10/13/2022 08:13 PM 

The Sol Experience ii[Head Canons]

Name Sol'Anaka
Gender Male
Age 60 - Appears 24
Species Dusk Root Elf
Sub Species None
Class Alchemist|Bard
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
NSFW Yes/N/?
Threadjacking Yes/N/?
Fourthwalling Yes/N/?
Mind-reading Yes/N/?
Injury Yes/N/?
Death Yes/N/?
STR: 12
DEX: 18
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 15

MAX HP: 43
Head Canon(s) & Fun Facts
- Sol has a general fear of snakes, but he shares that as an ingrained trait of his people. His own personal fear is of not having a reason to smile. Why? Well it doesn't have to do with happiness, or anything like that. But rather his need to have a secret, or two to hide. For him not having a smile is akin to leaving all of his dirty laundry out to dry for the rest of his entire life. And he hates the thought of that becoming a reality.

- No magic. Dusk Root Elves can not use it, and neither can Sol. This also means that magical items aren't something he can use either. They'll shatter at his touch if they are poor quality, or just not work for the better quality goods.

- If you were curious the Verse Sol hails from is a custom/original creation of mine called Vice: A Tale Of Smiles. It mainly takes place within the organization called Grin, and in the realm he hails from the start. One where Elves are the prime species, humans have all but become feral barbarians, Harpies&Ents protect sacred grounds, and Naga/Lamia are viewed as creatures who will one day swallow the heavens.

- I don't do any of these drawings of Sol. I've just been receiving the grace of Madam Lady Floof. X3 You should add her!! She is a precious marshmellow, and really just an alright down to earth person.

- The Book that Sol found as a child was indeed the Tome Of Tongues that housed a Devil. But due to some errors in the sealing method Sol was able to meld with the Devil resulting in the being as he currently stands. It didn't really change who is was as a person so much as giving him the chance to become a devil of his own down the line. As for the powers of Said Devil, Sol will gain them over time.

Plots - Prompts - Goals
- A Major End Goal for Sol is to take the doctrine of Grin, and transform it into a minor religion that exists outside the rule of monarchs. Spreading their "Freedom Is Found In Vice" mantra about by uplifting those that were poorly affected by nobles, and members of royalty alike by making the problem fade using drugs. That is how he expands his follower base, and continues to do so even now.

- Given that Sol can not use magic he has been seeking another method to quicken his ascent into that of Devilhood. In this case it was consuming Souls, and he has been seeking out Demons for the sake of learning the art from them.

- This is less of a goal, and more of my own personal wish for Sol. It is for him to contract lycanthropy alongside someone else, and have to compete for the chance to kill the one that turned them both. Doing so would cure one of them leaving the other to deal with the curse pernamently. And I don't just mean werewolf it could be anything from a wereshark to a damn werehippo for all I care. I'll be spinning a wheel to determine that. XD So Hit me up if you are curious about this.


10/13/2022 08:12 PM 

The Sol Experience i[For Mobile Users]

Name Sol'Anaka
Gender Male
Age 60 - Appears 24
Species Dusk Root Elf
Sub Species None
Class Alchemist|Bard
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
NSFW Yes/N/?
Threadjacking Yes/N/?
Fourthwalling Yes/N/?
Mind-reading Yes/N/?
Injury Yes/N/?
Death Yes/N/?
STR: 12
DEX: 18
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 15

MAX HP: 43
What Can You Expect From Sol?
Chaos. It may not be evident at first, but Sol does have a few screws loose here and there. Choosing to take the hardest roads for the easiest problems just to see how things pan out. But I won't spoil the interactions for anyone. Currently, I write any where from one-liners to novella and it changes with my mood. Combat is fine. I can do. May let you win. May try to stomp you into the ground. XD All depends on where the goal of our story is.

As the chart says I do erotica and smut. XD You'll probably never see if I didn't add you for that purpose, and even then I still expect some vague story. XD And I mind you can send me one line of your character saying something IC, and I'll try to make that work....Oh! Relationship stuff is fine. I do every connection IC aside from family members. We have to actually discuss those since having his family around would be strange given his backstory. So for family, it has to be Cousins - Sons - Daughters- and Siblings. The rest of his family wouldn't bother with him.

Outside of blood relations, I don't really like to settle down IC. Unless of course it fits the character, and even then I am into Open relationships primarily unless convinced otherwise by said pursued/pursuing person[Kore] >:-0 Come love me!!!!!. Meaning the amount of spouses beyond her/him would be 3 so 4 in total. XD BUT enough of that sh*t.

What type of stories do I like? All kinds actually. I do everything aside from slice-of-life. Why? Because I find it boring it long doses. But my primary focus with Sol is Fantasy Settings of any type. XD I even want to try some cyberpunk with him eventually. I'll do another one of these with some plot ideas I want to pursue, but for now here is the backstory of Sol. OH! And I love some f***ing picture comments. Shove those down my throat you story-loving bastards.

Who Is Sol Really?
Sol was an estranged individual who stood out amongst his kin. Not for anything special physically, or some unique gift. But rather his mind alone made it this way. You see the Dusk Root Elves were a proud people that shunned magic, and any teachings beyond that of battle, and honor. Taught from an early age to uphold principles such as restraint, and survival even at the cost of others around them. It was how they made a name for themselves as Merchants, and Bodyguards alike.

