into weapons: 

Kazeko[Wind Metal]
This alloy was a powerful metal- it collected and compressed winds into deadly cutting tools controlled at the whim of whoever ran there energy through it as a conduit. Hanzo preferred to make swords and bladed weapons out of this material for the potential to lead a barrage of compressed wind slashes.

Manametaru[Mana Metal]
They alloy literally absorbed magical and spiritual energies within it's metal. Perfect for building energy-based defenses and batteries, Hanzo also has a sword made out of it.

This steel looked like concrete but held a density rivaled only by that of diamond, it's extreme durability and heavy density making it ideal for shields and the like.

Sumāto�-kō[Smart Steel]
This ebony alloy was made up of countless nanoscopic bits, the likes of which used an energy-based conduit to change form. With a high density, impact was also spread through whatever was made of it. The flagship of the Chaos Pirates uses a massive quantity of this metal to change forms and resist physical and ethereal damage.

Hagane Nuno[Steel Cloth]
This fabric carried the same density as titanium, and served as excellent armor.

Hagane Uddo[Steel Wood]
This wood was changed on a molecular level by Arcane Mana gathered around the woods where one found it, harder than ruby and heat-resistant. Perfect for those seeking to surprise enemies, even bladed weapons could cut despite their looks.

Common in his world, Hanzo found the element to be a rare commodity everywhere else. As such, he kept a hefty supply on the Mizu no Oni at all times.

Services Rendered:

Installing Mana Engines/Building Ships
Hanzo and Raidou are open and willing to build customized vessels for a price, complete with their own Mana Engine- An engine of Mana Metal and Smart Metal that kept an ethereal energy source stable and self-sufficient as to power the ship-abilities of the pilots could even be replicated, as well as telepathic command over the ship. Alternately, these engines can be used to power cities and bases as well.

Hanzo may offer to forge a weapon if asked or tempted to make one from a new material found.

The Chaos Pirates are open and willing to taking on rogues for the bounties on their heads.

The Chaos Pirates will provide Military support and Dimensional Transportation for Warring Nations if a proper price is met.

10/08/2014 05:47 PM 

Adaptation Island

Adaptation Island

This isle was the base of the Chaos Pirates when they preferred more natural terrain, and the land was peculiar indeed; It changed every time they saw it, and the scenery ranged from sprawling mountains to lush jungles to grassy plains. Always different ,and always alive. The entire island seemed to have a collective consciousness of some sort, as it changed the geography and geology of it's land not only to coincide with the weather but also to ward off intruders. The earth was capable of rising and attacking those who set foot upon it's harsh terrain, and the land could even use other forms of nature to slaughter those who trespassed.

Due to this abnormality, few came near the wandering island unless Fate dealt them a bum hand. Nevertheless, the Chaos Pirates had discovered this place long ago and a fierce battle ensued: The island's mass of nature against a man with three swords shook the seas around them and the Pirate King stood his ground, dealing damage to the consciousness itself during this fight. In the end, he found a way to communicate with his through his will; Vowing to protect the land, and keeping it safe from others who would destroy it or abuse it's power. All that Hanzo asked was for the landmass to allow he and his crew safe passage and let them establish bases from time to time. All of which only offered Adaptation Island further protection.

It is currently located in the seas of Hijutsu Feiburu, and is known to travel through the oceans to circle the globe. Regardless, the Pirate King had something there to keep tabs on it's moving location...

10/06/2014 12:06 PM 

djsknfln lanvlnd

   Nearly half of a mile further away from the castle than this new invader came yet another; A swirling rift pof violet energy seemed to manifest in moments, silently bending time and space to bridge this world, this dimension, to one far different. One where Mana, a source of spiritual and magical power, was also the reason for constant war and a religious army that now sought to claim the globe using magical powers, eternal youth and enhanced physiology to decimate their enemies as long as time existed. These Sorcerers were capable of far greater things, but instead a final war loomed on the horizon to decide ownership; The Captain of the Chaos Pirates planned to win such a war, but for that he needed allies. And as King of the Seas, he also gained the Nexus Key: A magical device capable of opening ethereal doorways such as this that responded only to his command. To find new allies and treasures he constantly traveled to new and exciting lands, and one day he would return with the forces needed to fulfill his dreams.

   Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo stood six feet five inches tall, wearing boots, jeans and a robe that hid his muscular bulk from full view. A bandanna, black like everything else, was tied over hair as gray as steel,and hues of the same iron color peered far beyond the human normal to first catch sight of the hovering entity assaulting the castle. His full form exited from the portal, and dangling from the crimson sash tying the robe together were four sheathed blades; The red and black hilts of Kaosu[Chaos] and Kishimeuma[Knightmare] stuck out from his right hip, while the green and white hilts of Saikuron[Cyclone] and Shinsei[Divinity] stuck out from his left. All but one of these magical blades were forged from his own hand, and all were made of special alloys either blessed or unnaturally created to retain mighty abilities. Kaosu's crimson hilt, unique from the others in the sense that it also doubled as a mouthpiece, was gripped in his right hand casually, Shinsei's in his left as arms were crossed.

   Hanzo was not human, despite keeping his appearance from when he was twenty-five. He was almost six times older in reality, but when one became a Sorcerer their age became locked, eternal youth a mere side-effect. Physical traits were enhanced far beyond the norm, and the Pirate King primarily trained in honing these physical traits to their limits and then beyond. The main benefit to being a Sorcerer was,of course, Sorcery: Access to the dormant reserves of Mana, a magical energy derived from one's very soul, slumbering within. Mana came in two forms, Arcane and Divine. And the Arcane Swordsman did not pick sides, unlike the religious zealots who had fucked his world up something good.

   No. He had chosen to take on both Arcane and Divine Mana, choosing power over belief in the supposed sources of these energies. Though both forms of energy enhanced his physical capabilities even more, their true powers were vastly different. Arcane Inferno was the name of his Arcane Technique, which gave him power over heat and flame; In response, the pirate was immune to temperature and light. Heat nor cold fazed him, and bright light was peered through with the enhanced vision of a Sorcerer. His Divine Technique required equal amounts of both types of Mana, unique from other forms of Sorcery in this regard. He named it 'Chaos Sorcery', and the Divine Aura was capable of destroying other ethereal auras and the like.

   Finally, with Sorcery came not only enhanced senses but also a sixth sensory ability, one used to feel out living presences and energy sources with an awareness spread throughout a certain area. Hanzo would spread this towards the dark stranger, and now he was going to prepare for combat. Kaosu was not held at random, it was made of an alloy which stored Mana inside. Acting as an ethereal battery, it allowed the Pirate's summoning of Mana from within of both types to be bolstered by some Divine energy from his blade as well. A swirling aura of translucent blue and red surrounded him, aided by Kaosu but fueled mainly by internal sources. The hilts he gripped were drawn to reveal twin, twenty-two inch blades as he concentrated, splitting the Mana to keep the crimson, Arcane energy on his right flank and the Divine on his left.

   While Kaosu was a battery, Shinsei was far different; It took Divine Mana and channeled it through the weapon to mirror the slash of a Master swordsman such as Hanzo; Altering materials on a molecular scale to render them as easy to slash through as a sheet of paper with scissors. It was a mighty powerful tool, and as the pirate caught a feel for that aura coming from the other he knew that he couldn't resist; He could not resist a challenge, and all a swordsman needed to see was the blade of that axe and the obvious ambition to fight in order for the pirate to throw himself into the fray. And it helped that he brought his ride along.

   The Nexus Portal didn't close until a semi-spherical vehicle close to an eighth of a mile in diameter exited and hovered in the air below the pirate's feet and supported his weight. This was a miniature version of the vessel he normally used, but the steel plating around it was the same- made up of countless nanoscopic pieces of metal that shifted and reacted to Mana- as was the engine that fueled it; At the bottom of the vessel was a gaping hole revealing Divine Energies, the likes of Hanzo's own , but the Mana here sustained itself and flourished in a centrifuge-like engine that allowed just enough Mana to distort gravity and keep the ship airborne. Besides this, because the engine and ship ran on the Captain's Mana, it only took a thought for ebony metals to extend and branch off from the ship in the form of three cylindrical devices brimming with Divine Mana that then hovered around Hanzo.

