
06/02/2024 08:37 PM 

Amelia info

Amelia was always fascinated by pirates and everything about them. Her parents were fishermen always taking her out to sea to fish, that was how they were making their living. As they grew older it was getting harder for them to go out fishing so Amelia turn over their job. She loved it but she needed more so she looked into how to be a pirate. She even joined a crew once but they didn’t respect her enough. She created her own crew, mostly consisting of an all female crew. They go around the seas and look for treasure, help out around the villages and send money back to their families.

05/26/2024 09:13 PM 

Akira info

The only school that was close to akiras parents house was an all boys school. Instead of driving out of the city to take her to any other schools, they decided to enroll her there. They dressed her up as a boy and she definitely looks like one, even if a feminine looking one. She doesn’t have any friends cause of the fear that they might find out she’s actually a girl. She wears mostly baggy clothes, even her school uniform is abit oversized. 

05/11/2024 01:24 PM 

Phantasma info

Phantasma doesn’t remember what her life was like or even how she died. She just remembers ‘waking’ up from a shallow grave deep in the forest. Now a days she just wanders around and tries to get someone to help her recover her memories, maybe even help her move on. No one can touch her spirit form but she can possess someone for a bit. 

05/09/2024 11:29 PM 

Silka info

No one knows where Silka came from, perhaps from deep within the planet or maybe from a different one entirely. All that’s known is if you encounter her, you will never be seen from again. She resides deep within the mashes, making a dark and dank cave her home. She even furnished her home with things she ‘borrowed’ from traveling merchants. You’ll know she’s near when you hear soft humming and fast eight legged scampering.

05/09/2024 11:29 PM 

Aya info

Aya was born prematurely to a witch and a human. Aya was so small and so frail, her body grew slower than the other kids. Her mother would dress her up in little dresses which made her look like a porcelain doll. Her mother became obsessed with keeping Aya young and doll like she began learning more advanced witchcraft. At the age of 16 her mother casted a spell on her to keep her that age forever, so she can be her little girl forever. Her father flew into a rage over this obsession and murdered her mother. He was so upset that his little girl would never grow up and live her own life but he tried his best to teach her everything there was. Aya did inherit her mother’s magic abilities but her father forbid her to learn more, in fear of losing his daughter to the witchcraft.

03/11/2024 09:55 PM 

Ma’Isha info

Ma’Isha never knew her parents, she was dropped of infront of a brothel when she was a baby. The head mistress took her in and raised her like her own child, until she got to her 18th birthday. The mistress gave her an option to be one of her ‘girls’ in the brothel or find somewhere else to live. Of course she accepted the deal but it didn’t last long, most patrons don’t like being teased so much. They want to get to the main course right away, which was never fun for her. She ended up leaving, after making enough money to afford an apartment. It took years to find a job, not many people wanted to hire an beastmen. Fear of getting fur in everything. Until one year she found a strip club that hired beastmen. She signed up right away and she was an instant hit. She was very flexible and agile, she even knew some ‘magic’ using smoke bombs.

03/11/2024 09:43 PM 

Dahlia info

Dahlia knew at a very young age that she was different. She didn’t like most things kids her age liked. She didn’t like dolls or dresses, make up or love. She was interested in death and everything associated with it. When she had pets she would kill them in different ways, her mother would always just look away and ignore the signs of her daughter being a killer. She didn’t have any friends until her mother made her. She didn’t like any of the children at her school so she befriended an old woman that lived across from her. She would always go over and visit the old woman everyday. Her mother thought it was so sweet to see her daughter being friends with someone but didn’t know what she was being taught. The old woman was a famous murderer in another continent before moving here to go into hiding. One day Dahlia came back home from her visit, she was pale and cold to the touch. Her mother was worried and wanted to take her to the hospital but before she could, Dahlia killed her. Cops were called and investigated the murder scene, Dahlia was no where to be seen. Years passed and Dahlia stayed the same age but she did change her appearance. She accepted Grimms invite to her group, only to be able to drink her delicious succubus blood.

03/11/2024 09:28 PM 

Hiro info

Hiro is part of the merchants guild, since his parents are apart of it. He learned everything from his parents, the trade, the merchants, the people, and how to sell just about anything. He looked up to them, even idolized them until one day he overheard his parents arguing about money. Apparently his father was borrowing money from a local gang and wasn’t paying them back. He was keeping that money to himself, not even sharing it with the family. His mother was angry and threatened to turn him into the gang and keep the money to herself. Their argument turned into a fight and then into a murder. His father killed his mother, using an ornament to bludgeoned her. His father made Hiro help dispose of the body and keep his mouth shut. This incident made Hiro a loner and made him not trust people to much. Years later Hiro is on his own and decided to join Grimm with her group.

03/10/2024 12:49 PM 

Hellfiera info

Hellfiera hails from the DESERT, where the Sun is the hottest. Making it nice and warm there for her kind. She was born from a solar flare erupting from the sun. She grew up with 5 siblings, always fighting for their parents affections. But no one was as talented as she was, especially her cooking. She learned from a young age how to cook, being instructed from her father. She even got a head pat from him when she created a very spicy dish that he actually liked. It seemed she cooked every dish that the DESERT had to offer but she wanted more. So she traveled around the continents until coming to the CAPITAL, where she met a celebrity chef that she idolized more than her father. She entered in a contest to impress the chef and she would have won if her attitude didn’t get in the way. Now she practiced cooking more impressive dishes and trying to hone her social skills, and even was hired by Grimm to join her group.

03/10/2024 12:20 PM 

Grimm info

Grimm lived in a poor neighborhood with her mother, barely making it through. Her mother died from an overdose when Grimm was 10. She was found by a member of a nearby gang and brought into his house. He used her as a house keeper but ended up falling for her as they got older. One day the gang came to the house and had their way with her while her lover was away. He found out what happened to her and was angered. He went to confront them but ended up getting killed, Grimm was used one more time before they also killed her. Grimm was reborn into HELL after having an unfortunate death. She was put to work right away, ‘helping’ higher powered demons. Born as a succubus for her infidelity even though she was forced. She worked as a slave to other demons, 5 years later she ran away to the surface and lived in the sewers under the CAPITAL. having knowledge of work from her surroundings she started working on a group of her own. 


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