11/20/2023 11:08 PM 

Primary companion (Taiyō) Ka Riu

Ka Riu is the primary reason that Amaterasu is so viciously pursued in the modern day of Shadowrun. By the time she meets Ka Riu, the prototype Transhuman program becomes more streamlined and isn't as secretive or as important anymore. Electing to branch off and utalize more cost effective and successful projects. Ka Riu, however is a dragon that travels with Amaterasu. During one of her jobs, Shiawase ambushes Amaterasu and recaptures her. Bringing her back to the same facility that she grew up in. Given that she was the most successful subject of the prototype transhuman project, they were going to use her and her DNA to try and streamline the process. The facility had also grown and changed since she left. It had grown and other departments had been built. Other projects were present and other experiments were being conducted. 

Amaterasu spent about six months in this prison under horrific surveilance and violent control. She was regularly drugged and gassed in order to be moved due to the results of the last time she went rogue. They forced experiments onto her in semiconcious states. Though throughout her time there, she would always hear a voice in her head. Someone spoke to her during her isolation. Initially, Amaterasu believed that she had finally broken and her sanity had been lost. But eventually, the voice had identified itself as a man named Ka Riu. One of the experiments that was there that occasionally sees her being carted past his dorm cell. So he placed a mind link on her one day through his magic so he could talk to her when they put her away.

They kept each other company and kept each other sane during their months of captivity. Ka Riu told Amaterasu stories of being captured by the Empress herself and even the CEO of Ares Macrotechnology. Apparently, he was an impossibly valuable subject to them. This led to the two Dragons torturing Ka Riu incessantly in order to break him mentally and to manifest his latent abilities. They failed the former but drastically succeeded in the latter. The man was unreasonably proud and spoke of himself as a fearful being. This initially led Amaterasu to be distructful of Ka Riu for she didn't want to experience another Tanaka slowly degrading into Superhuman Psychosis. 

Ka had spoken to her about a desire to leave and his knowledge of her previous escape. He told her stories about his previous escaped but always failed due to a lack of physical strength. He boasted being a powerful mage, but it didn't do much help when he couldn't get past reinforced blast bunker doors. Amaterasu was still hesitant but more open to him in regards to planning an escape attempt. The facility staff didn't seem malicious enough to try mind games like this and seemed more focused on pure scientific gain as opposed to sadistic glee. Eventually, Amaterasu agreed to help him escape when he promised her that he could shut down the magical defenses in her cell preventing her from busting out of the cell like she did last time. 

Amaterasu agreed and this led to the escape of Amaterasu and Ka Riu. On the fated day, he did exactly as he advertised and shut down the magical barriers to her cell, allowing her to immediately escape. Busting the door down once more like last time, though there were no guards to kill this time. There were no alarms going off. Ka Riu guided her to his own dorm cell as she ran to his cell and ripped his door off the hinges. This initially left her confused for she didn't see a person in the room. There was no man or anyone within the cell. She called out through the mindlink and Ka Riu urged her to calm down and that he needed to make sure it was her and he needed to hide. She was confused how a fully grown adult man could hide in such a small cramped room. 

It was then that Ka Riu revealed himself and why he was so impossibly valuable. Ka Riu wasn't a man at all. Atleast, he wasn't a human man. He was a Dragon. A small eastern style serpent dragon that was about seven feet long and snake like. Ka Riu flew down from the cieling and flew around Amaterasu, orbiting her like a moon as he spoke. "Now! Bask in the glory of Ka Riu! The Dragon King!" Amaterasu laughed at the small dragon but then calmed herself down. "Holy sh*t, you are the REAL Ka Riu... Legends said you never grew that big but I thought it was just a legend." Ka Riu puffed out a torrential pillar of fire from his mouth down the hallway as a show of force.

"Tiny in body, Mighty in deed!" Amaterasu left the bonding for later and made their escape. Ka Riu used his magic to fight off the spirits and disable barriers and Amaterasu used her impossible strength to kick through the blast doors allowing them to escape. Amaterasu, being far more experienced at this point and much stronger than when she escaped the first time managed to break out of the facility before security was even aware of what happened. She had grown accustomed to running at freeway speeds and kicking down doors it was just like any other day. It was that day forward that Ka Riu and Amaterasu became inseperable. For they both knew that they were now on the number one most wanted list of the Shiawase Corporation.

