05/04/2023 10:27 PM 

Mafia Boss Knives Starter

RP Prompt:
Alternate Universe
On Earth. Mafia? Undergroun Boss Knives. Set in modern-ish times. in this universe knives still has his abilities, which has given him a lot of power in the underworld. He still hates humans but uses them how ever he wishes if it means he can achieve his goals. In this universe there can be more than just humans too given he himself isn't one. He also actually wears human clothes! I know disappointing for you but he is usually seen in some form of a suit or some kind of fancy clothing.
(see example pic)

NOTE: you do NOT need to respond with the same amount, Im fine with a max of 2 paragraphs or less, if you want to write more you can but I myself may not respond with much more than 2 paragraphs after this unless im inspired with a lot of information from you. also please no 1 liners to this.

---Respond in a message with the title "Mafia Boss Knives" to continue this.---

Alternate Universe: Mafia? Boss Knives

How irritating, a worthless human dared to stand up against him? HIM? didn't they know who he was? what he could do? of course they did, he was Millions Knives after all. He sat upon his chair, pratically a throne staring down at the bloody mess before him, yes the human was still alive, he didn't want to end them too quickly after all. How would they learn to fear him if he killed them instantly? Sure he could and has ended lives in an instant and usually such a thing amused him to no end, watching their blood splatter as his blades sliced them apart but not today. He was irritated more than usual after dealing with his twin brother earlier, argueing as they usually did. He always enjoyed when Vash stopped by for a visit, it filled him with some hope even if they always ended up argueing over the same stuff. Vash crying to him to give up his life style and be nice, and Knives yelling at him to join him instead and rule the underground with him as was his right.

They were a rare species after all, independant Plants. So rare that as far as he knew only two were in existance right now, him and his brother. Usual plants were sealed in bulbs/containers and used by the humans to power their lives, Knives thought of them as enslaved by humans something he never wanted to be. Independant plants however were born and looked more human, their bodies being able to survive outside the bulbs, and their power immense, nearly unrivaled. Humans certainly couldn't stand up against him, they were far too weak and he was far to powerful to a point he thought himself more godly than anything. He could rule over this planet if he wanted to couldn't he? For now though, he simply ruled in the underworld, it was more his style anyways.

Pulling himself from his distracting thoughts, he looked back down at the pathetic excuse for a human before him. Perhaps he would cut them up a bit more before he was done with them, why else keep them alive? The human before him was male, he didn't discriminate, he would do the same thing to a human female, they were all filthy creatures to him after all. He recalled that this man said he was from a rival party, perhaps trying to prove to his higher ups that he was worth more? 'rival? how amusing, who could rival me?' He was arrogant, his power going straight to his head and who could blame him? He WAS powerful after all. He was aware there were other powerful groups, perhaps they were threats but they tended to keep there distance from him, usually keeping to their own territory. As long as they didn't bother him, he usually let them be, for now. This however, seemed to give him an invitation to spread his dominance further and he could blame it all on some pathetic weakling who made the mistake of coming after him.

Blades began to form out of his arm, reaching out towards the human again and ever so slowly dragging the sharp edges against remaining flesh. The sight of blood from their wounds was so delightful, hearing them cry out in pain even more so. "ah ah, don't pass out." His voice sounded soft, but it was a laced with a threat, he wanted to hear them suffer, there was no point in torturing them if they weren't awake for it. He was about to end their life when one of his own men came up to him, interupting his fun. "what is it?" Blades retracting back into his body, absent mindly adjusting the sleaves of his jacket while listening to them speak.

Henchmen: "Sorry to disturb you sir, there appears to be someone here to ... negotiate about... them." The lowly henchman looked towards the barely surviving human on the floor.

He himself employed humans, despite his hate for them this henchmen next to him was one. He didn't treat them well either, they were still lowely creatures after all and he used, abused them, and treated them like garbage in exchange for sparing their lives and serving him. "Negotiate?" why would anyone care about this lowly humans life? was it Vash? was this human one of his little pets? Something Knives refered to Vash's friends as. He didn't recognize them, then again he hardly paid attention to them. "Send them in." He would see who it was, would he actually negotiate with them? that would depend, however he might just end up adding another body to the floor. He waited impatiently for the henchmen to bring this negotiator to him, things were starting to get interesting for him, so entertaining. He had to hold back his smirk as he heard the knock at his door, followed by the henchman entering and leading this negotiator to him.

Additional note: if you don't like being the negotiator, you can send your own starter. this can just give you some idea of how he is in this universe. being an underground/mafia style boss.

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