But our dear Sol sought a different path. One of enlightenment, and profane knowledge that shunned simple brawn. Of course, he wasn't alone in this thinking, but those who had once stood beside him faded into the crowd once they grew older. Wishing to survive they tossed him aside. Still, all he did was smile. A fact that many adults and even children took for granted at the time. A simple smile that wished all others around him the best, but it in itself was a lie. For Sol hid his truth behind those sh*tty smiles of his. They were just a tool he often utilized to gain an advantage over others even as a child. or that was just the story the locals told.

His parents had a different story, but they hardly ever spoke of the boy. Claimed he was never around much, to begin with. They'd distanced themselves from him. Though his mother claimed that despite his openly kind nature, he was never the type to be forgiving to those that crossed him. Even the lightest slight would be paid back as brutally as one could ever imagine. The incident with a neighborhood boy having a smile carved onto the back of his head like a pumpkin was what really made him an outcast. They couldn't imagine how, or why a child could be so vindictive. I mean all he did was shove Sol. So why go so far? And do you know what Sol had to say? Well, nothing at first. Not even a smile. Not until the boy came to apologize to Sol, and he dismissed it. Claiming that he only did what it took to Survive.

Strictly speaking he isn't a deranged person, but often chooses to ignore the limits set by others. Focusing solely on varied interpretations that those around him could only become squeamish thinking about. But he perfectly understood right from wrong. Those concepts just didn't fit perfectly with his people's motto of survival so he just ignored it. Beyond this little fascinated him more than experimenting with illegal chemicals, and herbs that were tucked away in his family storehouse. It was there that he found his passion in Alchemy, Herbology, and Mycology after finding a certain book. Bound by what felt like an overly smooth leather he was enamored by the inhuman grin printed on the cover that look as if it would consume him if he ever let it go.

Sol would spend most if not all of his time pursuing his newfound passion. Skipping meal after meal until concoction after concoction had been completed. All were illegal of course, and most were too dangerous to even be opened by the time he was 16 years of age. Though his family, and in the later stages his entire village did not approve they couldn't exactly stop him with words alone. Nor could anyone report him to the authorities as they were the ones collecting the illegal ingredients in the first place. So they often just to just wreck his lab, or destroy the research notes he made in an attempt to stop any of his progress.

Over time they thought him; Frail, Weak, and Silent as if they'd forgotten what happened to the boy from oh so long ago. Step by step the attacks escalated from destroying his lab to beating the boy himself. Amazingly enough, Sol went through 12 years of such treatment before finally being tossed in prison for his crimes. There was no trial or any formal proceedings. They just locked him away as if relieving themselves of a burden too great to bear any longer. Unluckily enough Sol did not stay imprisoned. One night he slipped out of his shackles, invaded their homes, and slit the throats of those who had treated them this way. While others who merely sat back as on-lookers were subjected to drown In a mild dose of Imp Ichor, a drug he perfected during the times they'd left him bloodied and bruised beyond recognition.

To this day, no one knows just how he escaped. Some say he had an ally that helped him. An outsider that knew nothing of the village, and just wanted to lend a hand. Yet the smart ones don't think of it at all. Choosing to simply forget what happened then. TO cast aside the boogeyman that could one day return to further his revenge.



10/09/2022 06:30 PM 

The Menagerie Of Devils Explained

- The Menagerie Of Devils Explained -
What Are The Devils| The Devils found within the Menagerie are entities that have been imprisoned within one of 5 grimoires that represent the Senses Of Mortal Men. Each book is handcrafted from the skin and flesh of human beings who offered their lives for the sake of becoming vessels to hold what others define as horrid abominations. The covers are adorned by what researchers claim are the faces of each devil, but if such is true then they all actually appear to be humanoid goats of some kind. In order the grimoires are labeled as the Tomes Of; Tongues, Palms, Drums, Sights, and the Tomes Of Scents.

Each tome is a powerful artifact that as stated was created to host a Devil that claims the namesake of a sense. Those that wield them are possessed by the devils within, viewing them as chibi versions of their Goat-like selves. But as they dive deeper into the depths of their pages the true forms of these devils slowly reveal the monstrosities that lay just beneath. But it isn't all bad being possessed by these devils as the perks are fantastic...within reason. Imparting parts, or at least the ability that made them what they are. And that includes the defining trait that came with it.

- The Tomes Explained -
Tome Of Tongues| This grimoire landed in the hands of young Sol'Anaka before he'd gained any knowledge of Devils. It easily influenced his actions as their ideals aligned with one another. Through it, the young boy began his journey down the path of becoming a devil of his own. A creation smiles that devoured all joy before it. But the power? Well, it was the ability to blend. Yes, he could influence others by way of his facial expressions. In the case of Sol it was smiles. Always had been, and now you know why.

Tome Of Palms| Representing the sense of touch is the Devil Of Palms. Not much is known about its personality,but it is claimed to be quite the crybaby. Its host will thus experience the emotions of others via touch, absorbing them before transforming these abstract feelings into power.

Tome Of Drums| A female devil that represents the sense of hearing. One of the more down-to-earth of the lot that had little interest in anything other than sounds. As you'd expect the connection through this tome grants the wielder the power to amplify the echo of sounds into physical waves that can smash into victims in a similar fashion to a car crash.

Tome Of Sights| Coming Soon.

Tome Of Scents| Coming Soon.


09/25/2022 09:47 PM 

Template ii

If I die young, bury me in satin Lay me down on a bed of roses Sink me in the river at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh, And life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

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