05/23/2024 12:34 PM 


I'll keep this pretty short and sweet. These rules will be pretty straight forward and simple. I also reserve the right to change these at any given time as I see fit if/when I need to add, or remove any rules.

  • General code of conduct. Don't be rude, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. I reserve the right to block/delete anyone I see fit for my own comfort and mental well being. Treat me as you wish to be treated. [In character some leniencies will be given as it is due to the character's view andmay not be the view of the one playing that character, but if anything happens in a story I am not comfortable with I will let you know. Any are of course welcome to do so with me as well. Please, if anything in the roleplay makes you uncomfortable let me know. I will adjust. I just ask the same courtesy.]
  • Do not steal anything from my profile/account. I code my own layout(s) and draw all of my own images. I may use other images for POSE reference, but that is all. Every image I use is drawn by me unless otherwise stated in the caption. 
  • I will not rush anyone into replying to me in any shape, or form. Please give me this same courtesy. I work an on-call schedule for work so I may be on at any given time, or be gone for long periods of time. Sometimes I just pop on to check things, but will nt have time to reply to anything. For this reason I keep my online status hidden.
  • On the topic of art, please don't ask me for free art. Especially if we have yet met and not even spoken before meeting, or just barely started talking to one another. I only draw for friends for free and that is sparingly. If you would like to inquire about commissioning me for art you are welcome to do so. Please don't complain about my prices though. If you can't afford it, that's ok, I get it, but I'm not going to change the price just because you do not have the funds. Art is a luxary, and time cost money. Please respect my time.
  • I Periodically remove people from my friends list. This is not out of malice, or due to no interaction of any sort. This is purely out of if I find our characters incompatible for roleplay. Especially if we don't interact on top of that. It is in no means of being mad, or disliking anyone. I apologize in advance if this is an issue for you. 

05/21/2024 04:15 PM 

Head cannons

  • Nes has very cat-like behaviors at times. Both good and bad ones. She loves to run her body along someone, or touch them in some way when she is close, or on good familiar terms with them. This isn't in any sexual means, just a small sign of affections when she allows that physicall contact. She also likes to do longs of long full body stretches, and basking in the sun. Unfortunately she will also hiss and claw at people that she doesn't want touching her. Her tail and hair will brist like a cat when mad, scared, or irate. She purrs.
  • She is a ho. Nes is very comfortable in her body and has had many sexual partners and doesn't care who knows. Most often she will need to have some form of attraction to the person, whether that be their mind, personality, or just good looks, but it has to be something that gives her that attractions. She doesn't just want to f*** anything that walks.
  • Hunting and fishing are a couple favorite pastimes for her. She likes killing her meals herself, but also likes to cook and season her food herself as well. Unfortunately with travellings realms, she doesn't always get the chance to prepare and cook her food the way she likes.
  • Spicy and sweet foods are her favorite to snack on, but savory for meals is her go to.
  • Nestaria's home realm isn't a pleasant place. She has no ties to it, thus voluntarily remains in self-exile, even though she is fully capable of returning back at any time.
  • Even with how little Nes cares for life, especially of humans. She is the nicer one of her people. With how humans are treated in her home realm, she felt disgusted with them, but was the only one of her people that felt such a way.
  • Before leaving her realm for the last time, she gathered up a group of humans in secret and gave them a means to fight and revolt against her kind. She still wonders how that played out in the end as she did not stay to watch. She never gave details of who she was when giving this information and hid what she was with glamour thus the humans thought she was one of them.
  • Nes has a literal beast form. She is capable of shapeshifting, but cannot turn into other people. She just changes aspects of herself between forms, and can move bodyparts to different places. Mostly just her wings, as she was born with wings on her back, but keeps them to her head for comfort and ease. Her wings and tail can be removed completely, but she actually likes them thus often keeps them out and visible.

More may be added at a later time.

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