02/22/2024 09:06 PM 


  1.  Say it with me: Patience. I follow my muse, meaning I don't force it. If you're really pining for my attention, you'll have better odds with banters in stream.
  2. As much as I love to write it, romance is a development. All parts of it. If you're adding me just for ero, we're not gonna click as writing partners, sorry. That mature content is reserved for those that impress me with their writing and their loyalty to the story. Otherwise, expect 'fade to black' scenes.
  3. As much as I love random starters, PLEASE do better than "Here's a cure to your character's entire predicament!" It literally ruins the whole point of my character and her design. Like-- Where do I go from here, buddy? Lol.
  4. No Discord.
  5. Not vibing? I don't take offense to being removed. Please respect my right to do so as well. There's no benefit in forcing interactions, imo.
  6. Para+ preferred for inbox RP.
  7. By definition, yes, Skye is technically an 'anthro' character in which I NPC. Though I'm happy to RP with other anthro characters, know that writer is not a furry and Skye is not going to partake in any sexual encounters.
  8. I don't care for drama and whatever you have to say about so-and-so. I'm not going to cease interacting with someone because someone else has a problem with them that I'm not involved with. If someone I'm interacting with makes you uncomfortable, it's okay to approach me so we can keep our interactions to DMs, to just your status posts, etc. Just don't involve me in the details. I appreciate if you don't loop me into whoever you have issue with. This is why I try to stay IC in interactions.
  9. There's only one exception to the above rule, and that's if the writer in question partakes in anything resembling pedophilic activity. I want no association with anyone into that, but I don't take such accusations on someone lightly.
  10. For the love of everything I'm not RPing Ranni.
  11. I play favorites. Sorry, that's the ways of the world. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
  12. I reserve the right to add or adjust these guidelines as I see fit.

    Not Really Rules, But Things To Note:
  • IC > OOC. Mainly because I just feel awkward, don't take it personal.
  • Again, status banter is adored.
  • Partial towards random starter and just hitting the ground running, but I'm not opposed to discussion if that's to your preference.
  • If you post an abundance of OOC posts on stream, I will likely hide your statuses. Again, please don't take it personal.
  • Same goes for posting 5+ posts in an hour. I'd like to see others' writings, too.
  • Not a Ranni RPer, but if you prefer, I have a few ideas that connects Ophelia to her if you'd like an Elden Ring related plot!

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