09/11/2023 05:06 PM 

Human/Civilian-Marine Biologist- Character background.

Character: Vivian Sokolov
Age: 25 
Languages: Russian and English

Father: Boris Sokolov - Russian Naval Spetsnaz Diver for 15 years, left the military at age 33, became a Physical Oceanographer (study of the oceans' physical properties and dynamic processes.) Owns an international company/school that maps out underwater cave systems and works with government agencies to map out ocean floors as well as gather information on the ecosystem and the organisms that live within them. The company also runs a dive school, so that they can offer in-house dive school to their scientists and employees,
    A leading contributor to ocean conservation, the company has an entire department dedicated to protecting the oceans. From creating technology to replace harmful machinery used in marine operations to having teams that work to combat unethical illegal fishing, dumping, mining, and underwater construction, by means of physical interdiction.

Mother: Oksana Petrov - Marine Conservation Biologist/Ecologist runs the family business. Very well-respected Doctor of marine science, and worked side by side with the Russian Naval forces, where she met Boris. She graduated from the James Cook University in Australia at age 28. Gave birth to her one and only child, Vivian Sokolov, at 30 years old.

Vivian was born and raised on the water, to parents who had dedicated their entire lives to the ocean. Instead of going to school and living a standard Russian life, she was brought up learning biology through first-hand experience, learning to dive, to respect and love nature, all while developing a hunger for knowledge. Despite not going to public school, the young woman was far from uneducated. Having spent her entire childhood surrounded by world-class scientists, she grew into a highly intelligent teenager who was accepted into college at the young age of sixteen, after getting a perfect score on the EGE, the college placement test. She received offers from schools all over Russia, as well as invites from military recruiters, asking her to consider joining the military when she was of age. Something her father was strongly against.
    By the age of twenty-three, she held a doctorate in marine veterinary care and a minor in marine conservation and management. She had thought about following her mother's footsteps and going to college for Marine Biology, but after having spent her entire life essentially in school for it, she decided to pick up something new, that all of her knowledge would go well with in the long run. She did not wish to relearn everything, so going to school for oceanography like her father was also out of the question. She did, however, formally go through the dive school through her family's company to get officially licensed as a master diver.

When Vivian graduated school and returned to her family, she worked closely with her dad for two years on a team that protected open waters from unchecked private companies or people posing a risk to sea life.
Halfway through her twenties she finally decided it was time for her to go out and do her own research. She had her own unique beliefs and since she had the means to do so, she wished to seek out answers on her own. And so her solo travels began.

09/07/2023 08:13 PM 

Star Wars back story

Orphaned at the age of 3, Vivian was sold as a slave to Maz Kanata, who had only purchased the tiny child to free her. Maz knew she was not the right person to raise a child full-time, so she took Vivian to a native tribe on Takadona, known to be an outgoing group of people, passionate about spirituality and fiercely protective over children. They took Vivian in without hesitation and raised her with love, teaching her how to survive off the planet and how to defend herself, about energy, meditation, mindfulness, and self-control. Maz would visit her often growing up. When Vivian turned sixteen she began working at Maz’s castle as a bartender. She was hungry for knowledge, eager to learn about the universe and the force that called out to her, and the castle was an excellent place for her to learn about the galaxy without having to leave her adoptive family behind.
      Vivian went to Maz when she was a young girl and told her about things that she would see, hear and feel, that no one else could. At first, Maz seemed to try and convince Vivian that it was all in her head, but after a while, she caved and told Vivian about the force and just a little about the Jedi and how the empire had been hunting and killing them, in hopes that it would scare her away from ever wanting to use the force. Maz only wanted to protect her, as the vast majority of the galaxy hadn’t been safe for force users in quite a long time, without a proper teacher who could also protect her, Maz didn’t see it as practical for Vivian to train in the force. Not surprisingly though, it didn’t stop the hard headed teen, the burning curiosity inside her won every time. She had no teacher, so she found her own way of getting information. She could easily eavesdrop on conversations, ask questions and convince patrons to indulge in storytelling.
      Eventually, she was able to score some old and worn down books with missing pages about the Jedi and their use of the force, by bargaining with an old pirate who frequented the castle. Vivian had been able to feel the force her entire life, but there was no one around willing to teach her how to use it or tap into it. She had however learned to focus on it at a really young age, she first noticed it when she would practice holding her breath as a child. Her mind always seemed to be called into another state of being. She could feel a presence so strong all around her that she sometimes got the urge to reach out and feel the space around her as if it was tangible. She obsessively focused on the sensation and began to experience it in places other than the water. If she closed her eyes and focused really hard on all of the sounds around her, that same feeling would return. In those moments she could hold her breath longer, see better or hear better, run longer, and solve problems in her head faster.
     For years Vivian spent all of her free time meditating or doing activities that made it easy for her to slip into a state of being hyper focused. Once she was around 9 years old she had put two and two together and realized, though she did not know what to call it, she was tapping into the force a little bit more every time. Over time she developed a 6th sense. She could snatch fish out of the water with her bare hands, and shoot targets with her eyes closed. She could almost always sense when there was danger. She would often practice by going for runs through the forest with her eyes closed, getting to a point where she could spring almost full speed through the woods without running into anything or tripping. It wasn’t until she had books about the force in her possession that she started expanding her practice, doing the best she could without a teacher.
     By the age of 19 she was using the force to calm people down during fights at the bar. She could pick up on people's intentions, she could predict small occurrences in her day-to-day life. When she was alone, she would use the force to move and pick up things that weren’t too far away or too big. Vivian had read the books she was given over and over again, drilling the information into her head. However after a time had passed, and some very character-building experiences later, Vivian had some doubts about the way of the Jedi. Through experience, she knew that it wasn’t all light. On many occasions, her negative emotions had made it quite easy to harness the force. She had started to develop her own views, believing it was important to have a balance between darkness and light. This was a fundamental belief of the tribe that raised her, though the tribe itself had no interest in the ways of the force. She did not confide in anyone other than Maz when it came to her abilities, she had been fervently warned about letting it get out, she knew the risks, yet as her 20th birthday approached, she was determined to explore the universe and get experience firsthand. She decided she was finally ready to leave the planet she called home, for the first time.

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