11/01/2018 10:01 PM 

Rules: Yay lol
Current mood:  chipper

  1. I don't do role plays that are too weird or gross, for instance; scat, vore, gore, rape, etc.
  2. Please, please if you have an idea you want to roleplay let me know! As long as it fits rule 1 ⬆ I'll be happy to work along side you! :]
  3. Teasing or "censored" sex is Ok as long as it's organic. Role play revolving around sex though is a big no no for me, sorry. :(
  4. If you ever need anyone to talk to I'll be happy to listen and or chat back! I understand everyone can get a little (or a lot!) depressed and can just use some conversation, so don't  worry I totally understand.
  5. My Character is very flexible so I often change his backstory and personality from role play to role play.
  6. I move around a lot from multi-para to para to several sentences whenever I think it is appropriate, I fully expect others to do the same.
Have a good day! and remember to take a deep breath sometimes! ♥

01/05/2015 09:57 PM 

Am I alive? short story
Current mood:  artistic

A short story idea? concept? :p please feel free to comment!! I'm just bored lol

He opened his eyes, was he alive? He was suspend in mid air by metal arms and there were little cables connected all over his body. With a little popping sound the cables all seemed to disconnect from his at once leaving a smooth cover over his inside frame, skin. He sucked in air as he seemed to come alive gasping rapidly until he had managed to control it. He tried to crane his head to get a look around. He was in a room empty beside the table-like machine he was now laying on. He blinked as his eyes begin to feel dry and wondered the same question from the moment he had come to. Was he alive? There was a door on the wall to his right, it was a darker gray then the walls and there was a little window on it. He wondered what was on the other side. He again blinked as he slowly looked around to examine the room once more, still nothing. The door open and an old man with a gentle face walked into the room, a smile lit his lips. Was he alive? The man approached his bed his hand together behind his back. "Hello Peter" he said in his burly voice, there was a lot of hair on his face and it was a dark brown color. Peter or so he was called by this man looked up at him blinking slowly. The two pairs of eyes met, life shining brightly from one and a question shining back in the other . "Am I alive?"

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