10/13/2022 08:13 PM 

The Sol Experience ii[Head Canons]

Name Sol'Anaka
Gender Male
Age 60 - Appears 24
Species Dusk Root Elf
Sub Species None
Class Alchemist|Bard
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
NSFW Yes/N/?
Threadjacking Yes/N/?
Fourthwalling Yes/N/?
Mind-reading Yes/N/?
Injury Yes/N/?
Death Yes/N/?
STR: 12
DEX: 18
CON: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 15

MAX HP: 43
Head Canon(s) & Fun Facts
- Sol has a general fear of snakes, but he shares that as an ingrained trait of his people. His own personal fear is of not having a reason to smile. Why? Well it doesn't have to do with happiness, or anything like that. But rather his need to have a secret, or two to hide. For him not having a smile is akin to leaving all of his dirty laundry out to dry for the rest of his entire life. And he hates the thought of that becoming a reality.

- No magic. Dusk Root Elves can not use it, and neither can Sol. This also means that magical items aren't something he can use either. They'll shatter at his touch if they are poor quality, or just not work for the better quality goods.

- If you were curious the Verse Sol hails from is a custom/original creation of mine called Vice: A Tale Of Smiles. It mainly takes place within the organization called Grin, and in the realm he hails from the start. One where Elves are the prime species, humans have all but become feral barbarians, Harpies&Ents protect sacred grounds, and Naga/Lamia are viewed as creatures who will one day swallow the heavens.

- I don't do any of these drawings of Sol. I've just been receiving the grace of Madam Lady Floof. X3 You should add her!! She is a precious marshmellow, and really just an alright down to earth person.

- The Book that Sol found as a child was indeed the Tome Of Tongues that housed a Devil. But due to some errors in the sealing method Sol was able to meld with the Devil resulting in the being as he currently stands. It didn't really change who is was as a person so much as giving him the chance to become a devil of his own down the line. As for the powers of Said Devil, Sol will gain them over time.

Plots - Prompts - Goals
- A Major End Goal for Sol is to take the doctrine of Grin, and transform it into a minor religion that exists outside the rule of monarchs. Spreading their "Freedom Is Found In Vice" mantra about by uplifting those that were poorly affected by nobles, and members of royalty alike by making the problem fade using drugs. That is how he expands his follower base, and continues to do so even now.

- Given that Sol can not use magic he has been seeking another method to quicken his ascent into that of Devilhood. In this case it was consuming Souls, and he has been seeking out Demons for the sake of learning the art from them.

- This is less of a goal, and more of my own personal wish for Sol. It is for him to contract lycanthropy alongside someone else, and have to compete for the chance to kill the one that turned them both. Doing so would cure one of them leaving the other to deal with the curse pernamently. And I don't just mean werewolf it could be anything from a wereshark to a damn werehippo for all I care. I'll be spinning a wheel to determine that. XD So Hit me up if you are curious about this.


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