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02/05/2021 01:46 PM 

AU Verses

The list is incomplete for now, but will be updated over time. If you write for a character that's in these verses, don't hesitate to send a request!


No world is safe from the darkness, not even Teyvet. 
Razor, as the wolf boy, hunts and fights on a daily basis. He wakes up like normal, basks in the enjoyable sun rise, and joins his lupical on their daily activities as he would. However, one day, everything changed... It would be like any other day until the Knights of Favonius would recall people disappearing and strange creatures being sighted outside of the city. Jean, as the acting grandmaster, calls her forces to arms to defend the people and patrol the city. To no avail, the efforts of those without visions would come to fail. Razor is quick to take notice of the recent attacks, and qucik to feel its effects. These creatures that rise from shadows would attack Razor's pack, and with iron claws and teeth of thunder, he works hard to protect his pack. He hears rumors though, rumors of yet another traveler, but one who could save Teyvet from this new threat. If Razor sees them, he will be there to assist if it means protecting his lupical better than he could alone.


To be added! 
(In this verse, he's known as Léizé, which is Razor's name in Chinese.)


To be added!


Abandoned by his parents when he was an infant, this young boy was raised by a pack of Mightyena without a care in the world, until he's suddenly found by a man known as Varka, a Pokemon professor filled with mystery yet wonder. He would give him the name Razor, and after many months of gaining the boy's trust, he asked if he could take him in. It took Razor a long time to decide, despite his trust in Varka. Upon finally deciding to go with him, Razor became Varka's assistant in training, but thankfully, he's not alone. One of the Poochyena from his pack joined Razor, and serves as not just his starter but as his most closest companion. 
(Razor's team: Poochyena/Mightyena, Jolteon, Lycanroc [Midnight form / Shiny], Lycanroc [Dusk form], Electrike/Manectric, Growlithe)


Abandoned in a patch of unknown woods, an infant boy was found by wolves from a far away land. These wolves were no ordinary canines, but those from a undiscovered sage region known as Mangetsu Forest ( 満月の森 - meaning "Full Moon Forest"), where the boy would be raised after much debate about his presense and human likeness, and given the simple name Razor as a hopeful sign that he would one day grow to be sharp and strong. At a young age, he learned how to hunt, fight, speak in short sentences, and more importantly for his training: he learned about chakra and basic jutsu. As he grows, he's still young and learning, but by the time he reached the age of fifteen, when he wandered from his forest homeland for private training, he runs across someone while sticking to the shadows. Akin to how he looked, with skin instead of fur, and hands and feet instead of paws and claws, Razor realized he was different from his fur-clad family-- his "lupical"-- a word the wolves taught him when he was young. Not knowing hardly much of the world outside of Mangetsu Forest, he wants to know more, but is afraid of what he may run across, and scared of rejection.


For each of the YGO series listed below, Razor has a Wolf/Werewolf archetype deck.
Original Series

GX Series


Rumors tell the story of a human boy who was raised by wolf demons. Some say he was taken from birth to increase pack numbers, while others say he's a wolf demon in human form. The boy, only known as Razor, pushes these facts aside and lives among his pack with pride. He hardly knows enough about his human origins to call himself a human, and yet he wants to connect just a touch to understand it better. For now though, he hunts and fights for his pack, wielding his steelclaw made of burnt ash and lightning bolts.


(This is not canon to the game, but my interpretation of what Razor's life would be like in the future!)

Over the years, Razor has grown into a strong young man, and the years have treated him well. Though having left his pack years prior, he still doesn't consider himself to be a city human, and would rather live in the wild than surrounded by people. Only this time, he lives in a cave around Brightcrown Canyon, after forcing hilichurls within the specific area to move on somewhere else. He visits Mondstadt every now and then, mostly to stock up on particular supplies and food, as well as to check up on friends and test his skills against Lisa. Though Varka still hasn't returned, he still anticipates the day he sees him so he can challenge him, but the fact many years have passed, the hope in that day coming is fading... Razor has learned to talk more, but still has trouble with the most difficult words. His sentences are also longer, and talking doesn't make him feel as tired as it use to. Reading and writing are no longer a large issue, despite a few struggles here and there, and it's all thanks to Lisa. He still hunts like the wolf he continues craving to be, and still sniffs people every so often as its just something that sticks with him. His love for his lupical remains strong despite the distance, and though he knows he's human and not wolf, he still pays his respects to Andrius and his pack, whether his packmates be alive or deceased. The traveler is still looking for their missing sibling, the Fatui continue doing their usual, and the Abyss Order continues to lurk in the shadows. Razor brings it upon himself to stand against the Abyss Order, as the memory of how he attained his vision still haunts him. He'll do whatever it takes to bring them down.

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01/28/2021 12:34 AM 

Rules of the Pack

My name's Yasu, and this is my dog Razor. 

1. I'm not new to roleplay, but this is my first time roleplaying not just as Razor but in the Genshin rp community, so please go easy on me with my portrayal. He's going to follow his canon backstory with some headcanons until we get more lore coming from his character quest line that may possibly happen in future updates.

2. To anyone who doesn't know what Genshin Impact is, Razor was abandoned as a baby and raised by wolves. He can speak, but not very much and not as well. He has tendencies that aren't normal to others but is to him-- like smelling people for example. This isn't really a rule, but just a heads up.

3. I do mostly multi-para+, can do para and short novella, but I will never do one liners unless we happen to have some IC banter going on in status comments.You don't have to match my lengths, but I do ask that you write at least a paragraph at minimum.

4. I'll write any genre besides super extreme heavy gore, (I have some exceptions to excessive gore, like plots that happen to take in the worlds of Drifters or Mortal Kombat, for example), but I can still write gore, especially since Razor kills and eats animals. Blood and violence are definitely okay, and since I'm twenty six and Razor is eighteen, I can write mature content. Romance is not my main priority, even though I'm a sucker for shipping, but this is especially not a main type of thing I'm after to write because Razor is a simple guy who doesn't understand what love between humans is about. This doesn't mean I'm not open to ship. For a relationship to happen though, there needs to be chemistry between our two characters, even if they're already acquainted with each other in the game. I'm not sure if I'll be writing smut but if I happen to, our characters must be together. Also, I will absolutely not write sexual stuff with minors.

5. AUs and crossovers are encouraged and loved! I'm also MCRP friendly so don't be afraid to add if you're an MCRPer.

6. Real life is important; It's everyone's number one priority. If you don't or haven't responded in a certain amount of time, I won't delete you, just to let you know. My patience is unlimited, so you better go take all the time you need to take care of yourself first! To add, I'll also be slow on some days-- unless it happens to turn into procrastination, and ask for your patience in return, but if you can't and decide to delete me, I'll understand. 

7. I roleplay in messages but if we happen to start more than one roleplay, we can roleplay in comments or blogs; I don't mind. I can also write in Discord, if that's better than here.

8. I suck at thinking of plot ideas, so bare with me! (Also, it doesn't relate to this much but please forgive me for having such bland greeting comments. One day, I'll learn how to make a nice fancy one.)

9. God modding, autoplaying, and all that related to those two words, don’t do it.

10. Drama shall never be tolerated UNLESS it’s roleplay wise.

11. I'm Discord friendly, but I'm not always on there nor do I talk much, but if you want to add me there, I can send my tag. If you want to add me on Genshin Impact (if you play the game), I can send my UID too.

12. On all levels except physical, Razor's a wolf. There, I said it. That's the 12th rule.

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