12/08/2023 02:20 PM 

The Dark Santa Backstory

Name: Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus
Born: Sometime in the Middle Ages, probably 1100s.
Alignment: Lawful evil
Abilities: High strength, magic runes to enhance his power further, immortality "Christmas magic" -- a vague term to describe a variety of magic necessary for the story
Personality: Sadist, punisher, manipulator, warmonger, enslaver, selfish, oppurtunistic, formal and eerily polite with invited guests. May get less formal during punishments.


Santa Claus was born into the Medieval noble family of Kingle, under the name Kris Kringle.

As a young boy, he joined the clergy and studied under their teachings. Once old enough, he joined the Church's military order to learn the way of the sword and spear.

Eventually, Kris Kringle became a crusader and joined a number of campaigns, working his way up their ranks. He personally slayed a number of herertical species -- from dwarves to orcs. Eventually, in his thirties, he was ready to lead his own campaign and took his sight on the Northern Lands.

The Northen Lands was host to all bounds of the horrible. Freezing temperatures, little food, and no human society. But it did host the Ice Elves, who carved out something of an existence thanks to their natural affinity for the tundra and magic.

A fierce number of battles in a six year conflict, and finally, Kris Kringle conquered the filthy ice elves and tamed the land. The church claimed the Kringle a saint for his crusade -- they renamed him Saint Nicholas. His king, impressed with his feat, yet not wanting to deal with the icy deserts, gifted the entirety of the snow-covered fief to the conquering Saint. Count Saint Nicholas could perhaps make something and turn out rent to the kingdom.

And he did. Forced labor by the elves as they mined precious metals and gemstones from dangerous caves, all traded to the kingdom for food and coin. Regular tribute paid back to the kingdom. The elves were used for to build him a home, establish his castle, and create towns to live in while staying at his realm -- with personal servants forced into his beck and call. it was a nice existence.

But the real treasure? The magic in the elves. As Saint Nicholas aged, he studied the secrets of immortality. As an old man, he found the ways to sacrifice them to extend his life.

As the centuries passed, the kingedom fell, yet the realm of Saint Nicholas remained. The Northen Lands became known as the North Pole, and Kris Kingle, the Saint Nicholas, became known as Sant Claus, the jolly gift giver. A pure fabrication of the brutal man.

The ice elves are his slaves, forced into harsh labor,  malnourished and scraping for Kringles, his icy land's currency, to buy food. Some are well off, most of his personal servants, but a few wealthy citizens too. But all fear Santa Claus.

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