01/28/2021 12:34 AM 

Rules of the Pack

My name's Yasu, and this is my dog Razor. 

1. I'm not new to roleplay, but this is my first time roleplaying not just as Razor but in the Genshin rp community, so please go easy on me with my portrayal. He's going to follow his canon backstory with some headcanons until we get more lore coming from his character quest line that may possibly happen in future updates.

2. To anyone who doesn't know what Genshin Impact is, Razor was abandoned as a baby and raised by wolves. He can speak, but not very much and not as well. He has tendencies that aren't normal to others but is to him-- like smelling people for example. This isn't really a rule, but just a heads up.

3. I do mostly multi-para+, can do para and short novella, but I will never do one liners unless we happen to have some IC banter going on in status comments.You don't have to match my lengths, but I do ask that you write at least a paragraph at minimum.

4. I'll write any genre besides super extreme heavy gore, (I have some exceptions to excessive gore, like plots that happen to take in the worlds of Drifters or Mortal Kombat, for example), but I can still write gore, especially since Razor kills and eats animals. Blood and violence are definitely okay, and since I'm twenty six and Razor is eighteen, I can write mature content. Romance is not my main priority, even though I'm a sucker for shipping, but this is especially not a main type of thing I'm after to write because Razor is a simple guy who doesn't understand what love between humans is about. This doesn't mean I'm not open to ship. For a relationship to happen though, there needs to be chemistry between our two characters, even if they're already acquainted with each other in the game. I'm not sure if I'll be writing smut but if I happen to, our characters must be together. Also, I will absolutely not write sexual stuff with minors.

5. AUs and crossovers are encouraged and loved! I'm also MCRP friendly so don't be afraid to add if you're an MCRPer.

6. Real life is important; It's everyone's number one priority. If you don't or haven't responded in a certain amount of time, I won't delete you, just to let you know. My patience is unlimited, so you better go take all the time you need to take care of yourself first! To add, I'll also be slow on some days-- unless it happens to turn into procrastination, and ask for your patience in return, but if you can't and decide to delete me, I'll understand. 

7. I roleplay in messages but if we happen to start more than one roleplay, we can roleplay in comments or blogs; I don't mind. I can also write in Discord, if that's better than here.

8. I suck at thinking of plot ideas, so bare with me! (Also, it doesn't relate to this much but please forgive me for having such bland greeting comments. One day, I'll learn how to make a nice fancy one.)

9. God modding, autoplaying, and all that related to those two words, don’t do it.

10. Drama shall never be tolerated UNLESS it’s roleplay wise.

11. I'm Discord friendly, but I'm not always on there nor do I talk much, but if you want to add me there, I can send my tag. If you want to add me on Genshin Impact (if you play the game), I can send my UID too.

12. On all levels except physical, Razor's a wolf. There, I said it. That's the 12th rule.

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Apr 28th 2021 - 9:06 PM

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I've read your rules and I understand them fully -Larona-

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