05/04/2023 12:56 PM 

Welcome to July Starter

RP Prompt:

Set during Trigun Stampede-ish during the time where Knives is going around stealing plants from towns to bring back to the city of July. you'd be dealing with the usual Knives, one who is out to kill humans and set his plant kind free. you'd be dealing with him at his 'headquarters' (some information I use is from the original trigun and the manga) Don't expect a kind Knives either. He is somewhat insane, certainly sadistic, almost bi-polar with his thoughts. can appear calm and collected one minute and an angry abuser the next. He has convienced himself that everything he does is perfectly fine, he is superior to others so he can do as he pleases. If his sadistic nature is too much I can tone it down upon request.

NOTE: you do NOT need to respond with the same amount, Im fine with a max of 2 paragraphs or less, if you want to write more you can but I myself may not respond with much more than 2 paragraphs after this unless im inspired with a lot of information from you. also please no 1 liners to this.

---Respond in a message with the title "Welcome to July" to continue this.---

Welcome to July

(set after Knives destroys Jeneora Rock)

The city of July, one of the three major cities in No Mans Land, bustling with humans thanks to the 3 large water providing plants. The largest tower to loom over everything was the headquarters of Knives and the 'Eye of Michael' a religious plant worshiping group who secretly did experiments on humans to 'improve' them. Some humans gave their lives to this group, thinking God would save them from the horrors that this desert planet offered in exchange for a sacrifice. The God they worshipped was none other than Knives, and he had no plans to spare their lives. 'they should all suffer' he thought bitterly as long fingers began to slide across the keys of a piano. A familiar song, one of his favorites and one he played often. The melody seemed hopeful, yet full of dispair as if his emotions were being played out on display. He rather enjoyed playing the piano, one of the very few things that brought him any joy on this planet.

How could he enjoy himself though? humans were still alive, his fellow plants still suffering in enslavement to them. Soon though, soon all his effort will bear fruit. He had been going around collecting his 'sibling' plants from the worthless humans, he needed them for his plans after all and the humans didn't deserve them. He still needed to collect his brother though, the thought of him bringing a smile to his face. It had been so long since he had seen Vash, he had missed his twin brother. Before the fall of Jeneora Rock, the last time he saw him was well over 100 years ago, he tried to get Vash to join him but he refused and sided with that witch of a human. Yet again a human taking his brother from him! He was growing irritated at the memories of that day, his hands stopping in their movements as he finished the song.

He could remember that day clearly, as if it just happened. Killing those worthless humans who had just killed off several of his kinds in the 'last run' the sounds of them screaming for help, that only he and Vash could hear. He could even remember so vividly slicing off his own brothers arm, Vash's gate had opened and he clearly couldn't control it, reminding himself that he HAD to stop him. 'He made me do it, he should had just listened to me! then I wouldn't of had to hurt him.' He was angry at Vash and even declared some of his plans to him, however he felt guilty after it had happened, hurting his own brother. He wasn't guilty about slicing off their arm, 'that was necessary' he reminded himself, it was beause he felt some joy from doing it. 

He had isolated himself for several years after it had happened, wondering what was wrong with him to feel that way. He was confused for awhile till eventually he convienced himself that it was a normal reaction, it was fine. He was essentially the equivalent of a teenager at the time, eventually his body aging and maturing into his 'adult' appearance where he eventually stopped aging all together, looking the same for well over 100 years. His adult mind falling even further down the rabbit hole of insanity and rage. He knew his brother would come for him, he counted on his brothers love of humans to get him to come here. It would all go according to plan, however the next thing he heard was not. 

An Alarm went off, turning his head towards the only enterance to the room when the doctor popped his head in to inform him there was an intruder in the facility. 'an intruder?' he thought, surely it was too soon for Vash to be here? was he that distracted that he didn't notice his brothers arrival? or was someone else foolish enough to come here? Perhaps coming to save one of the unfortunate human children the doctor used for his experiments. The thought amused Knives, 'let them come' perhaps he would allow himself some entertainment if they were lucky enough to make it to his location. He chuckled lightly, his fingers returning to the piano keys letting them dance across them with another song filling the air. Hopefuly that a new plaything would arrive to bring him some joy...

Additional note: if need be you can change some stuff, especially if your character is Vash you can either play it by what the show did or do your own take on it. let me know if you have any questions or concerns too.

05/04/2023 10:27 PM 

Mafia Boss Knives Starter

RP Prompt:
Alternate Universe
On Earth. Mafia? Undergroun Boss Knives. Set in modern-ish times. in this universe knives still has his abilities, which has given him a lot of power in the underworld. He still hates humans but uses them how ever he wishes if it means he can achieve his goals. In this universe there can be more than just humans too given he himself isn't one. He also actually wears human clothes! I know disappointing for you but he is usually seen in some form of a suit or some kind of fancy clothing.
(see example pic)

NOTE: you do NOT need to respond with the same amount, Im fine with a max of 2 paragraphs or less, if you want to write more you can but I myself may not respond with much more than 2 paragraphs after this unless im inspired with a lot of information from you. also please no 1 liners to this.

