09/04/2023 01:40 PM 

Rules To Follow

1. Please Take the time to read My Blog first before starting a discussion, I will do the same for you.
2. No Random Starters, please. It is hard to get the creativity flowing without discussing a plot of some kind first.
3. RL things do happen, so sometimes I might not always be online though I will be active a lot of the time. It's just sometimes things get busy and I have to step away. Will always notify with a status post when this happens.
4. For romance to happen there must be chemistry between our characters, I prefer a long story first before going toward anything romantic.
5. I will respect you, I just ask you do the same for me.
6. Roleplaying is a Hobby of Mine, Please don't pressure me into replying quickly even if you see me online. I tend to leave things open in the background while doing something else as times. Please don't think I am ignoring you, because I am not.
7. Roleplaying and RL are kept separate, I will be willing to chat using Ooc, but nothing more then that.
8. I hope we can get along, have fun writing with each other and make wonderful stories together.

05/06/2004 01:15 PM 

Elora Luthana

Name ~ Elora Luthana
Title ~ Princess
Age ~ Appears to be be in her Mid 20's (Elves age differently, she is actually 1,000 years old)
Species - Wood Elf
Addictions - Sparring, Fighting, Drinking
Hair Color - Crimson Red
Eyes - Emerald Green
Height - 5'2
Weight - 125lbs
Body - Lean, build for speed
Sexuality - Straight
Relationship - Single
Family - Lord Elred (Father), Lady Elmyra (Mother), Prince Elyon (Brother)
Personality - Cautious, Observant, and Sometimes Shy
Settings For Storylines -  Anything fitting for a wood elf

Being Born as the youngest, That made me a favorite among my parents. My mother was so happy to finally have a daughter after having two miscarriage pregnancies. She feared she would never have a daughter until the day I was born. I was considered a blessing among the clan of wood elves. My father adored me and even my older brother Elyon did, though he was jealous at times with because our mother spent most of her time with me. As I grew, I was taught many things in life. Elyon protected me from most things while both he and our father taught me how to handle weapons in case I ever needed to fight. My mother taught me how to cook and even though we didn't eat meat, there was a lot to learn from her. I preferred to spend more time with Elyon then in the kitchen with our mother. When evil thing threatened our homeland, Our Father was the one who lead the clan to battle. Elyon was allowed to go with the men, while the rest of us were forced to stay behind. Even though I wasn't allowed to go with them, I still protected the clan with my bow and knives. I wish I could fight side by side with my brother, I hate being forced to stay behind with the others. One day, I will get my chance to fight with them. I just have to learn to be paitent. My time will come eventually...

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