05/26/2024 12:40 PM 


I'm going to start off by saying I'm not new on here, and I hate I even have to make these kind of things but I've had a lot of drama happen and it hurts knowing someone can spread lies about me when in reality I was suffering from depression and losing custody of my children. I'm done with people trying to pretend they're my friend just to make me look like the bad guy in the end. Start sh*t with me you'll be blocked.  

  1. I'm not here for drama or any childish games, I had enough with people wanting to start something either because they get turned on by trying to make me look bad or they're simply bored, if I find out anyone sends a request to lurk or spy on me will be deleted and blocked because I'm not going to let anyone make me look bad and try to drive me away. I'm not running anymore, if you have a problem with me send a message and talk to me like an adult instead of sulking and having people do your dirty work. That's petty and childish, if you can't fight your own battles then shame on you and go sit in a corner with your thumb up your ass. I'm sorry I'm stressed and I will be petty to make a point. 
  2. I'm not here for pure smut or romance, my character may have sex appeal qualities but I didn't sign her up to be everyone's sex object. I would prefer if our characters had chemistry and our roleplay is storydriven. I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm just trying to have fun with no strings attached. 
  3. I'm not looking for any relationship outside of roleplay, please do not push to be with the lady behind Italian Beauty. 
  4. I'm not here for one liner roleplays, I want to roleplay with people that can be creative and we can just have a fun and exciting story. If you're not creative, then let me just say goodbye and have a fun trip. 
  5. I'm mainly on discord due to various reasons, I'm busy and it's the place where I can avoid the immature little sh*ts that want to start drama with me or my character. Just have fun don't kill my fun or try to ruin my reputation. 
  6. Don't rush me I won't rush you thank you

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