03/19/2024 09:32 PM 

Raven Santiago

Raven Santiago

Name: Raven Santiago
Age: 23
Species: Demon
Orientation: Bisexual
Birthday: October 30th
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5'3

Weight: 170lbs
Bloodtype: O

Raven is the cousin of Millie. She now lives with both Millie and Moxxie due to her parents not being able to handle her and there was some physical abuse as to the reason why she was very hostile towards her parents. So for that being the cause, it is the reason why Raven now resides with her cousin Millie and her husband Moxxie. Ravens parents thought that having her living with Millie would put her back on the right track by also helping her find employment so she was productive. Raven knew that wasn't it, they just wanted to be rid of her but she wasn't too mad as she disliked both her parents very much for being physically abusive towards her. Having her now living with her cousin, Millie went out of her way to speak to Blitzo, which wasn't an easy task at all since he was a bit difficult to deal with. He was difficult since he was adament on not taking on anymore new hires as he was happy with the team he had at the moment. It did take days for him to even consider her when one day she had showed up at the agency to bring lunch to both Millie and Moxxie as she realized they didn't take anything with them to eat. Blitzo entirely changed his opposition on hiring anybody new when he seen Raven and hired her on the spot which did catch her off guard but it made both Millie and Moxxie excited as they had been trying for days to change his mind. Now she was apart of the the team, apart of I.M.P. 
There were times when they had important jobs and Blitzo would sometimes just goof off and flirt with Raven which she paid no mind too as she rolled her eyes at him and tries her best to ignore him but she knew he had good qualities about him, she noticed he tried getting people to like him so seeing this she gave him some slack.
Raven was begining to to have a better life now that she was living in the city with her cousins than she did when she was living with her own parents. Her parents weren't as loving or caring like Millies. Raven had always wished that she lived with her aunt and uncle (millies parents) as they were actually great and loving parents as hers were horrible to her. She was abused growing up, so it was the reason she turned rebellious with them as she got older. Raven was also close to murdering them when they had shipped her off to Millies and Moxxies instead of just raising her right. Both of them knew her story and what she had went through in life and were more than willing to take her in and have Raven live with them as they knew she would do better with them and she would be safer.
Even though Loona isn't too fond of Millie and Moxxie, she actually likes Raven as they get along pretty well, they have both bonded over their love of music and would sometimes sneak off together so they both could smoke and get high together.


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