06/05/2024 09:09 PM 

◖⠀𝘨͟𝘶͟𝘪͟𝘥͟𝘦͟𝘭͟𝘪͟𝘯͟𝘦͟𝘴 。

LOW TO MODERATE activity level. please don’t rush me for interactions. as a working adult with a full time job, my online activities are limited. patience is a virtue.
 i tend to keep my writing fairly casual & banter—focused to alleviate this, but don’t let that deter you from prompting deeper discussions or storylines with me. if i’m invested, returning the effort that i receive is a given.

DRAMA is a no—go. i don’t care about the whos, whats, whens, wheres, & whys, don’t approach me with it. if you take issue with someone i’m interacting with, that isn’t my problem. i will treat everyone fairly until i’m given an actual reason to disassociate from them. whether or not we've had previous experiences with each other, i don't care as long as myself & my friends are left alone. but if you're so tired of drama, maybe don't instigate it or insert yourself into it? i don't start fights, but i can & will finish them.
 additionally, keep anything POLITICAL out of my space. if roleplay is escapism, then i believe it’s a given that most of us don’t want to hear it. oftentimes, political subjects are weaponized in online communities when people don’t get their way in any given situation. having experienced this firsthand through someone blatantly stealing my work, i won’t tolerate it.

SHIPPING is based upon chemistry & written development. i don't vibe with instantaneous shipping, as it removes the fun and natural feel of the dynamic. while this account will be multi―ship unless specified otherwise, i am highly selective with potential partners due to uncomfortable past experiences. do not pursue a ship with me if you prefer to single―ship ( and don't lie and say it's fine when it clearly isn't fine ) or push expectations onto me. i am open to eventually single―ship if the connection is there, but realistically, it's unlikely.
 as far as erotic content goes, i definitely don't leap for it. i do portray lingyang as an adult, as i confidently feel that he is one, but this isn't an open invitation for sexual encounters. if it feels right, then it does. but i'm not routinely comfortable with it. if your account is clearly geared towards erotic content exclusively, i will likely block you whether it's your first attempt to add or otherwise.

any PERSONAL INFORMATION OR CONTACT is kept under lock & key. i very seldom offer my discord, and if something like that is a deal breaker for you? then i don’t feel comfortable interacting with you to begin with. i would love to be able to establish friendships, but there are too many people here with malicious intentions.
 there’s also too many cases of IC & OOC boundaries just not being respected, and i’m absolutely not interested. as cold as it may sound, it's best not to convince yourself that we have any form of relationship, platonic or otherwise, outside of rp. we don't. i can be your acquaintance and maybe a friend down the line, but nothing more.

& JUST BECAUSE I'M PETTY, if you're on your soapbox about anyone entering a new verse being a "broke ass trend chaser" & ruining the game for you, grow the 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 up. no one likes a miserable prick. either touch some grass or stay in your basement, my dude.

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