10/06/2014 12:06 PM 

djsknfln lanvlnd

   Nearly half of a mile further away from the castle than this new invader came yet another; A swirling rift pof violet energy seemed to manifest in moments, silently bending time and space to bridge this world, this dimension, to one far different. One where Mana, a source of spiritual and magical power, was also the reason for constant war and a religious army that now sought to claim the globe using magical powers, eternal youth and enhanced physiology to decimate their enemies as long as time existed. These Sorcerers were capable of far greater things, but instead a final war loomed on the horizon to decide ownership; The Captain of the Chaos Pirates planned to win such a war, but for that he needed allies. And as King of the Seas, he also gained the Nexus Key: A magical device capable of opening ethereal doorways such as this that responded only to his command. To find new allies and treasures he constantly traveled to new and exciting lands, and one day he would return with the forces needed to fulfill his dreams.

   Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo stood six feet five inches tall, wearing boots, jeans and a robe that hid his muscular bulk from full view. A bandanna, black like everything else, was tied over hair as gray as steel,and hues of the same iron color peered far beyond the human normal to first catch sight of the hovering entity assaulting the castle. His full form exited from the portal, and dangling from the crimson sash tying the robe together were four sheathed blades; The red and black hilts of Kaosu[Chaos] and Kishimeuma[Knightmare] stuck out from his right hip, while the green and white hilts of Saikuron[Cyclone] and Shinsei[Divinity] stuck out from his left. All but one of these magical blades were forged from his own hand, and all were made of special alloys either blessed or unnaturally created to retain mighty abilities. Kaosu's crimson hilt, unique from the others in the sense that it also doubled as a mouthpiece, was gripped in his right hand casually, Shinsei's in his left as arms were crossed.

   Hanzo was not human, despite keeping his appearance from when he was twenty-five. He was almost six times older in reality, but when one became a Sorcerer their age became locked, eternal youth a mere side-effect. Physical traits were enhanced far beyond the norm, and the Pirate King primarily trained in honing these physical traits to their limits and then beyond. The main benefit to being a Sorcerer was,of course, Sorcery: Access to the dormant reserves of Mana, a magical energy derived from one's very soul, slumbering within. Mana came in two forms, Arcane and Divine. And the Arcane Swordsman did not pick sides, unlike the religious zealots who had fucked his world up something good.

   No. He had chosen to take on both Arcane and Divine Mana, choosing power over belief in the supposed sources of these energies. Though both forms of energy enhanced his physical capabilities even more, their true powers were vastly different. Arcane Inferno was the name of his Arcane Technique, which gave him power over heat and flame; In response, the pirate was immune to temperature and light. Heat nor cold fazed him, and bright light was peered through with the enhanced vision of a Sorcerer. His Divine Technique required equal amounts of both types of Mana, unique from other forms of Sorcery in this regard. He named it 'Chaos Sorcery', and the Divine Aura was capable of destroying other ethereal auras and the like.

   Finally, with Sorcery came not only enhanced senses but also a sixth sensory ability, one used to feel out living presences and energy sources with an awareness spread throughout a certain area. Hanzo would spread this towards the dark stranger, and now he was going to prepare for combat. Kaosu was not held at random, it was made of an alloy which stored Mana inside. Acting as an ethereal battery, it allowed the Pirate's summoning of Mana from within of both types to be bolstered by some Divine energy from his blade as well. A swirling aura of translucent blue and red surrounded him, aided by Kaosu but fueled mainly by internal sources. The hilts he gripped were drawn to reveal twin, twenty-two inch blades as he concentrated, splitting the Mana to keep the crimson, Arcane energy on his right flank and the Divine on his left.

   While Kaosu was a battery, Shinsei was far different; It took Divine Mana and channeled it through the weapon to mirror the slash of a Master swordsman such as Hanzo; Altering materials on a molecular scale to render them as easy to slash through as a sheet of paper with scissors. It was a mighty powerful tool, and as the pirate caught a feel for that aura coming from the other he knew that he couldn't resist; He could not resist a challenge, and all a swordsman needed to see was the blade of that axe and the obvious ambition to fight in order for the pirate to throw himself into the fray. And it helped that he brought his ride along.

   The Nexus Portal didn't close until a semi-spherical vehicle close to an eighth of a mile in diameter exited and hovered in the air below the pirate's feet and supported his weight. This was a miniature version of the vessel he normally used, but the steel plating around it was the same- made up of countless nanoscopic pieces of metal that shifted and reacted to Mana- as was the engine that fueled it; At the bottom of the vessel was a gaping hole revealing Divine Energies, the likes of Hanzo's own , but the Mana here sustained itself and flourished in a centrifuge-like engine that allowed just enough Mana to distort gravity and keep the ship airborne. Besides this, because the engine and ship ran on the Captain's Mana, it only took a thought for ebony metals to extend and branch off from the ship in the form of three cylindrical devices brimming with Divine Mana that then hovered around Hanzo.

   They were cannons, each packed with enough Mana to carry concussive force powerful enough to shatter ornery metals and materials . It was a test and a way to greet this foe, the pirate's mental commands now firing three times from each cannon to assault his enemy alone; It would make for a fun show. He was waiting on his ship with Mana ablze, ready to draw out more when the time came. It seemed as if he was going to begin his adventure here in style, by decimating an obvious enemy of the castle within enhanced sight.

   Helluva way to greet a new world; with the death of another foreigner who had found his way through a portal as well.


Charges and Reserves:

Arcane Reserve : 95%

Divine Reserve : 95%

Arcane Charge : x0.5

Divine Charge : x1.0

Kaosu Reserve : 75%



Kaosu is Active : Feeds Hanzo a x0.5 charge of Divine Mana.

Shinsei is inactive.

Saikuron and Kishimeuma can be found in my profile under 'A Pirate's Arsenal' for more details.


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