01/31/2024 07:13 PM 

Page details and Q&A

The short of it is simple.  I love writing.  I often find myself thinking about writing stuff during my downtime.  It's why I like RP.  Adds an extra layer to writing that just sitting at a keyboard by myself can't get.  However, I get inspired to write different characters quite often.  To avoid the unnecessary step of having about 50 email addresses for 50 different accounts, I've decided to compress it all into this single account you see here.  This blog is just a few questions and answers some people might have.


Likely not, though.

Q:  Is this an MCRP?

A:  Yes and No.  Typically an MCRP as I've seen them (and some people strongly dislike) is a collection of characters in a list you are to pick from.  Here there is no list apart from what is in my head.  You do not choose a character, though I might give you options if more than one idea comes to mind.  I may make sample character pages for future browsing, but they are not your only options.  Just examples.  But by all means, let me know if you like one!

Q:  How does this work, exactly?

A:  Simple!  I ask you a few questions, typically related to the world-building and your character.  The more details I get from this the easier it will be for me to craft us a starter, as well as getting a character going!
Yes, I know this is annoying.  I get that.  But I just ask for some patience.  I promise I'll do all I can to make it worth it!

Q:  What happens if I have no ideas?

A:  Then brainstorming grinds to a halt, I'm afraid.  It's the old "what do you want to eat?" problem that plagues so many people either due to indecisiveness or a legitimate lack of opinion on the matter.  Trust me.  I know.  I'm one of them, though I fall into the "I'll eat anything" camp.
If you really have no ideas or opinions on things, at least let me know so I can toss some ideas around for you to think over.  It would be nice to have something to work with.

Q:  What about random starters?

A:  Not a fan, I'm afraid.  I don't like being tossed into a situation with zero build-up.  I'm not Batman.  I don't have everything I need on my belt.  It's why I tend to take the helm when making up starters.
If you want just a random starter tossed at you?  You may request one.  But I'm someone who prefers discussion.  At least a little bit of discussion.

Q:  Is your content pre-made?

A:  It sure isn't!  I may re-use characters or settings from RP to RP, but I never re-use starters!  They are all crafted by hand when I have the time and inspiration to do so!  It's ordering a sandwich made fresh in front of you instead of buying one in a package at the grocery store.
Or, like...  Those microwave, single-serving grilled cheese sandwiches you can get in the frozen food section.  Like, really...  Just go buy cheap bread and cheese.  It's more expensive but you get enough for, like, 12 of your own!

Q:  May I request a character?  Will you play this person from this show/game/manga?

A:  Yes and No.  I'm open to filling archetypes if you've had an idea you wanted to write about.  The friendly (or unfriendly) rival, the student, the traveling companion, the handler, and anything else.  I can give you a few ideas if you like, as well.  I will not, however, play a canon character from anything.  Even AU interpretations.  I much prefer my own characters.

Q:  Your starter is too long/I hate it.  What do?

A:  My starters can be long!  I mean, like, pages of text on Google Docs.  This does not mean I expect the same length in return!  That is entirely for world-building!  All I ever ask of my writing partner is to do their best to keep things engaging!  I'll make sure to do the same!
If, for some reason, you do not like my starter for any reason (length, content, layout) then please tell me this!  I work hard on those starters, often for hours of brainstorming, typing, deleting, and retyping, and to just have it all ignored is a bit of a buzzkill.  I know people get busy.  As do I!  But if you can at least send me a little "Read it and will reply when I can" notice or anything, please do so.

Q:  Discord?

A:  I have one, yes.  No, I will not be sharing it.  I don't RP on Discord.  Only on Ani.

04/19/2023 07:14 PM 

General Rules and further RP info!

Just a few things I'm posting as general rules to check out, as well as a general stance on a few things RP-wise!

1: The first obvious one, I think.  If you request my friendship then please be the first to reach out!  Only common courtesy, I feel.  And I'll, of course, do the same!

2:  I'll happily write content for any age.  From standard, swashbuckling affairs to more adult content should it ever arise.  However, I am NOT here just for the adult content!  Stories containing it are absolutely on the table!  But only sex just gets dull.

3:  I very much love more light-hearted affairs over anything dark and dreary.  Dark content is a must for a good story, but just having it bleak all the time is just not fun to deal with.  So don't expect any "Bad ends" when writing with me!

4:  I don't do RP fights.  They're always a bit of a cluster and it's never easy to figure out how the other person wants it done.  However, I'm more than happy to write out a fight involving our characters!  I can figure out a way to make both people look strong in the end.

5: Romance angles will only be for other females with an exception made for trans-femme individuals.  Even then, characters must at least have some chemistry to get things going.

6: I much prefer brainstorming and discussion over random starters.  Typically the character I will be using will be decided on based on the setting, and having more details makes making a starter much easier for me!  I know it annoys some people, but just trust me.  I'll make sure to write up something good!  Or at least try!

7:  If you don't like what I sent you then please at least let me know!  Nothing kills my mood faster than working for hours on a starter for someone only to be met with absolutely nothing in return.  If you don't like it for whatever reason, be it length, content, or ANYTHING AT ALL, please don't hesitate to let me know!  I'm more than happy to rework things!

8:  If, for whatever reason, you find yourself losing interest in our story then you are more than welcome to let me know that as well!  I'm more than happy to shake things up or entirely scrap what we have for something new!  Writing is a fun hobby for me, and I want it to be fun for you as well!

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