10/09/2022 06:30 PM 

The Menagerie Of Devils Explained

- The Menagerie Of Devils Explained -
What Are The Devils| The Devils found within the Menagerie are entities that have been imprisoned within one of 5 grimoires that represent the Senses Of Mortal Men. Each book is handcrafted from the skin and flesh of human beings who offered their lives for the sake of becoming vessels to hold what others define as horrid abominations. The covers are adorned by what researchers claim are the faces of each devil, but if such is true then they all actually appear to be humanoid goats of some kind. In order the grimoires are labeled as the Tomes Of; Tongues, Palms, Drums, Sights, and the Tomes Of Scents.

Each tome is a powerful artifact that as stated was created to host a Devil that claims the namesake of a sense. Those that wield them are possessed by the devils within, viewing them as chibi versions of their Goat-like selves. But as they dive deeper into the depths of their pages the true forms of these devils slowly reveal the monstrosities that lay just beneath. But it isn't all bad being possessed by these devils as the perks are fantastic...within reason. Imparting parts, or at least the ability that made them what they are. And that includes the defining trait that came with it.

- The Tomes Explained -
Tome Of Tongues| This grimoire landed in the hands of young Sol'Anaka before he'd gained any knowledge of Devils. It easily influenced his actions as their ideals aligned with one another. Through it, the young boy began his journey down the path of becoming a devil of his own. A creation smiles that devoured all joy before it. But the power? Well, it was the ability to blend. Yes, he could influence others by way of his facial expressions. In the case of Sol it was smiles. Always had been, and now you know why.

Tome Of Palms| Representing the sense of touch is the Devil Of Palms. Not much is known about its personality,but it is claimed to be quite the crybaby. Its host will thus experience the emotions of others via touch, absorbing them before transforming these abstract feelings into power.

Tome Of Drums| A female devil that represents the sense of hearing. One of the more down-to-earth of the lot that had little interest in anything other than sounds. As you'd expect the connection through this tome grants the wielder the power to amplify the echo of sounds into physical waves that can smash into victims in a similar fashion to a car crash.

Tome Of Sights| Coming Soon.

Tome Of Scents| Coming Soon.


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