07/20/2022 12:11 PM 

Rules, regulations, and fun tips!~

Ok time for the ground work!~ I hope I don't forget anything...

1. We are here to role play right? So let's role play!!~ That is to say being completely mute is unacceptable. 
2. On the note of communication... PLEASE DO NOT USE COMMENTS... Ye... Ummm... You see above where I said I hope I don't forget anything. If you use profile comments I kinda forget they exist and they go unanswered. So messages only please.
3. I adore picture comment, and adore stream banter. Like... Trust me I'll aways PC4PC and expect me to be all up in streams having fun responding to you or making my own stuff to try and get people to respond.
4. No drama outside of RP. Like... None... At all... Please...
5. Do not expect me to do everything. You exist don't you?! I hope You do or else I'd be talking to an AI or something. I want you to have a voice too, so please have one.
6. I always feel the need for a relationships rule. Its simple... I only monoship if you don't monoship then don't seek a relationship with my character, and all relationships are RP only!
6.1: Any chance for a relationship will ONLY exist with interactions between our characters and from us actually having our characters form that bond.
6.2: I honestly was hoping I'd never have to add in 6.1 and 6.2, but seems situations demanded it. This one is in regards to lewd, 18+, ero, what ever you want to call it. Its ONLY with people my character is in an active relationship with, period, no exceptions. Also no matter what, no is a no and means no, and if I say no and you try to push the point or try to circumvent restrictions I put in place. Bye!~
7. I do not have a computer. I do everything from my phone, so sometimes my autocorrect is going to brutalize something I type and I won't notice. Just ask for clarification if you need it.
8. I mostly talk in character. Of course for discussions and such I break that a bit, but I mostly just keep my energy and mannerisms equal to Zains.
9. I am running out of things to say but I want this to be thirteen long because I just want to... Ummm... Oh! I work, please understand that I may not be super fast at responding because of that.
10. This is getting harder... Uhhhh uhhhh... Please be respectful? That's common courtesy, but uh yea let's keep filling these out. Oh wait! Better one! Should also be common knowledge... Who ever sent the friend request is incharge of the greeting.
​11. Ok three more to go... Please ummm... Uhhh... Yea we are both here to have fun, if you're not just say so and let's work together to fix it!~
12. Did you know that before I start typing anything I pick a detail, number, or desired action/ outcome that I MUST include no matter what? Like choosing thirteen rules... I decided I was going to for fun, can't stop myself now... As I think you're learning while you read this and see me telling you this useless tidbit because I don't know what to put here.
13. MADE IT! did you? I hope you did!~ If you got here without cheating... What's your name, favorite color, favorite fruit, and why did I pick 13 as the number of rules, also why didn't I shorten it after I ran out of rules?

07/20/2022 10:16 PM 

Character general information

Name: Zain
​​​​​Race: RP dependent, but always Human and Hummingbird is some way.
Age: 16-21 RP dependent 
Height: 5' 9.25"
Weight: 70lb
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi (Male lean)
Status/Lover: Single/ No one
Strengths: Perfect recall, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Reaction Time, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Sight, and Enhanced Hearing.
Weaknesses: Requires Sugar/ Glucose to live, has very little to no taste unless it's sweet, has nearly no sense of smell.
Enjoys: Sweets, having fun, making friends, trying to make others laugh, and kind people.
Hates: Mean people, anything he can't taste, being told how good something smells, seeing others hurt, not being able to help.
Ticks: Can't stay still, will do anything for attention, doesn't know how or when to stop, feels useless if he's not constantly doing something.

Zain is a fun loving and kind person. While most people find him annoying due to him always jittering, humming, acting out for attention. He doesn't have any family, a home, or much that he calls his own aside from his specialized drinks and candies that supplement his immense glucose need. He works every day, but his home depending on setting is a treehouse he made himself in a forest that he has worked on basically gathering and living without connection any city amenities, or an abandoned building he works on and upgrades himself to have amenities that he may or may not be stealing. His pastimes when not working is to rehabilitate animals that he finds injured or take care of the lost or abandoned strays that are around where he lives. He always says he has no memory of his childhood or family when he does remember very well but he wishes and hopes that he could forget. Due to what he is and how it happens in the setting he remembers the death of his family and all that lead up to where he is now. He wishes to feel connected to others like that once more, but as he keeps forging forward in his life he has grown to accept that outside of his not at home activities, he will likely be alone. Though because if this when he's at work, school, or out and about he does random and impulsive things to get attention or make others smile and laugh. As far as he's concerned people can love him or hate him, but he just wants to see them smile and laugh no matter what it takes.

07/20/2022 10:15 PM 


As you know if you read Zains story, his true family is dead. That does not stop him from trying to make himself a new one. Anyone can be family just ask, but do know that if you join his family you are expected to accept the other family members too.

Mother: None
Father: None
Elder Sister: None
Elder Brother: None
Younger Sister: None
Younger Brother: None

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