06/17/2023 10:03 AM 

One of those blogs.
Current mood:  adventurous

1. Patience is a virtue. This is a hobby, not an obligation. I'll respond when I can. Remove me if I'm too slow for your preference. ~(o^o )~ That being said, do not ever feel obligated to respond back to me a.s.a.p. TAKE YOUR TIME. 💚
2. Stories will not be limited to just fantasy settings. Modern and futuristic ones are welcome. Just gotta work on a decent-enough backstory story for my green gang to fit into such settings (eventually). >.>)b
3. Discussion first and random starters are both welcome. I try not to over-indulge in discussion though, keeping it minimum as I can to not spoil the good stuff before our story even begin.
4. Have fun. Don't worry about length or over-describing or under-describing stuff. If neither or both of us aren't having fun, what's the point of even going about this hobby, you know? x:

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