08/08/2013 10:05 PM 

Nisashi Hanzo: The Primera Espada

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Name: Nisashi Hanzo

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 250lb

Classification: Espada

Rank: Primera (One)

Origin: Unknown

Appearance: Dressed in a black samurai robe, unlike the other Espada, Hanzo carries his Zanpakto on his back and wears a bandanna over his iron-grey hair. His like-colored pupils and hard jaw make him appear to bbe quite evil indeed, not to mention his imposing presence. All in all, Hanzo looks like a ronin. His hole is located where his adam's apple would be and he has the number 1 tattooed on his left shoulder


Name: Kaosu

Shikai Activation Phrase: "Decimate... Kaosu!"

Zanpakto Appearance: A two foot long black blade, similar to a small claymore, wioth a red handle encrusted with black crystals of unknown origins.

Kaosu's Appearance: Kaosu's spiritual form is 6'9" tall, with dark skin, white fluffy hair and crimson pupils. He wears a white robe, with his claymore-like sword carried over his back.

Shikai Appearance: The blade splits into three, with the middle blade turning white and the back black remaining ebony with dark green energy pulsing through it. Hanzo uses all three in unison to unleash devastating attacks based upon Light, Darkness and Chaos.

Hikari no Ha
[Blade of Light]

This white sword can generate immense flashes of light able to blind most enemies, in addition to being able to move at lightspeed and capable or creating physical 'light' that moves so fast that the impact can cut through spiritual energy.

Kage no Ha
[Blade of Shadow]

This ebony blade can shroud the area in darkness as well as create tangible 'shadows' that taint the world around it, decaying what it touches and even causing those who come in contact with it to deal with an incomplete hollowfication process that often ends in death, depending on the victim's will.

Kaosu no Ha
[Blade of Chaos]

This sword glows with the green-black energy of 'Chaos' : The combination of both Light and Dark Spiritual Pressure, Chaos Energy can shatter other energies with it's immense power and even allow one to contact the intangible. The blade grows in power the more that death, confusion and destruction surround it.


Tsu Yashin Ha
[Three Ambitious Blades]

The blades combine again into one and Hanzo's feet, knees, pelvis, chest, shoulders, elbows, hands and jaw become coated in a black bone-like armor. He now sprouts the blades from the black bone armor, and can combine light, dark and chaos energy to double or triple his attack power and speed, adding new effects to his attacks due to the combination of such powers.

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