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03/15/2024 12:20 PM 


1.) No minors, in or out of character.

2.) Please be respectful, I'm here to have fun and not drama.

3.) Please no rushing, I have a busy life irl and will get to replies whenever I can.

4.) No one liners (paragraphs usually preferred)

5.) I'm usually on discord most of the time and I do not just give it out to anyone, only people I feel comfortable with or are friends.

6.) Do not try controlling my character or how I write her.

7.) After months of not hearing back or from you, will most likely remove you.

8.) while my character is bisexual, I write her strictly as a sub or switch in some cases.

9.) I am fine with mature themes added into stories, but I won't just write straight porn. I prefer characters getting to meet and get to know each other first.

10.) Please no random starters, I prefer talking OOC first and discussing what we both would prefer or not prefer in a story. 

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