Ka Riu informed her that they were also number one of Ares Macrotechnology as well for the Dragon also wanted to subjugate and dominate Ka Riu for his power as well. Dragons were always so greedy and when they learn of other dragons or drakes, will capture them and subjugate them for their own power. Amaterasu gave Ka Riu the handle Taiyō, in order to hide his identity and took great lengths to hide him while she delved even deeper into hiding. Now she was at war with the most powerful corporation in the world and the eight most powerful corporation in the world and two of the most influential dragons the world have ever seen. She kept Ka Riu close to her side, knowing how important it was keeping a dragon out of the influence of the other corporations. She even dared to hope that one day they could even fight them on equal terms and stop their corrupted tyranical dominion over the lives of everyone in the world.

11/19/2023 11:19 PM 

Stats and Abilities

Amaterasu is an Adept in Shadowrun. She primarily focuses on unarmed combat and stealth infiltration. Her stats are as follows.

BOD: 12
AGI: 11 
REA: 9 
STR: 12 
CHA: 3 
INT: 6 
WIL: 6 (10) when Adept Spell Increase Attribute WIL is active 
MAG: 15 

Stat Explain: 
3 is considered Human norm 
6 is Human natural max 
10 is human possible maximum limit. (Considered super human) 
10+ is considered beyond human capabilities whether magically augmented or cybernetically augmented. 

Homura is technically an Orc matavariant or subspecies called an Oni. The Orc species have a far greater capacity for strength than humans do. Despite this, she is still considered one of the strongest Oni/Orcs in the world.

Bioware Augmentation: 
Bone Density Augmentation Strengthens Bones, increase Damage resistance and allows harder unarmed strikes. 
Muscle Augmentation 4 ranks. (Increase STR by 4) From 8 to 12. Constantly active. 

Mentor Spirit- Shark Spirit (Can call upon Mentor spirit.) Shark has enhanced unarmed attacks and increases damage with unarmed attacks. 

Adept Powers 

Adept Spell Increase attribute: WIL (Allows her to cast spell to temporarily increase her willpower. Sustain it on her own, causing regular drain (NOT RECOMMENDED) Or Use a Spellcasting Sustainment Foci to sustain the spell for longer. 

Combat Sense: Allows her to become hyper aware of attacks and assists in dodging attacks and seeing hidden attacks coming. Cannot be surprised. 

Improved Physical attribute AGI rank 4 (Increase AGI by 4) From 7 to 11. Constantly active. 

Improved Physical attribute BOD rank 4 (Increase BOD by 4) From 8 to 12. Constantly active. 

Improved Reflexes Rank 3 (Superhuman reflexes. Beyond what is naturally possible. Allows Amaterasu to attack up to four times faster than regular people.  

Killing Hands: Magically charged Amaterasu’s hands. Turn nonlethal unarmed damage into lethal unarmed damage. Can harm spirits and destroy magical beings and constructs. 

Mystic armor: Creates magical armor when activated. Defends from attacks. 

Penetrating strike: Allows unarmed attacks to pierce and punch through armor. Allows for armor piercing unarmed strikes. 

Positive Qualities: 

Biocompatibility (Bioware) 
Exceptional Attribute STR 
Low Light vision 
Mentor Spirit (Shark) 
Prototype Transhuman 
The Warriors Way (Adept Way) 
Though as Nails Physical and Stun 

Negative Qualities: 
Wanted (Shiawase) 
Day Job (Part Time Sensei) 
Impassive (Emotionally numb) 
Poor Self Control (Sadistic and Combat Monster) 
Striking Skin Pigmentation 

11/19/2023 11:18 PM 


Amaterasu is an Oni woman. She has red skin covered in darker red tattoos, horns protruding from her head and tusk like teeth protruding from her mouth. She has bright red, blazing like eyes. Almost like miniature suns for eyes. She is massive, even by Oni standards as a result of the extensive experiments and implants put into her by the Prototype Transhuman experiments when she was born. She stands over 7 feet tall. Where most Oni only stand up to 5 foot 8 inches tall. She has an incredibly physically powerful body.

She is moderately muscular as most of her strength comes from her magic. Her body is still quite lithe and flexible and very toned. She often wears a black kung fu sleeveless bodysuit with golden bracers around her wrists and a golden waist belt that covers her stomach. She has gray long hair that goes down past her waist. She has a fiery toothy grin plastered onto her face that seems to be locked in a semi permanent state. She only breaks the grin when she speaks or eats but for the most part it seems completely unconscious. She is always smiling. Her body is covered in dark red dragon tattoos that are a darker red hue than her red skin.



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