---Respond in a message with the title "Mafia Boss Knives" to continue this.---

Alternate Universe: Mafia? Boss Knives

How irritating, a worthless human dared to stand up against him? HIM? didn't they know who he was? what he could do? of course they did, he was Millions Knives after all. He sat upon his chair, pratically a throne staring down at the bloody mess before him, yes the human was still alive, he didn't want to end them too quickly after all. How would they learn to fear him if he killed them instantly? Sure he could and has ended lives in an instant and usually such a thing amused him to no end, watching their blood splatter as his blades sliced them apart but not today. He was irritated more than usual after dealing with his twin brother earlier, argueing as they usually did. He always enjoyed when Vash stopped by for a visit, it filled him with some hope even if they always ended up argueing over the same stuff. Vash crying to him to give up his life style and be nice, and Knives yelling at him to join him instead and rule the underground with him as was his right.

They were a rare species after all, independant Plants. So rare that as far as he knew only two were in existance right now, him and his brother. Usual plants were sealed in bulbs/containers and used by the humans to power their lives, Knives thought of them as enslaved by humans something he never wanted to be. Independant plants however were born and looked more human, their bodies being able to survive outside the bulbs, and their power immense, nearly unrivaled. Humans certainly couldn't stand up against him, they were far too weak and he was far to powerful to a point he thought himself more godly than anything. He could rule over this planet if he wanted to couldn't he? For now though, he simply ruled in the underworld, it was more his style anyways.

Pulling himself from his distracting thoughts, he looked back down at the pathetic excuse for a human before him. Perhaps he would cut them up a bit more before he was done with them, why else keep them alive? The human before him was male, he didn't discriminate, he would do the same thing to a human female, they were all filthy creatures to him after all. He recalled that this man said he was from a rival party, perhaps trying to prove to his higher ups that he was worth more? 'rival? how amusing, who could rival me?' He was arrogant, his power going straight to his head and who could blame him? He WAS powerful after all. He was aware there were other powerful groups, perhaps they were threats but they tended to keep there distance from him, usually keeping to their own territory. As long as they didn't bother him, he usually let them be, for now. This however, seemed to give him an invitation to spread his dominance further and he could blame it all on some pathetic weakling who made the mistake of coming after him.

Blades began to form out of his arm, reaching out towards the human again and ever so slowly dragging the sharp edges against remaining flesh. The sight of blood from their wounds was so delightful, hearing them cry out in pain even more so. "ah ah, don't pass out." His voice sounded soft, but it was a laced with a threat, he wanted to hear them suffer, there was no point in torturing them if they weren't awake for it. He was about to end their life when one of his own men came up to him, interupting his fun. "what is it?" Blades retracting back into his body, absent mindly adjusting the sleaves of his jacket while listening to them speak.

Henchmen: "Sorry to disturb you sir, there appears to be someone here to ... negotiate about... them." The lowly henchman looked towards the barely surviving human on the floor.

He himself employed humans, despite his hate for them this henchmen next to him was one. He didn't treat them well either, they were still lowely creatures after all and he used, abused them, and treated them like garbage in exchange for sparing their lives and serving him. "Negotiate?" why would anyone care about this lowly humans life? was it Vash? was this human one of his little pets? Something Knives refered to Vash's friends as. He didn't recognize them, then again he hardly paid attention to them. "Send them in." He would see who it was, would he actually negotiate with them? that would depend, however he might just end up adding another body to the floor. He waited impatiently for the henchmen to bring this negotiator to him, things were starting to get interesting for him, so entertaining. He had to hold back his smirk as he heard the knock at his door, followed by the henchman entering and leading this negotiator to him.

Additional note: if you don't like being the negotiator, you can send your own starter. this can just give you some idea of how he is in this universe. being an underground/mafia style boss.

05/04/2023 09:17 PM 

The Fall of Knives RP starter

RP Prompt:
Would take place after the fall of Knives, defeated by his brother Vash. In exchange for his life being 'spared' Knives would agree to live by Vash's rules for the most part. Agreeing to not kill humans (or at least try super hard not to) he would be angry about it but would attempt to live like the humans all while continueing to curse them and talk down to them. He isn't happy about it and he's not afraid to speak his mind on the matter either. Not being able to kill humans, and his power would be drained a lot due to the fight with his brother causes Knives to be more anxious around the humans.

NOTE: you do NOT need to respond with the same amount, Im fine with a max of 2 paragraphs or less, if you want to write more you can but I myself may not respond with much more than 2 paragraphs after this unless im inspired with a lot of information from you. also please no 1 liners to this.

---Respond in a message with the title "The Fall of Knives" to continue this.---

The Fall of Millions Knives

Everything hurt, of course it did his idiot brother shot him several times! Why couldn't Vash understand that what he was doing was all for him? the humans had to die! so why? A groan escaped his lips as he shifted on the bed beneath him. A bed? oh right, vague memories of being carried off by his brother after their battle had resurfaced. How long had it been since then? hours? days? weeks? He honestly couldn't tell, everything still hurt but he was healing just far to slowly for his liking. He used so much of his energy to maintain himself during the fight, having to heal any wounds his brother inflicted on him, having to manifest his blades to attack, his wing to fly, eventually it took its toll on him and he couldn't do it all anymore. 

