06/29/2024 01:34 PM 


Beast Taming: Fyn's signature's ability to control or taming animals. It is said that a typical tamer can tame only one animal at a time, and if that person tries tame more than one, his head will explode. Fyn broke these boundaries and is capable of taming multiple animals and has shown the capabilities of taming the strongest and superior races which were thought to have been myth. As the sole survivor of his village where powerful beast tamers lived, it was originally believed to be due to their own unique method of taming. This was later revealed to be incorrect and that this village of "special" tamers originated from a family branch of the hero's bloodline explaining their ability to break through the typical barriers for beast tamers. In addition he is able to draw on an ability of those creatures he forms a contract with. 

Insect Taming: A sub-class of taming due the nature of how insects communicate.
Provisional Contract: Using this, Fyn can control animals for a brief time.

Assimilation: Fyn is capable of transferring his soul to a tamed animal and can fix his consciousness into it for acting on. To deliver his thoughts, he uses magic.

Overwrite Taming: Fyn can overwrite the contract of other tamers. Fyn himself made this skill.
Boost: A magic that can temporarily increase the power of someone.

His cooking skills are not high enough to be called a first-class chef, and he has never learned to cook professionally yet the aroma of his cooking is enough to draw others near in hopes of tasting his amazing food. Even among the snootiest of nobles or even royalty.

Expert Strategist: Fyn has displayed some unique and clever tactics, which made his foes difficult to comprehend to do so. With his sole command, he sabotaged an encampment of fifty bandits, thieves and rogue adventurers. 

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