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07/15/2023 02:40 PM 

A few faces of Sirene Maxine

Sirene is a flexible character, but she has some preset background stories for those who likes to jump straight to sending starters. If you do so, I ask that you put the title of her background as the subject line (or mention it a bit), so I am not confused. These backgrounds can be altered to fit any time period, just give me a heads up!

Falling through the cracks (Non human)
Her birth parents are unknown, as well as the day she was truly born. Those who surrendered her to a hospital, and eventually the foster system counted the day she was found as her birth date. Navigating in and out of the system had it's ups and downs, but one thing that made it easy was this ability that seemed to appear the moment she became conscious of the world around her. It started when she sat in the shadowy corner of her foster parents# 2 living room. She was relaxed, watching television and then suddenly felt herself sinking into the floor and wall. At first she was terrified, her immediate reaction resembling that of someone learning how to swim. The young girl was in another world, a place where it was so dark, you could not see your hands in front of your face even if it was pressed against your skin. She knew it was this dark, yet somehow she felt like she could see. Shadowy figures that seemed to move in unsettling ways, structures that her poor mind couldn't comprehend. She had no idea what this place was or why she was even there, and in a panic she ran forward. It is still unclear to her how she returned to her home, but when she calmed down she was in the kitchen of the home, dripping in sweat and feeling as if she ran a mile. After a while, she began to experiment with this ability, though she made sure a knife was in her hand as she did so.

This ability helped her in various ways, usually revealed within the story. Once she aged out of the foster system Sirene had two options: Try to live a normal life and obtain that textbook happy family she always desired, or use every ounce of what she could do to her advantage. Only time could tell, but one thing is for certain..she was going to figure out what the hell she is. Even if it kills her.
The Lost Child (Human)

Her birth parents are unknown, as well as the day she was truly born. Those who surrendered her to a hospital, and eventually the foster system counted the day she was found as her birth date. Navigating in and out of the system had it's ups and downs, and as she got older it only went downhill. She always hoped to be adopted into a loving home, but she wasn't as lucky as her peers. She was a paycheck, and that's all she could be. At least she wasn't starving, right? Sirene, like many kids in her situation fell into the wrong crowd in order to survive. Stealing was her better talent. From pick pocketing to boosting, she was the one you called if you needed something specific. She pocketted a bit of money in secret so when it came to leave the foster system, she wouldn't be so down and out. 

the time comes, she is out in the world and now she has two options: Try to live a normal life and obtain that textbook happy family she always desired, or will her past taint the bright future she could have? Only time will tell...
Sweet as can be (Human/Non human)
Sirene had a rough start. Being an orphan, going from foster home to foster home. But finally she found a place she could call her own. Her parents are the sweetest people, and of course they know when to punish her when she's being a bit..unruly. But what kid or teenager isn't unruly from time to time? After years of being within a stable home and even getting adopted before she aged out of the system, Sirene graduates highschool and pursues her education within a community college first. But her major, her future? She had no idea. She only knows she wants a normal life. 
The Best little cake pop (Human/non human child)
All she wants is a home. She has no idea where she comes from but she definitely knows who she is! Sirene will one day be a doctor..or maybe a lawyer... or maybe a teacher! Teachers are so nice to her. She is one of the smart kids in class, though she can't really see without those glasses they put on her face...except for at night. She's good at seeing at night. It makes reading much easier since that is when she is alone. Maybe this next family will be the ones to adopt her for good. She promises, she will be the best kid they ever have.... and she would kill for it. 

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