ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴱᵃʳ ᵀᵒ ᴱᵃʳ on AniRoleplay.com - m.aniroleplay.com/MisterTraumaDick ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴱᵃʳ ᵀᵒ ᴱᵃʳ

29 years old

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June 06 2024

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Groups: The Grand Archive , Novus Ordo Nigrum;, Zexen Confederacy,

     ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴱᵃʳ ᵀᵒ ᴱᵃʳ's Details
Characters: Sol'Anaka
Verses: Vice: A Tale Of Smiles[Original] - Urban Fantasy - Elden Ring - Dark Souls - Crossovers
Playbys: Extra Verses: DnD - Pathfinder - Cyberpunk Fantasy
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para, Semi
Genre: Action, Crossover, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Psychological,
Member Since:September 11, 2022

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The Sol Experience ii[Head Canons]  (view more)

The Sol Experience i[For Mobile Users]  (view more)

The Menagerie Of Devils Explained   (view more)

Template ii  (view more)

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   ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᴱᵃʳ ᵀᵒ ᴱᵃʳ's Blurbs
About me:
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Public Information

BIRTH NAME | Sol'Anaka
Origin | Original
ETYMOLOGY Sol —Unisex;Soul(Sol) meaning small ember, or shrinking blaze. Anaka-surname; meaning caged or to be trapped within. NICKNAME[S] |
Moniker[S] |
-Mister Smile
-Mister Trauma Dick
-Mr Clean; Killer Of Stains
-The Humpty Dumpty Killer

Class| Alchemist|Bard[Smiling Sage]
Alignment| Chaotic Neutral
SPECIES | Dusken[Dusk Root Elf]

A subspecies of Ancient Elves that were sculpted in the image of the Twin Deities of Exile & Betrayal. They embody their creators' envy of Mana & Magic. Making their homes in the Swamp Dunes of Iskel they are an adaptable race who make a living as either nomadic merchants or bodyguards. The Knights Of Kali are the most prominent group of these Elves and those said to be chosen by their Deities to hold the psionic gifts that had on offer.

Sexuality|: Pansexual
DOB | 4th Day Of The 2nd Rising Sun
Height:| 5'7
Weight|: 129 lbs
Skin color:| Darker Clay Brown
Hair color:| Golden Blonde
Eye color:| Metallic bronze
NSFW Sizes:| Currently thinking up a Lie for this.

Understanding THe Smile

Who Is Sol Really? | Sol was an estranged individual who stood out amongst his kin. Not for anything special physically, or some unique gift. But rather his mind alone made it this way. You see the Dusk Root Elves were a proud people who shunned magic, and any teachings beyond that of battle, and honor. Taught from an early age to uphold principles such as restraint, and survival even at the cost of others around them. It was how they made a name for themselves as Merchants, and Bodyguards alike.

But our dear Sol sought a different path. One of enlightenment, and profane knowledge that shunned simple brawn. Of course, he wasn't alone in this thinking, but those who had once stood beside him faded into the crowd once they grew older. Wishing to survive they tossed him aside. Still, all he did was smile. A fact that many adults and even children took for granted at the time. A simple smile that wished all others around him the best, but it in itself was a lie. For Sol hid his truth behind those shitty smiles of his. They were just a tool he often utilized to gain an advantage over others even as a child. or that was just the story the locals told.

His parents had a different story, but they hardly ever spoke of the boy. Claimed he was never around much, to begin with. They'd distanced themselves from him. Though his mother claimed that despite his openly kind nature, he was never the type to be forgiving to those who crossed him. Even the lightest slight would be paid back as brutally as one could ever imagine. The incident with a neighborhood boy having a smile carved onto the back of his head like a pumpkin was what really made him an outcast. They couldn't imagine how, or why a child could be so vindictive. I mean all he did was shove Sol. So why go so far? And do you know what Sol had to say? Well, nothing at first. Not even a smile. Not until the boy came to apologize to Sol, and he dismissed it. Claiming that he only did what it took to Survive.

