04/13/2024 11:01 PM 

Items, Moveset, etc

Move Set:
Blooming (or Blossom) Breeze: A windstorm of flower petals that mainly used to distract/ blind target(s)
Leaf Darts: When launched at the target(s), these razor sharp leaves can cut
Leaf Darts - Ablaze: Razor sharp leaves that can, not only cut, but can also leave burns
Vine Bind: These vines are used mainly to capture and/ or restrain her target(s)
Burning Ardor: 3 Short bursts of blade-like flames created through the use of her sword
Fireball: A small ball of fire that can be used as a light source, to start a fire in a fire place, or as a small attack move
Fireball Barrage: Multiple shots of fireballs
Combusting Swarm: Flames in the shape of butterflies swarm at the target(s) and combust on contact
Dousing Vortex: An attack of swirling water
Cleansing Aqua: The water is purified of any impurities and, when consumed, can heal wounds

Water Manipulation: She can use this ability by channeling her energy/ mana into her aquamarine gem on her neck, although the use and moves are limited
Fire Manipulation: Thanks to her Dark Elf father, she has inherited the ability to use fire magic; seems to be her greatest strength
Plant Manipulation: Thanks to her Elf mother, she’s born with the ability to control and grow plants, but she’s limited to only vines, flower petals, and leaves for the time-being until she gets more training
Plant Knowledge: An understanding of what's edible, what's dangerous, poisonous, etc., tea plants, and medicinal plants, but limited to what was local in her home
Keen Hearing: This is great for avoiding being sneak attacked, or for eavesdropping; a strength and a weakness
Ambidextrous: She can use her right hand and left hand (her dominant hand being right, especially when she writes)
Dual-Wielding: With the right training, she has learned to wield both her long sword and her short sword at the same time, and both weapons are good for either hand
Swordsmanship: She’s skilled with a long blade and a short blade; she can wield both thanks to being ambidextrous, but prefers not to use this method
Stealth: She’s exceptionally light-footed, especially when on the hunt, or sneaking
Archery: Like many of her kind, she’s skilled with a bow and arrows, but rarely uses them unless the circumstance(s) calls for it
Resistant to Nature, Illness, and Disease: Self-explanatory, but she’s not immune to getting injured on the battlefield, but if she loses her will to live, she will slowly die
Multilingual: She’s able speak not only Elven or Dark Elven, but also common tongue (human language)

Items/ Weapons:
Sacred Fire (Long sword): It's combined with a ruby on the hilt, which can make some powerful fire moves
Cloak of Treeborne: A green cloak adorned with evergreen leaves; when the hood is up, it camouflages the user, blending into the surrounding environment; keeps the user cool, warm, and dry
Frozen Tooth (Short sword): Upon stabbing or cutting her target, the wound will feel a sharp chill, which can increase the pain
Betula Bow and Arrows: Despite rarely having it on hand, it's made with the most durable wood known; it blesses the user with better long distance sight by 10%
Aquamarine: This gemstone gives the user the ability to use water magic

Miscellaneous Items:
Rose apples: A fruit that is pink outside and inside
Secale bread: Nutritious sweet/ unsweet brown bread that is a favorite in Treeborne, and is good for about two weeks if unwrapped, but a month if wrapped
Currency/ Coin: Gotta have that if one wishes to travel, eat, or sleep (and other things)
Aqua Pouch: A pouch that mainly holds water or alcohol in it

04/13/2024 10:01 PM 

Zinnia's Family

04/13/2024 09:53 PM 

Treeborne Forest

(Edit: I meant to put 7,500 and 2,500, not 750,000 and 250,000. My bad! I'll fix this later!)

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