05/03/2023 01:43 PM 

Death in all his glory (bio)


Death came into existence shortly after the first lifeforms appeared in the universe.

He is destined to function as the embodiment of both life and death until the very last living thing is dead. After that, he was destined to put the universe to rest

Death is generally a kind individual, though this was not always the case, billions of years ago he was quite cold and pragmatic. Everyone meets him twice: at birth he gives the breath of life, and everyone, from stars to gods, see him once more. At the end of time, when the universe dies, he claims that he will "put up the chairs, turn off the lights, and lock the doors behind me when I leave."

Death, by his own admission, was not always who he now is. At the beginning of time, he thought he had the hardest job it made her unhappy - so sad, in fact, he stopped doing it. When nothing died, chaos reigned, and he was begged to return to his realm. He did so, but he became "hard and cold and brittle inside."

His demeanor didn't change until he was asked by one he collected; "How would you like it?" After that, he resolved to live for one day as mortal to see how he liked it, and what he could learn. It was only after his taste of mortality that he altered the way he thought about his job. He decided that at the end, most would be glad for the company of a friend, and that was what he tried to become.

He has been known to have trouble catching sarcasm and jests, causing him to often appear cold and humorless. Though with having spent so much time with humans he tends to do better, only every once in awhile will a joke go completely over his head.

Despite Death's kind and gentle nature He is able to inspire great fear and intimidate the most fearsome and persistent of cosmic forces.

Powers and abilities

Personification of Death: Death is the personification of all death and life, he meets with the recently deceased and guides them into their new existence. Unlike most personifications of death, he also visits people as they are born.
He was once referred to as "He who trumps and defines all of existence". Death has the power to free the soul of a body and escort a soul to its appropriate destination. Death sometimes leaves this task to various death gods. For death gods or demons to claim a soul instead of Death himself, they usually have to have a valid claim on the soul; either a contract with the deceased or the deceased worshiped the death god's pantheon. The exact nature of the relationship between death gods and Death itself is unknown.

Nigh-Omnipresence: Being Death, he is everywhere on Earth at any moment, but not in a form visible to humans, usually. He can travel instantly anywhere in the mortal realm, and, so long as he shows proper respect, he can easily enter and transit most magical realms, too. Death apparently is also there at the time of one's birth and can infuse a body with life. He commonly does this at the time of birth or at certain times to give another a second chance (reincarnation).

Immortality: Death is ageless and virtually immortal. Death is such a powerful being that he can undo his immortality and become mortal for a short time.

Shape-shifting: Death can change his size, appearance and clothing instantly at will.

Superhuman Reflexes

Teleportation:  Death can instantly travel anywhere on the planet and from any realm he chooses.

Grant of Immortality: Death can relinquish his duty to seek a soul, causing it to live forever and only go on to seek it if the person tires of this burden

Mediumship: He can sense, interact with, and see spirits in the world of the living. He can also leave a soul on Earth as a ghost.

Relationships/ Family

Death has siblings (Much like The Endless in The Sandman) While they are unable to have relations with humans, Death seems to be the only one who is able to do what he wants.

Life, who is his sister can also be his partner, romantically. It has always been said that Death has always been in love with "Life."


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