05/25/2024 07:37 PM 

Rules, must be signed.

Hello there, my lovelies. 
I won't beat around the bush with my rules, and please adhere to all of them
If you do we'll get along just fine.

  1. This is an LGBT friendly user, so please refrain from any homophobia within and on my page, this includes in messages and comments, your beliefs about gay/bi/lesbian and all other orientations is wrong, they deserve love like everyone else too. So please learn to be tolerable. 
  2. This user is not a female, surprise surprise, but is roleplaying a female. I am in fact A demisexual homoromantic male, but just cause I'm of the orientation doesn't mean I want to "Date you!" or "Ride you like a parasaur" get over your ego, you megasaurass *Mic drop*
  3. Do not pester me for replies, I will reply in my own time when I am good and ready to do so, just cause you are ready doesn't mean I am, I am human too and have a house to clean, animals to take care of, family to spend time with etc.
  4. Sometimes when I am online, it is not for roleplay cause some days can be worse than others, and just bear with me, I will get back to our roleplay eventually. 
  5. Do not try and control my character in any shape or form, I control my characters actions like you control your own. 
  6. I will not engage in Smut/Sexual relations with your character, please refrain from being a slut and go out and get a girlfriend/boyfriend/they friend if you need laid so badly.
  7. I will be roleplaying at whatever length I feel comfortable with.
  8. Don't be an Elitist or Grammar Nazi.
There will be more to come but for now accept these rules

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