05/13/2024 04:30 PM 


  1. ) I am very new to rping as Hisoka, please know that I lots of years of RP experience. So give me a chance. I may not portray him perfectly since this is the first time I've ever Rped as him .
  2. My au version of Hisoka will act like a Big Brother to Gon, sure still wants to fight Gon. But Not where wants to kill him, but for the thrill of fighting him. His Bloodlust will still be there, but nothing Pedoish towards Gon, Killua, an any Kid like fighters he might run into.
  3. )Semi para to multi para, I’m not fan of one-liners. It doesn’t give me much to work with.
  4. ) My Hisoka is Straight, I don’t care how he might appear to be in the series. He like Women, very strong women who also can Fight! Not Non-Fighter types. He does NOT like Children in that way!!
  5. )Yes My character Is Mature rated, and will do NSFW 21+.  BUT! Only story driven will that happen, or If in rp relationship.
  6. )No GOD MODE BULLSH*T !!!
  7. ) He loves to Fight, as you might aware of. So he will be looking for strong fighters. Normally He will fight to the dead for a rush. But I will use Death battles to remove people who don’t want to engage role-playing with any longer. Most likely someone causing drama.    


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