06/01/2024 10:36 PM 

Keyblade Wielder, Jade

Jade was born in Radiant Garden(formely know as Hallow Bastion) as she was chosen the wield a Keyblade. Ever since then, she has been going to different worlds, make new friends, fighting against enemies and doing everything in her power to stop the darkness and Organization XIII.

05/28/2024 07:42 PM 

The Princess of the Seas, Jade

Descended from the Nereids, sea-nymphs of Greek mythology, Jade's domain is the ocean, and all that dwells within it.
A semi-divine entity that recurs in sailor's tales, the Sea Princess is known for her fondness for humans - guiding ships safely to harbor, and protecting those lost at sea.

Despite the power and responsibility she wields, the mermaid is a playful and affectionate soul. She loves to watch humans on the beaches, and sometimes will even sing to them.
She is often to be found frolicking amid coral reefs, playing tag with colorful shoals of fish, and combing out her hair by shimmering seaside pools.

Of course, just as the sea is capricious and changeable, so too are the tempers of its mistress.
Anger not the waters, traveller, lest ye discover their depths.

05/21/2024 10:35 PM 

Ace Attorney OC: Phoenixia Wright

In the year of 3016, Phoenixia Wright has worked her way to become the greatest defense attorney like her ancestor, Phoenix Wright. Phoenixia will defend her clients til the bitter end and will do whatever it takes to fight for the truth.

05/20/2024 07:54 PM 


I feel like I need to put these up. These are simple rules.

1. Please have some respect and some common sense when you message me. Don't start in character. I like to plan out a RP before we start.

2. No god modding. I like to control my own characters. It's no fun to control someone else's characters.

3. Please be literate. If you make a mistake in your replies, I understand. I've done that before. Just don't type something I can't read.

4. No one liners PERIOD! It gives me nothing to work on.

5. Don't spam me. I do have a life outside of this. If I don't reply, don't spam me with a lot of messages or block me when I'm busy. I'll get to it as soon as I can.

6. I prefer story driven RPs. I'm OK with a little bit of romance, but I'm not into the heavy side of romance.

7. This is a very important rule. We're here to have fun. Don't take the RP seriously. It's like a game and we're all here to escape from the world. So, please, let's all have fun.

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