04/19/2023 07:14 PM 

General Rules and further RP info!

Just a few things I'm posting as general rules to check out, as well as a general stance on a few things RP-wise!

1: The first obvious one, I think.  If you request my friendship then please be the first to reach out!  Only common courtesy, I feel.  And I'll, of course, do the same!

2:  I'll happily write content for any age.  From standard, swashbuckling affairs to more adult content should it ever arise.  However, I am NOT here just for the adult content!  Stories containing it are absolutely on the table!  But only sex just gets dull.

3:  I very much love more light-hearted affairs over anything dark and dreary.  Dark content is a must for a good story, but just having it bleak all the time is just not fun to deal with.  So don't expect any "Bad ends" when writing with me!

4:  I don't do RP fights.  They're always a bit of a cluster and it's never easy to figure out how the other person wants it done.  However, I'm more than happy to write out a fight involving our characters!  I can figure out a way to make both people look strong in the end.

5: Romance angles will only be for other females with an exception made for trans-femme individuals.  Even then, characters must at least have some chemistry to get things going.

6: I much prefer brainstorming and discussion over random starters.  Typically the character I will be using will be decided on based on the setting, and having more details makes making a starter much easier for me!  I know it annoys some people, but just trust me.  I'll make sure to write up something good!  Or at least try!

7:  If you don't like what I sent you then please at least let me know!  Nothing kills my mood faster than working for hours on a starter for someone only to be met with absolutely nothing in return.  If you don't like it for whatever reason, be it length, content, or ANYTHING AT ALL, please don't hesitate to let me know!  I'm more than happy to rework things!

8:  If, for whatever reason, you find yourself losing interest in our story then you are more than welcome to let me know that as well!  I'm more than happy to shake things up or entirely scrap what we have for something new!  Writing is a fun hobby for me, and I want it to be fun for you as well!

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