01/07/2024 12:26 PM 

Zorro the Adventurous Zeraora.

Name: Zorro 
Pokemon Name: Zeraora
Type: Electric ⚡
Species: Thunderclap Pokemon
Gender: Male
Age: In his Late teens. 
Ability: Volt Absorb
Dex #: 807
Trainer: None
Height: 4'5 (Pokemon)
Weight: 79 lbs
Plasma Fists
Power up Punch
Close Combat
Electro Ball

Human stats
Species: Human? 
Gender: Male
Human Age: 17-19. He is a young pokemon after all. 
Status: Single
Orientation: Discovering this in the meantime. Male Lean. 
Body Type: Slender
Height: 5'7
Weight: 139 lbs
Likes: Exploring, befriending as many people as he can, and seeing what the world has to offer. 
Dislikes: Doesn't like slimy food, Seeing his friends harmed, and Any Slander towards Alola Region.

Personality: Zorro can come off as both energetic and naive fella who wants nothing more but to meet and befriend as many people as he can, especially the ones who keep a guard up. This reason was due to his upbringing when he worked his best to gain the trust of the Rattata and other rodent Pokemon due to him being a Feline type. Following the wisdom shared by his foster human grandparents he learned to treat all beings regardless of species as equals. Zorro is also quite naive and oblivious to alot of things because of his upbringing nature so he doesn't exactly understand alot of the reality of things such as the harsh reality and the criminal lives people has, if one tries change his way of thinking then expect a very long difficult attempt in trying to get him to understand. He is usually happy and likes meeting people and will do his best to gain the trust of others, and because of his mindset back in Alola Region, he believes everything is a trial that he must undertake to gain one's favor. Other than that Zorro is very friendly and lovable person to have in company. 

His Story. WIP. 

Zorro is a young Zeraora who was found near Wela Volcano on Akala Island. He was found and raised by two elderly old Couples, Kiema and Kuola. Together the two adopted him as their son and named him Zorro. Bestowing upon kindness and wisdom, in turn, this made Zorro the friendliest Pokemon on the island. Due to being a Feline a lot of Rodent-type Pokemon were in fear of his presence. But he never sees them as food and instead tries to befriend them to prove he isn't hostile. Though it took months to gain trust but eventually about most of the Pokemon on Akala Island grew fond of his presence. Over the years the young Pokemon grew up and learned that ones life is fleeting and must rejoin the life bestowed upon them by Wela Fire that burns within them. After both of his beloved foster grandparents passed on, Zorro decided it was time for him to go on a journey and to see the world outside of the Alola Region. He will forever love his homeland and will return to share the stories he will encounter on his Journey. Learning how to take on a Humanoid form, he decided to take his late grandparent's belongings to catch a Ferry to cross to the mainland. Bidding farewell to Alola before embarking on the new life that awaits him! Watch out world, Zorro is coming! 


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