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02/06/2023 09:40 PM 



"Such a waste of life."

Hazel eyes fixated on the bloodshed of the battlefield. Humans at war for power. The power to rule all. And for what? To have a human as a leader - what a pointless concept. Humans had no sense of wielding power. It was pointless to try and stop them. The virgo goddess had tried many times to get humans to stop their fighting, but the nature of their kind always deluded them to the evils plagued upon them.

"What is my purpose on this world.."

A tear fell beneath her solemn cheek. Collasping to her knees, a wretched sob followed. She was put on Earth to protect them, to keep humans from falling into corruption but at what end..? Would she ever be reunited with her goddess?
Her heart was longing..longing for the humans to stop fighting, to stop their wars, to vanquish their thrist for blood and power. But she was powerless. Only those with pure souls or those that worshipped the gods did she have the ability to keep safe from the perils of human nature.

Is this why she chose to be seen? Leaving her kitsune form - her goddess form. 

Taking on a human form to be seen by humans. To be seen by the very beings she detested. The beings that kept her tied to this Earth..

She needed to be seen. 

She didn’t need to be saved. She needed to be found and appreciated for exactly who she was.

Her sobbing was that of a grieving mother who had just lost a child. Full of sorrow, sadness, hopelessness.
Face buried in her hands, tears dripping down her arms. Quivering heaves of breath was all that could be heard amongst the hundreds of dead soldiers of the ground she stood. Though, her cried of despair cries were not in vain. The sound of a gasp gripping for air, gripping for life called to her.


As if the gods themselves were answering to her - her head jolted up from the palms of her hands, swiftly turning her head to the direction of where the sound was heard. Without hesitation, the goddess stood up to her feet and ran. There was someone who needed her, someone that could make her feel like she was meant to be in this world.


Even if it lasted only a moment.

Hazel eyes scanned the bodies, searching for any sign of movement or whispers when she heard the gurgling of someone choking. Spotting a splash of blood coughed up, she found the man who had called to her. The remnant of tears streaked along her soft cheeks, looking down at the bloodied and wounded soldier clinging to life. Dirt mix with blood spilled from his mouth, his wounds, his clothing, every inch of him was buried in red fury.

The goddess knelt down raising the soldier's head, his eyes were cold, barely any life in them, clouded in misery. "You poor child.." Haunted whispers muffled by her hand as she wept. The seemingly dead soldier tapped a finger along her arm, gaining her attention as they locked eyes. His eyes were pleading her, it was faint, but it was there; pleading for her to help him, to save him.

Seeing that glimmer in his eyes swelled tears in her eyes. Without a word, she simply nodded. Her hand gently hovered over his eyes as she closed her own, concentrating as she looked to her cosmic powers deep from within her. Her eyes opened wide, a glowing light emitting from them as she looked down at the wounded solider. As the bright light faded, hazel eyes rested upon the mortal once more.

 "May you live a long and happy life - bless be the gods.."

Laying his head down gently, a weak soft smile appeared on her lips as she wiped the tears from her eyes. For that moment in time, the goddess felt happy.

Happiness, an emotion she seemingly numbed away. Somehow, this one mortal made her  f e e l  again. Eons ago had she felt such an emotion, happiness. Often, when she was still quite young and full of life, she could dream - now her dreams haunted her. Always the same one.

A haunting dream, of a far off place with roaring cheers as deities laid eyes on her face - full of pride and welcome. Her dream of returning home. Then a soul-stirring voice calls to her.
 "This is not where you are meant to be . . ."

.…And she awakens. Her happiness had been stripped from her, dreaming every day - this very same dream. Yet, this single mortal managed to make the goddess smile - to feel happiness. Indulging her moment.
However, that blessed moment of happiness was short-lived. The sounds of horses galloping turned her head back. A small group of soldiers were approaching, spotting her as they yelled after her. "Don't move witch!"

The goddess ran off, quickly making haste for the woods. Too weak to transform into her kitsune form to disappear from their sight, she had no choice but to run. Her heart was beating rapidly, tears weeping from her eyes once again.


No . . .

No . . !

NO ! ! !

I cannot keeping running away like this. I want to find my way.

If I can be strong . . .


Maybe I can find where I belong.



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