He had chosen to attack rather than heal in some hope of victory against his human loving brother, yet it failed. He could remember the sight of Vash's blood, the look of dread, him pleading with him to stop. He wouldn't though, fueled by so much rage that his brother continued to defy him, chose the humans over him! He would make him pay! even if he had to beat it into him! make him see he was right in his decision, it was all for his brother after all. Perhaps that is why he failed, his mind clouded by the rage he felt that he miscalculated everything, or perhaps it was everything he had done to his brother. All his words finally sinking in and the guilt was starting to consume him.

Another groan came up as his body moved even the slightest, why wasn't his body healing faster? He hated feeling this weak, being at the mercy of anyone hurt his pride more than anything. He remembered waking up before, his brother near by waiting for him to return to consciousness so he could speak with him. Vash's words echoing in his mind, 'For sparing your life, you will do as I say, live by my rules... and for once, listen to me.' He could remember the harsh warning look he was given followed by that typical Vash smile. His eyes fluttered open, staring at the ceiling of someones home. He was alone now, his brother no longer in the room as he was earlier.

He attempted to sit up, it was painful yet he would not faulter, he was not weak! Why was this so painful? his body had practically been destroyed before so this should be nothing! Trying to distract himself, he took in the room around him. It was plain, hardly anything of note was present. It could almost be considered a jail cell, a room for a prisoner, was he one? There was the bed he was on, a small table next to it and a chair nearby, the one his brother was sitting on earlier. Why wasn't Vash here? why was he alone? Why did he not want to be alone? He wanted his brother here, he was injured! he should be here to protect him right?! what if some human came in and attacked him right now? would he be able to defend himself? His hands were shaking, visiably panicking as he felt fear consuming him.

What was wrong with him? He was Millions Knives! not some weak human! So why did he feel this way? He was acting like some scared child, and it made him feel even more pathetic than he already felt. It was then he heard it, footsteps outside the door followed by a few knocks. Who? despite his panic he tried to still himself, alter his features to one of anger as he stared at the door in anticipation of who could be coming in. Was it his brother? or someone else come to kill him? He was in no condition to fight, but he wouldn't go down without a fight. He was mentally trying to prepare himself as he saw the doornob turn and the door opening up to let who ever it was in.

05/04/2023 08:57 PM 

Random Info about Knives

[This information is put together from Trigun Stampede, the Original Trigun and the Trigun Manga as well as some I created myself, or with interactions with others]

-Being a plant, he doesn't need to eat or drink anything to survive. He will refuse to eat 'human garbage' as he puts it, though he has eaten food before when he was a child.

-He is a twin, though he refers himself as the big brother. even if his birth was only a minute or a few apart he declares himself the older of the two.

-He gets easily irritated, especially when things dont go his way.

-Argues with his brother A LOT. despite being twins, their views on things are completely opposite of each other.

-If you aren't human, Knives will like you more but will still act superior

-If you ARE human he will most likely try and kill you or torture you. he will talk down to you and degrade you. He prefers his kind the plants over others.

-He claims himself to be superior to others, practically a god come to set his kind free and though he finds it amusing when some weak creature tries to stand up against him other times he gets angry, for how dare they even think to stand against him? 

-He will refer to humans as 'spiders' or 'filthy creatures' honestly anything insulting. He hates them after all.

-Hates that his brother wont join him, he his rather obsessed and protecting of him and he claims to be doing everything he is for him and it is mostly true. He has a fear that he may end up abandoning his goals just to have his brother back and ends up getting mad at himself for not focusing on his goal of killing all the humans off and creating a paradise for them.

-If you threaten his brother Vash, Knives WILL get mad, only he is allowed to hurt him! despite Knives sending others to try and kill his brother, he believed that Vash would defeat them. doing so to only make his brother suffer for not joining him. Yet if Knives were to witness another harming his brother he would get enraged at them for doing so.

-Gets uncomfortable when others talk about sex , though he tries to hide it and will try and change the subject. sometimes its noticable if the subject continues, acting more like a shy ANGRY teenager with the way he responds to the subject. If you are after something 'sexual' with Knives, know he has ZERO experience. he understands it for the most part he just has never done it himself. also depending on the universe his body can be 'different' than a humans.

-Despite not needing to eat or drink to survive, on rare occassions knives is seen drinking wine. He is usually alone when he does, as he hates to admit liking the drink.

-Knives enjoys playing the piano, ever since he was a child he seemed to master the instrument and over the years has continued to play perhaps using it as a means to express his burried feelings. 

-He wont admit it but part of him was always jealous of his brother and how Rem seemed to like him the most when they were children, Vash was clearly more likable than him. His jealously only getting worse when he always thought that Vash chose Rem over him, when he should of been more important to his brother. Which seemed to fuel some of his hatred towards their surrogate mother.

-Knives can create multiple blades out of his body that he can control independently or while attached to himself. usually seen in the form of tentacle blades that come out of his back.

-Can fly by creating a metal looking wing that comes out from his shoulder blade.

-Wants to create a paradise for his brother and the other plants.

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