12/31/2023 03:13 PM 

Fallow the Rules, if you don't wanna get punched in the face!

 1.)  I am MySpace Veteran Role-player, and returning Envy role-player. Keep in mind I roleplay him my own way with my own twists and concepts. I made it where he was the bastard Son, and Older brother of Edward   Alphonse Elric. Which is why he never kills them, only toys around with them.  

2.)  I roleplay in third person, even if sometimes using multiple characters at once!

3.) He is Straight, Even though Envy is a shap-shifter an could easily turn into female at times, if anything sexual were to happen? It will only be with female only.   

4.) Yes this is a Mature account, an sexual rps could  happen, but won't be main focus. But mostly "Mature" stands for Violence, Foul Language, blood, Fighting, and possible death scene scenarios with random victims, Manipulation, Dark Twisted themes, Humiliation, much more! .    

5.)  No causing Drama, No Auto-Moding, No God Modding, No Auto-killing. (This is only acceptable if someone causing issues, or making others uncomfortable!))  

6.) For beginner role-players who wish to learn how rp better? I will gladly help those who want to learn.  

7.) Don't pressure me, or rush me to make a reply! All it will do piss Envy of you KNOW  what will happen if Envy is angry? You won't be just blocked or deleted, you will be annihilated! They won't recgonize your corpse, not even bythe DNA from your teeth! 

8.) Remeber this, Role-play meant as an escape from real world drama. Not to ad more drama, so don't take anything do our say seriously! I do things for laughs, and reactions. 

9.) If you easily trigger, or whine moan about Political topics? You will be gone!    

More Later if I can think of anything. 

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