   They were cannons, each packed with enough Mana to carry concussive force powerful enough to shatter ornery metals and materials . It was a test and a way to greet this foe, the pirate's mental commands now firing three times from each cannon to assault his enemy alone; It would make for a fun show. He was waiting on his ship with Mana ablze, ready to draw out more when the time came. It seemed as if he was going to begin his adventure here in style, by decimating an obvious enemy of the castle within enhanced sight.

   Helluva way to greet a new world; with the death of another foreigner who had found his way through a portal as well.


Charges and Reserves:

Arcane Reserve : 95%

Divine Reserve : 95%

Arcane Charge : x0.5

Divine Charge : x1.0

Kaosu Reserve : 75%



Kaosu is Active : Feeds Hanzo a x0.5 charge of Divine Mana.

Shinsei is inactive.

Saikuron and Kishimeuma can be found in my profile under 'A Pirate's Arsenal' for more details.


10/04/2014 02:25 PM 


Religious Strife fills a world of Sorcery, and Holy Wars mark the end of days. Soon, a world consumed by fanatics with a lust for power would enter the final war for control of the globe. With The Divine Army, the Arcane, and several notable forces gathering their strength, there was a wild card in this war:

The Chaos Pirates

The Pirate King had the ability to traverse the multiverse and bring back foreigners from other times and distant lands- those with powers unlike anything that his world had ever seen. With this power, he planned to wipe out the competition and establish order in this dark world. And with time ticking away, the Captain journeys through new and unknown lands in search of allies and power;Even Conquest, if need be.

Whatever it took.


The Chaos Pirates have a long and dark history...

But before we can understand the crew, we must understand who built it and for what purpose?

Takamitzu Hanzo was born in Tempest, City of Storms- a small town on the edge of a nation named Armageddon- and was only three when pirates raided his home. His parents were murdered in front of him, and he was taken as a slave. For seventeen long years he toiled in misery until they day that his 'masters' found a warrior that they could not defeat. The World's Greatest Swordsman took them all out,and to survive Hanzo bore a blade and fought against a Sorcerer despite his human handicap. Even badly wounded, he kept on, and that ambition saved his life.

He was taken in and saved by the Arcane Swordsman, who not only trained him in swordsplay and gave him the power of Sorcery but informed him of the Divine and their intentions. They had framed the Arcane Swordsman, once an Elder, because he knew their dark secret. While some believed in their cause, the rest used to to manipulate the rest into committing unspeakable horrors. An Atheist due to the life he had led, Hanzo cared not. And fifty years after becoming a Sorcerer, he battled his master to the death after gaining a second form of Sorcery: And won.

With this newfound power,he established a pirate crew of his own. He knew how one worked, after all. And for almost a century he gathered allies and became a force to be reckoned with. Because of his connection to his late sensei and the trouble the Pirates had caused, the Divine Army hired the Pirate King to take them out.

Almost all of Hanzo's crew perished in the ambush,save for his Shipwright. With a malevolent power spawned by his foe the Swordsman slaughtered his enemies with newfound vigor,but in the end lost the only family he ever knew. Together with his sole surviving comrade they traveled to the coast of Avalon, a military nation run by the Divine, and not only rebuilt their ship with parts of their enemies but they stole classified technology from the Divine Army. Building and perfecting what was only a theory to create a ship not only capable of transformation but the ability to run solely on Mana, where as most ships required physical fuel in addition.

They escaped to the seas of their world, and ever since began a journey through time and space with the Nexus Key- Prize exclusive to the Pirate King, Hanzo could now travel to other times, places, and even realities. Possibilities were endless, and the King was eager to get revenge.

Who would fall on that path, and who would walk on it alongside him? Only time would tell...

But Fate always smiled upon Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo.

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