Strictly speaking he isn't a deranged person, but often chooses to ignore the limits set by others. Focusing solely on varied interpretations that those around him could only become squeamish thinking about. But he perfectly understood right from wrong. Those concepts just didn't fit perfectly with his people's motto of survival so he just ignored it. Beyond this little fascinated him more than experimenting with illegal chemicals, and herbs that were tucked away in his family storehouse. It was there that he found his passion in Alchemy, Herbology, and Mycology after finding a certain book. Bound by what felt like an overly smooth leather he was enamored by the inhuman grin printed on the cover that look as if it would consume him if he ever let it go.

Sol would spend most if not all of his time pursuing his newfound passion. Skipping meal after meal until concoction after concoction had been completed. All were illegal of course, and most were too dangerous to even be opened by the time he was 16 years of age. Though his family, and in the later stages his entire village did not approve they couldn't exactly stop him with words alone. Nor could anyone report him to the authorities as they were the ones collecting the illegal ingredients in the first place. So they often just to just wreck his lab, or destroy the research notes he made in an attempt to stop any of his progress.

Over time they thought him; Frail, Weak, and Silent as if they'd forgotten what happened to the boy from oh so long ago. Step by step the attacks escalated from destroying his lab to beating the boy himself. Amazingly enough, Sol underwent 12 years of such treatment before finally being imprisoned for his crimes. There was no trial or any formal proceedings. They just locked him away as if relieving themselves of a burden too great to bear any longer. Unluckily enough Sol did not stay imprisoned. One night he slipped out of his shackles, invaded their homes, and slit the throats of those who had treated them this way. While others who merely sat back as on-lookers were subjected to drown In a mild dose of Imp Ichor, a drug he perfected during the times they'd left him bloodied and bruised beyond recognition.

To this day, no one knows just how he escaped. Some say he had an ally that helped him. An outsider that knew nothing of the village, and just wanted to lend a hand. Yet the smart ones don't think of it at all. Choosing to simply forget what happened then. TO cast aside the boogeyman that could one day return to further his revenge.

There is no return once you've found The Love In Vice.

Founding Of Grin| A passion project that Sol indulged in after escaping from his former village. Imbued with a new appreciation for the outside world he began to spread the words "Freedom through Vice" to any, and all that would lend an ear. Luckily for him the war raging between the Southern Pure Elves, and the Western Front held by the Storm Elf Nomads left many a tired soul wishing for a way to escape.

And what better cure for your woes than Sin? First offering the poverty-stricken masses his solution in the form of Drugs. Safety nets that allowed one to obtain whatever they had longed for, but only in their dreams. And those that wanted something more? Well, he told them that it could be obtained if they indulged endlessly in desires once untold. It wasn't long before the small following he gained rivaled that of small churches in size.

Taking to the streets they preached his word as if a God had spoken them, and those who bad-mouthed it were prone to losing their tongues. From kidnappings to smuggling children of nobles they all participated in horrendous acts for the sake of the Freedom he preached. Waging small wars on older gangs, and absorbing them until few stood in his way. Despite his best efforts converting nobles was much harder than they thought.

Blackmail rarely did the trick, and they lacked the need for salvation. So he bribed them for favors, even killed the ones that couldn't be bought. But freedom was a bloody business that left even his allies buried in the earth after crossing him once. So Grin slowly became known as a cult with no true purpose other than the spread of drugs, and terror across the land.

My Vice My Tool. My Love.

Tome Of Tongues| This grimoire landed in the hands of young Sol'Anaka before he'd been told what he had stumbled upon. Whispers slithering out from its pages are meant to lure the unworthy into the maw of a devil that lurks within. Through it, the young boy began his journey down the path of becoming a devil all his own. A creature who'd smile, and devour any joy that came bouncing their way. But the power? Well, it was the ability to blend. Yes, he could influence others by way of his facial expressions. In the case of Sol, it was smiles. Always had been, and now you know why.

