06/27/2024 08:57 PM 

Read These Before Action.

Everyone hates having to read these. But they are mandatory. Boundaries must be set.

1. If you add me, and just intend to keep me as a ghost in your list. I will most likely delete you. If you have intentions to write, you're more than welcome to send a random starter/banter even a simple greeting. NEVER just send me a message stating: 'Hi.', 'Wanna write?' Because it's not creative. I know I sound rude, but I like creativity. 
2. My profile is a trigger warning all over! Kali is known to stalk, kill, and be extremely manipulative. If this is something you do not want, either speak up or remove me. You have been warned.
3. I don't bite heads often when it comes to length but I do expect at least three paragraphs if it's not banter. I need details. Something to go off of.
4. Please know the BIG difference between in-character dialogue and out-of-character dialogue.  If there is a relationship between the two characters; we are NOT in a relationship. I am not here for a relationship. Understand that.
5. I am a multi-shipper. I know this is a big deal breaker for some people. This expands the different types of relationships I may have with other characters, they're all different. Some are more chaotic than others. If you do not like this, you're more than welcome to remove me from your list.
6. SMUT IS ALLOWED. But, I do require discussion about it before it happens. I know everyone has their heated moments where they want just that, and I accept that entirely. I sometimes have my moments too. But do NOT come up in my messages wanting it without asking permission.
7. Respect me and I'll respect you. Character and outside of character. If this is broken, you will most likely be blocked. 
8. No drama. This isn't Facebook, this isn't Tiktok. I am here for fun and fun only. I come here to relieve stress not to put more on my shoulders.
9. I am discord friendly. I do prefer a close connection before I provide such information. 
10. If I haven't heard from you via messages or stream for awhile. I will most likely give you a poke within a week. If I haven't heard from you another week, you'll be removed. I don't want voids in my box. If you come back, you have the chance to add me and resume. If not, I won't fret too hard. 
11. This is an automatic thing. NO MINORS PLEASE. Your character must look and be over the age of 21. No incest, either. That will have you blocked immediately.
12. Have fun. My messages and comments are open. I keep comments for discussions but my messages are for discussions and writing. Writing in comments becomes a mess in my opinion.

Will most likely add more to this when I can think of more. If you read and understood the following assignment above, please comment whatever below.

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