A Sages' Tookit| Coming soon.

Imp Ichor| Once the crown jewel of nobles who needed a kick to spice up their relationships has now been turned into the blade of many a fabled killer. As a former aphrodisiac, the illegal substance brings out the inner urges of all those who breathe in its vapor or drink its purified liquid form. Sol modified it by introducing paralytic herbs to the mixture that cause one to slowly grow stiff the more excited they've become. It was banned alongside the original as no one could ever hope to tell them apart.

Simon| A young Mesmer Toad that Sol came into contact with after he awoke in the plant nursery of his friend, Lady. According to her knowledge, it is somehow more special than he could ever imagine. Claims it was the reason he had found himself buried in her garden, to begin with. So after studying it, he determined that it hunts by locking prey in a mesmerized state and ordering them to bury themselves under the soil to perish. After which it would consume their corpse until it had begun to decay before then searching for another victim to trap the same way.

Dusk Resin| A powdered version of the Dusk Root fungi that can leave a victim plagued with either ghoulish illusions or wonderous fantasies depending on what it is laced with. Normally a harmless substance it was banned from markets after Grin began to use it to kidnap noble daughters for the sake of ransom, or a change in city policies.

Swollen Ember| A home-brewed wine that was crafted with fermented Ash Peaches, and Amber grapes found in the Volcanic Oasis of the continent. One can either drink it as normal or utilize a special smoking flask for the sake of inhaling its vapor. Given how strong it is, and how long it takes to make Sol only produces ten bottles every year.

pOWER IS MY FREEDOM. The FreedoM to desire anything.

Breath Of Kali| It was public knowledge that the Dusken Elves weren't able to handle mana or magic in any form. Enchantments on tools seemed to unravel or the items themselves would simply fall apart altogether. However, a special few are blessed with the grace of their Twin Deties to be something more. Cast into the psionic weave they are known as the "Knights Of Kali" and have a wide variety of applications.

From probing thoughts, or manipulating objects. Yet even still they all display something others lack. For Sol he could consume fungi and mushrooms to absorb their effects into his body and breathe it out as a metallic dust he alone could control with his mind. His favorite method is to swallow a Stone Cap Shroom and inflict petrification on his targets as if they had eaten it.

Knife Juggling| Having a distaste for actual combat Sol chose to learn knife juggling as a replacement for traditional martial arts. It isn't to say that he is cowardly as many members of Grin have watched him leaping into conflict head first time and time again. And his skill with them isn't low either.

Student Of Alchemy| Having studied the art of alchemy for years, Sol managed to become quite proficient in it. Allowed him to master the creation of numerous Drugs after he'd managed to revive extinct plants or herbs by equivalent exchange alone. Furthermore, he has been known to apply his psionics in his mixtures or upon items to strengthen them physically for a short amount of time. Making even paper a dangerous weapon.

Herbology & Mycology Master| While alchemy is a strength of his it was hardly ever what he relied on. Never helping him outside of basic research or in his lab during alchemy experiments. However, being able to discover herbs or identify fungi saved his life on numerous occasions. 35% of all herbs or fungi are within his bed of knowledge so far as his homeland is concerned. However, he can still point out minor details and similarities when presented with those from another.

Out of Character

VIce: A Tale Of Smiles[Orginal]

[S: 0 | R: 0] - [M: 0 | C: 0]

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  • Multi-Para/Novella.

  • Mature themes ahead.

  • Just write, and I'll be happy.

  • Shipping For Story Purposes

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    𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔡 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤

    Jan 17th 2024 - 5:40 PM

    "I'll have you know that peaches are seen as a delicacy! A rare treat! Perhaps even sought after!" He said in a huff, unruly red hair billowing about his face in an animated fashion. He seemed quite passionate about this topic all of a sudden.
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